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Double Overhand Deadlifts And Grippers

daniel reinard

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I'm putting this in the grip section for one simple reason, when I started doing deadlifts (double overhand no hook) my gripper performance shot up like crazy. I've heard this from others too. Hitting the grip via heavy DO deadlifts is the second best thing for gripper performance, second to working grippers of course. I'm not sure how many people have tried it but I know my grippers benefited greatly from it and so did my support grip. I remember when 405 was hit or miss if I can lift it DO grip.

455# deadlift with a hold to hit the hands

Edit: I'd like to add it whoops the butt out of the squat and gripper combo.

Edited by daniel reinard
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Is regular bar or axle better IYO

If you had to chose one I think the axle offers more benefits for grip. They oly bar has its benefits too. It probably helps more on MMS closes. The axle probably helps more on wide sets.

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This makes a lot of sense to me. I just started to train DO axle and I'm experiencing a surge on grippers.

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This makes a lot of sense to me. I just started to train DO axle and I'm experiencing a surge on grippers.

There you go. And don't be afraid to superset the two. I loved training MMS grippers between DO oly deads.

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daniel looked to me you done that quite easy thats strong stuff there mate :) iv had a hip operation so the full deadlift for me is a no no :( do you think i would get good results also if i set it in a power rack and went for timed holds..? i have a oly bar and also a thick bar

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daniel looked to me you done that quite easy thats strong stuff there mate :) iv had a hip operation so the full deadlift for me is a no no :( do you think i would get good results also if i set it in a power rack and went for timed holds..? i have a oly bar and also a thick bar

Sure would hit the hands if you did rack pulls and holds. I'd try to see how much you could pull DO in a rack then do a few sets ofholds.

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do you have your hands on the knurling or smooth? some of both?

All of thee above. It depends on the days goal. This lift was done all knurling because 455 was a long term goal. Once I got it I went for a max time hold.

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I'm putting this in the grip section for one simple reason, when I started doing deadlifts (double overhand no hook) my gripper performance shot up like crazy. I've heard this from others too. Hitting the grip via heavy DO deadlifts is the second best thing for gripper performance, second to working grippers of course. I'm not sure how many people have tried it but I know my grippers benefited greatly from it and so did my support grip. I remember when 405 was hit or miss if I can lift it DO grip.

455# deadlift with a hold to hit the hands

Edit: I'd like to add it whoops the butt out of the squat and gripper combo.

I've also notice a nice carry-over from DO deadlifts on a stadard bar to my gripper performance. Well done. See you in a few days.

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daniel looked to me you done that quite easy thats strong stuff there mate :) iv had a hip operation so the full deadlift for me is a no no :( do you think i would get good results also if i set it in a power rack and went for timed holds..? i have a oly bar and also a thick bar

Sure would hit the hands if you did rack pulls and holds. I'd try to see how much you could pull DO in a rack then do a few sets ofholds.

daniel thanks for the reply :) im gona work them into my routien and try both ways you have said ill just work into them slowly thanks again mate

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Being a lightweight guy I'm partial to believe someone's weight has little to do with being a good gripster. What might be misconstrued as big guys being great gripsters might just be that these guys lift heavy weights, and that's the correlation that should be made. Andy Bolton had a pretty impressive gripper close at one of Horne's comps when he had little experience on them. I'll bet if Andy only squatted his grip would not be impressive. Lifting heavy things translates to strong hands, not being big. It sure shocks the lower arms to do a max effort deadlift.

daniel thanks for the reply :) im gona work them into my routien and try both ways you have said ill just work into them slowly thanks again mate

Right on. Let us know what you think, and if they end up helping.

I've also notice a nice carry-over from DO deadlifts on a stadard bar to my gripper performance. Well done. See you in a few days.

Awesome. Well if it can help a record setting lifter and record setting gripper closer I guess that's about as good an example as any. See you in LA Andrew.

Edited by daniel reinard
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I started DO axle DL's on a regular basis for the first time last week and I was surprised that while I can recover from grippers in a few days and handle 2 - 3 workouts per week, recovery from the axle requires 4 - 5 days. I don't think my forearms have ever been sorer. I also found that while my crushing strength was still up to par while still sore from DO axle work, my pinch was also shot from DO axle DL's. I'm hoping that this is just due to my body adjusting to this new kind of stress and that with time I will be able to handle greater frequency.

Daniel, do you think there is any carryover from DO oly dl's to axle dl's or vice-versa? What is your DO axle PR?

