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Paul Pons


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How many of the former greats in grip would have joined the grip board had it been formed in their days?

Paul Pons was born March 14, 1865- he was the fellow who helped trick Apollon by severly increasing the weight

of his very thick handled barbell when the Rasso Trio appeared for Apollon's appearance.

Paul died in one foot of water while entangled in fishing nets.

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Not as many as we'd like to think. Paul, who I haven't heard of, I'll presume wasn't that famous. Therefore he doesn't have a reputation or living to make from that rep. Apollon and others did and so why they might have come and given advice would they have allowed there lifts etc to be tested and picked over by the board. Somehow I doubt it. We never see any of the pro strongmen here whose act includes grip work (ie Brookfield, Stainless Stan etc)

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Pons was a noted grip man, and was indeed famous among the digital disciples. Unfortunately he was a

contemporary of Apollon who overshadowed him.

Some of the current grip masters who do not post here

may be motivated by business restrictions. Or not :dry

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Some may not have computers. And not everyone is comfortable with an Internet Forum, regardless. Still, this board is a platform of some substance....

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Paul died in one foot of water while entangled in fishing nets.

That is truly a disturbing way to die. Are you sure there wasn't a very heavy thick handled barbell on top of him?

Where was Apollon when all this happened? :whistel

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I cannot answer for Brookfield, Stanless or even for Joe Kinney as to why they don't join us here on the GripBoard. I don't think Kinney has a computer.

However, all of you may rejoice in the fact that I, the great and mighty Sybersnott, am here, and that you may bask in my presence! :bow:bow

Brookfield? Kinney? As long as I'm here, you really don't need those guys. :rolleyes

And, as usual, THE GREAT AND MIGHTY SYBERSNOTT HAS SPOKEN!! :yikes:bow:laugh

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As Elvis would say, "Uh, thank ya.... thank ya very much." :laugh

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I cannot answer for Brookfield, Stanless or even for Joe Kinney as to why they don't join us here on the GripBoard. I don't think Kinney has a computer.

However, all of you may rejoice in the fact that I, the great and mighty Sybersnott, am here, and that you may bask in my presence! :bow:bow

Brookfield? Kinney? As long as I'm here, you really don't need those guys. :rolleyes

And, as usual, THE GREAT AND MIGHTY SYBERSNOTT HAS SPOKEN!! :yikes:bow:laugh

Sometimes, just sometimes, you need a touch of reality. Remind me again what level of expertese u have shown?

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Go lightly on Snott- he is excited because UPS just

delivered a new pair a Noya.

There may be an inverse relationship between

humility and accomplishment.

At the inaugural SAD (Snott Appreciation Day) yesterday

there was standing room only- makes for a faster exit!

Anyway, Snott adds a touch of fun here, and we can all

agreed that he is truly Certified. ;)

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What's a 'Noya'?

Remember I've said in the past that Snott has, for the most part, his toungue in cheek but sometimes...

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After careful deliberation, I hacve decided to revome Mob from the SYBERSNOTT FAN CLUB roll.

And that's too bad, because at this year's fan club dinner spectacular... the host/emcee was none other than our very own Roark. :bow

So you see... a terrible twist of fate for Mob indeed! :happy:laugh

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Guest wells

Hey ‘Snott’! Don’t be so cruel… Maybe you should 're-instate' Mob. :angry:

‘Mob’ can't help being so serious; it’s who he is. < < He maybe showing symptoms of excess protein consumption due to all that Whey he is choking down everyday :tongue (medically speaking it has been proven that high protein diets can cause moodiness and agitation in certain individuals (please see below).

Seriously though, you guys just happen to be each other's 'antagonist' and are complete opposites in how you deal with life. 'Snott' uses humor to crush grippers whereas 'Mob' uses sincerity instead.

Note: Now I am not saying that I couldn't a use a few pounds of the stuff (whey/protein) myself. I do... I have dipped down to 68 kg once again in my 'string bean' life! In less than two weeks I lost 4 kg! My skinny, high metabolic, hyperactive ass can't seem to keep any fat and muscle that I work/eat to put on! My screwed up back isn't helping any; I miss squats, weighted chin-ups and dips. Even though I have lost the weight my forearms have strengthened over the past month and my grip is stronger than ever, go figure! At least I can hide behind a telephone pole, most of you guys can’t! :tongue:D:tongue

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