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How Long Did It Take You To Get Used To Your Vulcan?


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my Vulcan V2 came back today and im just finding it a bit awkward to set. no knurling adds to the grip difficulty even when i use chalk.

has anyone else had the same problem, or do you just stick to the torsion spring grippers?


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It is just harder to set. Rather than getting used to it you will find you are just getting a real strong set. YOu will notice this when you go bact to torsion spring grippers. THey will feel like they are soft.

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It takes a while, but it's worth it. Here's some things I learned from the guys here that have helped me:

  • Wash your hands with soap before your grip workouts to be sure they are free of any oils, etc....the chalk works better on clean skin.
  • Watch some youtube videos on how to set the vulcan....it helps me to stand with my gripping side foot forward, flex my lat and brace my elbow into my side
  • Actively flex and drive your gripping thumb forward to prevent the handle from sliding down your palm when setting the gripper

Above all else, be patient and don't give up.....I went from hating the Vulcan to loving it in a very short period of time.

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It took me a couple weeks of working with the V2 to start feeling somewhat comfortable with the set and also with the overall feel of closing it. Keep at it, and I'm positive that it'll soon be one of your favorite grip toys.

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sounds like i should just use it until it becomes natural.

how do you all find handles? since theres no knurling. can you grip it ok and all that wihen using chalk?

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Yes I find the V2 is Harder to set than Torsion Spring Gripper's. But I find when I go back to the TSG I am able to set these better after a bit of Work on the Vulcan. I try and include both V2 and TSG's into My Routine to get the best of both World's.

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Yes I find the V2 is Harder to set than Torsion Spring Gripper's. But I find when I go back to the TSG I am able to set these better after a bit of Work on the Vulcan. I try and include both V2 and TSG's into My Routine to get the best of both World's.

That sounds like the best idea. if you mix up both youll see the carryover quicker aswell. im gonna see if i can get mine knurled by a friend of a friend. i just cant grip these smooth handles.

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The V2 is very, very hard to set compared to anything else. The set is a huge struggle, and the close is an afterthought. It is doable though, and my hands are on the short side.

I agree with mixing up Vulcan and TSG in training.

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  • 1 month later...

I just received mine yesterday, batch 3. Holy cow, the thing is a weapon...beautiful. I'm gonna have to get some chalk though. I don't see making it very far without it, those handles are really slick. Seems as though the resistance is pretty constant, at least compared to a torsion spring, which would account for the aforementioned difficult set. Pretty stoked on this thing right now.


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