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Need To Get Stronger On #3


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I need some help and advices.

I want to at least get MMG0 status, but I never really get strong enough to close my #3 consistently.

I've closed it a couple of times from mms, but I simply want to get stronger so that I can close it on every try.

I bought a MM1 replica which feels like #3.2 compared to my #3, so I figured I could choke that one to parallel till I could close it, then I opened it up to an inch till I could close it from there, but this didn't make me stronger at all on mms'ing my #3. However, do you think I should keep on mms-set my #3 and work like that till I can close it easily, or should I do the same thing but with my MM1 replica till I can close that one so that my #3 will feel easy... or, any other suggestions?

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Try different things. Different programs and such. Usually it just takes experimenting and i think time is a huge factor.

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Try different things. Different programs and such. Usually it just takes experimenting and i think time is a huge factor.

I think that's right, time is very important. You simply have to grow into it. I have the same. I am getting more and more consistent with grippercloses but I still can't take the #3 from the wall

and close it right away every time. Yesterday I did more heavy training, so I know this week there is the possibilty that I can close a heavy gripper, but once a week heavy and that's it for me mostly.

FInd what works for you I guess in recovery time and make sure that every time you attack the #3 which is round your max, you are fully recovered. Greasing the groove with lighter grippers and speedreps on lower resistances worked for me. Tim Struse method..and techniques explained in KTA like straphold and such. For now I don't do negatives. Don't know if I did them right, but they don't seem to work for me.

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maybe this help you It helped me closing my no.2 coc gripper finally I closed it last week!!

Take weaker gripper that you can do 2 or 5 full reps do 3 sets (no.2.5 or no.2)

after that take your no.3 do 3 sets just close the gripper as hard as you can and hold

him in that position for 5 slow seconds

try it it work for me good

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For me, KTA got me from closing my CoC #3 "sometimes", to consistently.

So my advise is to do KTA with as hard gripper as possibly (for the overcrushes). I used a gripper that would rank as a easier CoC #2.5.

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For me, KTA got me from closing my CoC #3 "sometimes", to consistently.

So my advise is to do KTA with as hard gripper as possibly (for the overcrushes). I used a gripper that would rank as a easier CoC #2.5.

To be honest, I haven't looked up KTA at all for some reason, so I have no idea what it looks like. But, if I'm going to do overcrushes with a 2.5, should I hold it till it opens itself up?

Edited by Norden
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Try different things. Different programs and such. Usually it just takes experimenting and i think time is a huge factor.

Try different things. Different programs and such. Usually it just takes experimenting and i think time is a huge factor.

I think that's right, time is very important. You simply have to grow into it. I have the same. I am getting more and more consistent with grippercloses but I still can't take the #3 from the wall

and close it right away every time. Yesterday I did more heavy training, so I know this week there is the possibilty that I can close a heavy gripper, but once a week heavy and that's it for me mostly.

FInd what works for you I guess in recovery time and make sure that every time you attack the #3 which is round your max, you are fully recovered. Greasing the groove with lighter grippers and speedreps on lower resistances worked for me. Tim Struse method..and techniques explained in KTA like straphold and such. For now I don't do negatives. Don't know if I did them right, but they don't seem to work for me.

At the moment it looks like this:

Monday: #3, mms, 5 sets with 5 min rest in between. Then strapholds or coin holds with #2, 5 sets with 5 min rest in between. Then 30 min rest and after that some dynamic pinching.

Wednesday: Same as above.

Friday: Some card tearing and wristcurls.

Saturday or Sunday: Squats, chins and pushups.

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maybe this help you It helped me closing my no.2 coc gripper finally I closed it last week!!

Take weaker gripper that you can do 2 or 5 full reps do 3 sets (no.2.5 or no.2)

after that take your no.3 do 3 sets just close the gripper as hard as you can and hold

him in that position for 5 slow seconds

try it it work for me good

Congrats on closing #2. :)

Your workout there is pretty close to what I'm doing right now, I guess it just takes more time to get stronger the closer you get to your "max". I'm pretty confident my hands have the potential to close heavier grippers than #3, I guess I just need to give it more time as the other guys say here.

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For me, KTA got me from closing my CoC #3 "sometimes", to consistently.

So my advise is to do KTA with as hard gripper as possibly (for the overcrushes). I used a gripper that would rank as a easier CoC #2.5.

To be honest, I haven't looked up KTA at all for some reason, so I have no idea what it looks like. But, if I'm going to do overcrushes with a 2.5, should I hold it till it opens itself up?