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I started DO axle DL's on a regular basis for the first time last week and I was surprised that while I can recover from grippers in a few days and handle 2 - 3 workouts per week, recovery from the axle requires 4 - 5 days. I don't think my forearms have ever been sorer. I also found that while my crushing strength was still up to par while still sore from DO axle work, my pinch was also shot from DO axle DL's. I'm hoping that this is just due to my body adjusting to this new kind of stress and that with time I will be able to handle greater frequency.

Daniel, do you think there is any carryover from DO oly dl's to axle dl's or vice-versa? What is your DO axle PR?

You're just getting used to thickbar work. Even still I onlu work axle or RT once a week. The rest of the week I use fatgripz in regular workouts. That seems to work out good while still getting some recovery in.

I think there is carryover but not sure to what degree. My best axle is 357#. My oly bar grip is probably close to 500#, so 150# more than the axle. There is probably carryover but not too much. I would say my axle number is low compared to other grip lifts, mostly due to me not using a thickbar until recently. Hopefully gains will be had quickly to get the axle up to a goal of 400# soon. Progress has been moving nicely with the above mentioned routine.

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I just cannot believe you can move that much weight.

Lol, believe it. It took almost 6 months to go from 405 to 455. I wish I could of done deads more than once a week, or the occasional once every two weeks like I did. And it was a big learning curve. There was constant adjustment to the plan to always attack the weak points. I'm hoping to get to 500 it will go smoother now that I have more knowledge on effective training.

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That's a damn good deadlift for your size, then throw in the double overhand to boot, and it is amazing. How often do you DL?

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Hey do think your back or your grip is the limiter on your reg deadlift? Just wondering if a plateau buster or a 1.5 inch RT type device would benefit grip even more if you could pull more per hand.

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That's a damn good deadlift for your size, then throw in the double overhand to boot, and it is amazing. How often do you DL?

About once a week.

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Hey do think your back or your grip is the limiter on your reg deadlift? Just wondering if a plateau buster or a 1.5 inch RT type device would benefit grip even more if you could pull more per hand.

The back is definitely the limiter at the moment. I feel the hands can take me to 500 if the back was up to it. That's an interesting idea. Now I know the hands were solid at 455 i'll go back to holding onto the smooth part of the bar to keep the challenge up.

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I'm putting this in the grip section for one simple reason, when I started doing deadlifts (double overhand no hook) my gripper performance shot up like crazy. I've heard this from others too. Hitting the grip via heavy DO deadlifts is the second best thing for gripper performance, second to working grippers of course. I'm not sure how many people have tried it but I know my grippers benefited greatly from it and so did my support grip. I remember when 405 was hit or miss if I can lift it DO grip.

455# deadlift with a hold to hit the hands

Edit: I'd like to add it whoops the butt out of the squat and gripper combo.

DO no hook deads have a big carryover for me. If I don't kill my grip, grippers after a DO dead workout or during always feel strong for me. For me it's hit or miss if I am really pushing the deads it can fry my grippers - so I don't do much of alternating sets anymore. For example I did a heavy set of 5 on monday after axle cleans and my gripper workout that followed was really tuff and I still wasn't recovered tonight. The first time I closed a 3.5 it was during a DO dead workout and it felt easy. Took me several months before I could duplicate that easy of a close. No matter what, if you are moving big weights in the gym and taxing your grip it's going to pay off somewhere in your grip training.

Edited by Wade Gillingham
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DO no hook deads have a big carryover for me. If I don't kill my grip, grippers after a DO dead workout or during always feel strong for me. For me it's hit or miss if I am really pushing the deads it can fry my grippers - so I don't do much of alternating sets anymore. For example I did a heavy set of 5 on monday after axle cleans and my gripper workout that followed was really tuff and I still wasn't recovered tonight. The first time I closed a 3.5 it was during a DO dead workout and it felt easy. Took me several months before I could duplicate that easy of a close. No matter what, if you are moving big weights in the gym and taxing your grip it's going to pay off somewhere in your grip training.

Thanks for sharing that Wade. The amount of experience you have carries alot of weight on the subject.

That bold line was my favorite. I believe that to be the link to big guys and strong grip.


Goes the dynamite!

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Great thread...I'm so psyched for my axle workout this afternoon! Thanks for sharing all this great info.

There seems to be a few of us on here that are currently pulling right around 360 in the DO axle deadlift.....Daniel, Malice and myself to name a few. Since grip contests are few and far between...it would be nice to have a friendly race to 400lbs....with some type of wager attached of course....like some of Daniel's home made beer for example....lol.....

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