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Weight Classes?


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Parris noted this update from the International Grip Collective in another thread so I thought I would ask for clarification.


So now there are official men's classes at 59k, 66k, 74k, 83k, 93k, 105k, 120k, 120k+?

Can the IGC members talk more about how these will be used, and what will happen to existing tracking for classes such as 82.5k.

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Matt - dicussions on many issues are of course on going - but with there being a few contests being held this Sat - we wanted to get this basic information out there. The 82.5 results will be rolled directly into the 83K class. David and Jedd are going to act as spokemen for the group so I'm somewhat out of line here. We'll keep everyone updated as things are decided.

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Thank you Chris. I subscribed to Jedd's announcement thread as well once I found that.

I think this is great news. I hope to set some 74k records!

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not really. I was planning to stay in the 100k class even with my post gripmas weight gain. 105k just puts a lock on that plan.

Thank you Chris. I subscribed to Jedd's announcement thread as well once I found that.

I think this is great news. I hope to set some 74k records!

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Cool. Curious to see how the weight classes were arrived at. I don't have a problem with any of them, just wondering about the uneven numbers like 59kg, etc.

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Cool. Curious to see how the weight classes were arrived at. I don't have a problem with any of them, just wondering about the uneven numbers like 59kg, etc.

These are the newly adopted IPF (International Powerlifting Federation) classes. I like them for several reasons. There are "only" eight, which is more grip appropriate, as compared to the eleven used in other organizations. All of the weight divisions are whole numbers. The spread in weight between the classes increases as you go up the ladder. That's logical. And even though the USAPL is still going with the traditional weight classes, most powerlifters throughout the world can now compete in grip without having to adjust their bodyweight.

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Whoa, how did we go from scrapping together 3 to having 8? How are promoters supposed to divid up their attendees now? Will our US Elite class be affected in any way? It should stay the same with no weight class designation.

No offence to all those putting in the work to make things happen but is 8 taking a far too big leap then what we are ready for?

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Daniel, I believe the intention is that the classes will be tracked but not necessarily contested.

Any given promoter could say what cutoffs would apply for awards, but anyone who weighed in properly could have their lifts tracked in their weight class. They could set a bunch of world records and finish last in the actual contest.

Just my impression, I don't know for sure.

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Matt is correct. The weight classes are mainly going to be used first and foremost as means of ranking and record keeping. The individual meet director is not obligated to hold each class or even to award prizes to each class. What we do want is to have the accurate records. I believe this will bring trmeendous validity to the sport. Just two weekends ago I had a visitor to my gym and we got on the subject of Grip Sport and they immediately honed in on the lack of weight classes.

There will be much more to come along these lines as we are discussing quite a bit.

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Guys - please hold off on all the comments and criticisms and give us a little time. We're covering an awful lot of territory here and trying to look at things far down the road and wanting to include all aspects for a more Global community - hence 59K class for possible Oriental involvement etc. If everyone doesn't panic on us and gives us some time - I think we will present you with something that makes a lot of sense. A little patience please. The fact that we have a couple contests going on this Sat meant we had to annouce this much quickly.

Edited by climber511
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Ok thanks for clarifying Jedd.

Like I said, I didn't mean any offense to the 5. Having been in a lot of I wish I said something moments it only makes sense to comment. It is what it is, the worse that could happen is it's simply read by someone then ignored.

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Noted Chris.

But can you blame us for being excited? The 74k class is the best thing that's ever happened to me! :)

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I'm just waiting for the 194.5# class for me. :P Just playin, the weight is now getting stubborn to put on though. I guess 30# in 9 months is fast enough.

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the weight is now getting stubborn to put on though. I guess 30# in 9 months is fast enough.

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I'm just waiting for the 194.5# class for me. :P Just playin, the weight is now getting stubborn to put on though. I guess 30# in 9 months is fast enough.

What's that doing to your climbing? I'm 20# heavier than when I climbed at my best (20 years older too I guess) - is lifting becomeing more important to you than climbing?

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I'm just waiting for the 194.5# class for me. :P Just playin, the weight is now getting stubborn to put on though. I guess 30# in 9 months is fast enough.

What's that doing to your climbing? I'm 20# heavier than when I climbed at my best (20 years older too I guess) - is lifting becomeing more important to you than climbing?

Yes, lifting and grip and now more important than climbing. For a while it was even but not in recent months. I still climb but not hard and rarely. I haven't noticed a big difference. I do pullups for warmups on lifting days, typically supersetted sets of 15-20 reps, so that really helps feel light on wall. So far I haven't noticed a huge difference but i'll bet at a max effort it'll be noticable. Then again my climbing max is down just based on not climbing very often. V4s and 11a are still warmups though so that hasn't changed.

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Noted Chris.

But can you blame us for being excited? The 74k class is the best thing that's ever happened to me! :)

Matt, I suspect you will be the man to beat in that class. Your gripper strength must be unmatched!

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Noted Chris.

But can you blame us for being excited? The 74k class is the best thing that's ever happened to me! :)

Matt, I suspect you will be the man to beat in that class. Your gripper strength must be unmatched!

Thanks Eric. We'll see -- I just need to put up in a contest! I've never been so focused in my training and I've never been in this good of shape. I really hope to be the first to log a 120% BW 2HP. If I can set even a 2# PR at my new lower bodyweight, I've got it.

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