KTA is awesome. Really tough and really awesome.. :)

I don't think that's necessary, just try to grind the handles for some seconds (try to break the gripper). I think your good with a harder CoC #2 as well, heck, probably most CoC #2's. When I used a gripper in the "easier 2.5" scale, I didn't even do the entire program. Just the first weeks was enough to make me confident on my CoC #3.

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Norden, what is your next hardest gripper right under your #3 and about how hard is it compared to the 3. Also when you have missed attempts on your 3 are they hair misses or do you have really bad days where it's not even close.

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For me, KTA got me from closing my CoC #3 "sometimes", to consistently.

So my advise is to do KTA with as hard gripper as possibly (for the overcrushes). I used a gripper that would rank as a easier CoC #2.5.

To be honest, I haven't looked up KTA at all for some reason, so I have no idea what it looks like. But, if I'm going to do overcrushes with a 2.5, should I hold it till it opens itself up?

KTA is awesome. Really tough and really awesome.. :)

I don't think that's necessary, just try to grind the handles for some seconds (try to break the gripper). I think your good with a harder CoC #2 as well, heck, probably most CoC #2's. When I used a gripper in the "easier 2.5" scale, I didn't even do the entire program. Just the first weeks was enough to make me confident on my CoC #3.

I just bought a new #2.5 as my current one is filed, so I'll use that one for either strapholds, coin holds or just simple overcrushes as you suggest, cause my #2 feels way too easy to really give me anything. Tjenare Örebro, förresten. :)

Edited by Norden
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"Tjenare Örebro".. Yes.. Me and David Wigren represent Örebro, on this board..


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Norden, what is your next hardest gripper right under your #3 and about how hard is it compared to the 3. Also when you have missed attempts on your 3 are they hair misses or do you have really bad days where it's not even close.

The hardest one I have under my #3 is my filed #2.5 atm, and it really feels like an average #2.5 compared to my #2 and #3, if you see what I mean. 80% of the time I try closing my #3 I'm 1 or at MOST 2 mm away, and sometimes I'm like 5 mm away if I'm having a really bad day because of lack of sleep for example. I really think my set is what makes some of the attempts real bad. I'm not that strong at setting grippers.

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Read this thread.


Thanks, but I don't really understand anything of that. Too many weird expressions and stuff, wish I was american. :unsure The percent things for example, what's that?

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Norden, what is your next hardest gripper right under your #3 and about how hard is it compared to the 3. Also when you have missed attempts on your 3 are they hair misses or do you have really bad days where it's not even close.

The hardest one I have under my #3 is my filed #2.5 atm, and it really feels like an average #2.5 compared to my #2 and #3, if you see what I mean. 80% of the time I try closing my #3 I'm 1 or at MOST 2 mm away, and sometimes I'm like 5 mm away if I'm having a really bad day because of lack of sleep for example. I really think my set is what makes some of the attempts real bad. I'm not that strong at setting grippers.

Ok you've already done what I would suggest and that is file down a gripper. When you're doing closes with your 2.5 try consentrating on speed. If it is at all possible for you the best thing to do is get your hands on a 2.8ish gripper and file that down. I know that's not that easy. You pretty much have to be willing to buy a lot of grippers. Beyond the range and speed is what works for me.

edit: btw have you seen Paul Knight's video on how to set a gripper?

Edited by Wayne
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Hi Norden, I like Wayne's idea of using a 2.8ish gripper. As I see you're from Sweden I'd like to recommend that new RB280N, as at least in Germany the BBs are not so readily available, whereas the RBs are.

It helped me get my first #3 close short time ago (only ~1/8" DS) and feels like that ballpark, maybe a little above 2.8 though (note: grippers may vary). Because of its narrowness it doesn't 'rip' my figers open upon opening it which is nice for a gripper close to my max. Beware of the knurling though, it could be tough on your palms if you're not used to the RBs.

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Read this thread.


Thanks, but I don't really understand anything of that. Too many weird expressions and stuff, wish I was american. :unsure The percent things for example, what's that?

Just don´t work on the #3 every time, maybe you are to much busy working on your max. That´s what it says. Concentrate maybe on speedwork TNS with your #2 and maybe choke your

#2.5, file it, whatever. And explosively work that. Do this a couple of sessions and then try your #3 again. If your gripper #3 is for instance 150 lbs, and you closed it, that´s your max now.

Just work with 50% = 75 lbs for speed reps, 70% = 112 lbs etc. Dont´get near your max everytime and focus on explosiveness and speed. Than once in a while maybe coin holds and that stuff.

For the percentages, that´s for me when an adjustable gripper comes in handy :)

That´s what Cannon was referring to. I had good experience with this method after my first cycle.

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