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Epana Grip Contest 14.1 2012

Juha Harju

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I recently had a discussion with David Horne regarding the minimum notice time for a competition in order for it to be eligible for WR's and inclusion in records lists etc. My view is that a competition should be anounced on the Gripboard and/or World of Grip at least two months in advance whereas David Horne thought that one month is a bare minimum. Reluctantly I have accepted one month as the minimum. This contest was announced with less than a month to go. I have no idea if you are going to include standard events where we keep track of lifts put please keep this in mind for the future.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I recently had a discussion with David Horne regarding the minimum notice time for a competition in order for it to be eligible for WR's and inclusion in records lists etc. My view is that a competition should be anounced on the Gripboard and/or World of Grip at least two months in advance whereas David Horne thought that one month is a bare minimum. Reluctantly I have accepted one month as the minimum. This contest was announced with less than a month to go. I have no idea if you are going to include standard events where we keep track of lifts put please keep this in mind for the future.


Tomorrow competitors weighing starts at 11.00 am. Official contest starts at 12.00. Lot of competitors is coming, hope we´ll have fun! ;)

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Epana Grip Contest Results:

1. Juha Harju (129.4kg) 8points, 2. Pasi Mehtälä (129.3kg) 14points, 3. Teemu Koivunen (94.6kg) 16points, 4. Petri Partanen (99.0kg) 23points, 5. Taneli Levo (73.6kg) 27points, 6. Matti Harju (95.0kg) 29points, 7. Teemu Peittola (87.2kg) 31points, 8. Juha Piironen (-150kg) 32points, 9. Jussi Parpala (99.3kg) 39points, 10. Kyösti Jokinen (133.2kg) 43points. Women: 1. Yvonne Häkkinen 4 points

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Ice cream, sausages and cake???

Epana Grip Contest Results:

3. Teemu Koivunen (94.6kg) 16points,

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Re counting:

Epana Grip Contest Results:

1. Juha Harju (129.4kg) 8points, 2. Pasi Mehtälä (129.3kg) 15points, 3. Teemu Koivunen (94.6kg) 16points, 4. Petri Partanen (99.0kg) 23points, 5. Taneli Levo (73.6kg) 27points, 6. Matti Harju (95.0kg) 29points, 7. Teemu Peittola (87.2kg) 31points, 7. Juha Piironen (-150kg) 31points, 8. Jussi Parpala (99.3kg) 39points, 9. Kyösti Jokinen (133.2kg) 42points.

Women: 1. Yvonne Häkkinen 4 points

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Event 1. Half A Penny

Juha Harju (129.4kg) 17.847kg (key-grip)

Matti Harju (95.0kg) 17.350kg (free style)

Pasi Mehtälä (129.3kg) 16.331kg (free)

Taneli Levo (73.6kg) 16.331kg (free)

Teemu Koivunen (94.6kg) 16.331kg (free)

Jussi Parpala (99.3kg) 14.856kg (free)

Teemu Peittola (87.2kg) 14.602kg (free)

Petri Partanen (99.0kg) 13.347kg (key)

Yvonne Häkkinen (female) 10.855kg (free)

Juha Piironen (~150kg) 9.620kg (key) (

Kyösti Jokinen (133.2kg) 9.620kg (key)

Event 2. Shallow Hub

Juha Harju (129.4kg) 23.260kg

Pasi Mehtälä (129.3kg) 22.167kg

Teemu Koivunen (94.6kg) 22.167kg

Petri Partanen (99.0kg) 20.450kg

Taneli Levo (73.6kg) 20.450kg

Jussi Parpala (99.3kg) 19.942kg

Teemu Peittola (87.2kg) 19.685kg

Matti Harju (95.0kg) 17.198kg

Juha Piironen (~150kg) 17.198kg

Kyösti Jokinen (133.2kg) 15.978kg

Yvonne Häkkinen (female) 12.218kg

Event 3. Stub Lift

Pasi Mehtälä (129.3kg) 21.113kg

Juha Harju (129.4kg) 20.094kg

Teemu Koivunen (94.6kg) 18.834kg

Juha Piironen (~150kg) 18.375kg

Matti Harju (95.0kg) 17.115kg

Taneli Levo (73.6kg) 16.096kg

Teemu Peittola (87.2kg) 15.637kg

Petri Partanen (99.0kg) 15.637kg

Yvonne Häkkinen (female) 12.150kg

Kyösti Jokinen (133.2kg) 11.893kg

Jussi Parpala (99.3kg) no lift

Event 4. Power Disc (50mm) one hand

Juha Harju (129.4kg) 50.5kg Finnish Record( Super 99kg Finnish Record)

Teemu Koivunen (94.6kg) 42kg (Super 83kg)

Pasi Mehtälä (129.3kg) 42kg (Super 83kg)

Petri Partanen (99.0kg) 42kg

Juha Piironen (~150kg) 41kg

Teemu Peittola (87.2kg) 37.5kg

Matti Harju (95.0kg) 35kg

Kyösti Jokinen (133.2kg) 35kg

Taneli Levo (73.6kg) 35kg

Jussi Parpala (99.3kg) 32.5kg

Yvonne Häkkinen (female) 26.250kg (Super 50.5kg Finnish Record)

Event 5. 3mmX200mmX200mm Plate Max Pull

Juha Harju (129.4kg) 32.5kg

Petri Partanen (99.0kg) 30.5kg

Matti Harju (95.0kg) 29.5kg

Pasi Mehtälä (129.3kg) 29.5kg

Juha Piironen (~150kg) 28.5kg

Teemu Koivunen (94.6kg) 26.5kg

Taneli Levo (73.6kg) 26.5kg

Jussi Parpala (99.3kg) no lift

Teemu Peittola (87.2kg) no lift

Kyösti Jokinen (133.2kg) no lift

Event 6. Pipe 25kg 80mmX80mm Timehold

Teemu Koivunen (94.6kg) 46sec (Super 1min 36sec Finnish Record)

Juha Harju (129.4kg) 44sec (Super 1min 33sec)

Petri Partanen (99.0kg) 33sec (Super 1min 08sec)

Pasi Mehtälä (129.3kg) 32sec (Super 1min 02sec)

Teemu Peittola (87.2kg) 32sec

Taneli Levo (73.6kg) 29sec (Super 58sec)

Juha Piironen (~150kg) 12sec

Kyösti Jokinen (133.2kg) 10sec

Matti Harju (95.0kg) 7sec

Jussi Parpala (99.3kg) 3sec

Power Disc 2 Hands

Juha Harju (129.4kg) 101kg Finnish Record

Pasi Mehtälä (129.3kg) 90kg

Teemu Koivunen (94.6kg) 90kg

Teemu Peittola (87.2kg) 85kg

Juha Piironen (~150kg) 80kg

Petri Partanen (99.0kg) 80kg

Jussi Parpala (99.3kg) 75kg

Matti Harju (95.0kg) 70kg

Kyösti Jokinen (133.2kg) 70kg

Taneli Levo (73.6kg) 70kg

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Yvonne Häkkinen Power Disc 2 Hands 52kg

Edited by Heimopäällikkö
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Yes I would like to say it looked like a fun competition and that is what it is all about-Great Job to ALL!

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