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Polygamy And Imtugs


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Christmas is rolling by and I was browsing online for things to put on my wishlist, so my army of millionaire milf girlfriends know what they should be getting me for the holiday season.

While looking up gripper-related items, I noticed the half-size grippers from IM called IMTUGs and wanted to get some of your opinions on them.

First of all, if I get one, I want to be able to keep it with me at all times for on-the-go grip training. Are these small enough to be able to be kept in a jeans pocket?

Although my model sugarmamas are millionaires, the price to me seems a little steep, considering they're a bit more expensive than their full size cousins. Will it be more useful than getting another weaker gripper, say the 2.5, in improving my grip strength?

Finally, I think I'm at a #2 in terms of grip strength, and I want an IMTUG that I'd be able to use with all my fingers instead of getting 3 separate IMTUGs. Which strength level would let me maximize my pinch, top two&bottom two fingers?

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The obvious choice is both. :) But, if I had to choose I'd want that next goal 2.5 to crank on. If you aren't concerned about moving up to the 2.5, then the tugs would be the choice.

But, like I said, let them know just how important you are and get the 2.5 and a tug! ;)

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I've not found great cross-over from tugs to grippers. If your goal is to close a 2.5, I'd focus on grippers.

Instead of putting it in your pocket, get some chain and wear that gripper around your neck like a boss.

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IM Tugs. I have used them off and on for the last few years. I have Numbers 1-5, and only use them for purposes of my Ring and Pinky fingers. Randy told me a while back that he thought that the baby finger should not be isolated by itself (injury risk), so I only use the Number 1 for it, and use the other Tugs working the Ring and Pinky fingers together, or the Ring finger only.

For me, it is a psychological advantage that I have never been able to articulate, until I remembered something. There was a World Famous movie, a scene where the intelligent main character somehow managed to put in words EXACTLY how the Tugs work for me on that very last portion of the squeeze as you are finishing "the close". And son-of-a-gun, I found it on Youtube, and it had a fair number of hits! Here it is:

On the Close, the Tugs take me to Eleven...

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Christmas is rolling by and I was browsing online for things to put on my wishlist, so my army of millionaire milf girlfriends know what they should be getting me for the holiday season.

While looking up gripper-related items, I noticed the half-size grippers from IM called IMTUGs and wanted to get some of your opinions on them.

First of all, if I get one, I want to be able to keep it with me at all times for on-the-go grip training. Are these small enough to be able to be kept in a jeans pocket?

Although my model sugarmamas are millionaires, the price to me seems a little steep, considering they're a bit more expensive than their full size cousins. Will it be more useful than getting another weaker gripper, say the 2.5, in improving my grip strength?

Finally, I think I'm at a #2 in terms of grip strength, and I want an IMTUG that I'd be able to use with all my fingers instead of getting 3 separate IMTUGs. Which strength level would let me maximize my pinch, top two&bottom two fingers?

An enviable position, no doubt.

Actually, IMTUGs and Captains of Crush grippers cost the same and while most people would not have any trouble stuffing one in the pocket of their jeans, with your bevy of beauties, you might not have the required parking space up front, but there's always your back pocket ready for the job.

IronMind has a handy chart so you can choose the correct strength for each of these finger targets you mentioned, given where you are on CoC grippers: I could go on about how you could choose your three favorite gfs, let each of them choose her favorite . . . but you get the picture.

IMTUGs rock—when IronMind introduced them, Richard Sorin was agog and Joe Kinney trained on them exclusively. Allen Fisher (the body attached to the Fisher Forearm) swears by them and you know what usually happens when he steps up to an arm wrestling table.

Merry Christmas!

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Christmas is rolling by and I was browsing online for things to put on my wishlist, so my army of millionaire milf girlfriends know what they should be getting me for the holiday season. While looking up gripper-related items, I noticed the half-size grippers from IM called IMTUGs and wanted to get some of your opinions on them. First of all, if I get one, I want to be able to keep it with me at all times for on-the-go grip training. Are these small enough to be able to be kept in a jeans pocket? Although my model sugarmamas are millionaires, the price to me seems a little steep, considering they're a bit more expensive than their full size cousins. Will it be more useful than getting another weaker gripper, say the 2.5, in improving my grip strength? Finally, I think I'm at a #2 in terms of grip strength, and I want an IMTUG that I'd be able to use with all my fingers instead of getting 3 separate IMTUGs. Which strength level would let me maximize my pinch, top two&bottom two fingers?
An enviable position, no doubt. Actually, IMTUGs and Captains of Crush grippers cost the same and while most people would not have any trouble stuffing one in the pocket of their jeans, with your bevy of beauties, you might not have the required parking space up front, but there's always your back pocket ready for the job. IronMind has a handy chart so you can choose the correct strength for each of these finger targets you mentioned, given where you are on CoC grippers: I could go on about how you could choose your three favorite gfs, let each of them choose her favorite . . . but you get the picture. IMTUGs rock—when IronMind introduced them, Richard Sorin was agog and Joe Kinney trained on them exclusively. Allen Fisher (the body attached to the Fisher Forearm) swears by them and you know what usually happens when he steps up to an arm wrestling table. Merry Christmas!

Right now, my goal is just to close the #3. I have 10 grippers (6 of them GNC) that have strength levels both around the 2 and 2.5, so I think a C.o.C. that would bridge me from the 2 to the 3 will be redundant. What do you think?

Also, I looked at the chart and I'd be most interested in training my thumb. Should I get something matching that (an IMTUG 3?) or one level stronger to work out my other fingers too (IMTUG 4)?

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Christmas is rolling by and I was browsing online for things to put on my wishlist, so my army of millionaire milf girlfriends know what they should be getting me for the holiday season. While looking up gripper-related items, I noticed the half-size grippers from IM called IMTUGs and wanted to get some of your opinions on them. First of all, if I get one, I want to be able to keep it with me at all times for on-the-go grip training. Are these small enough to be able to be kept in a jeans pocket? Although my model sugarmamas are millionaires, the price to me seems a little steep, considering they're a bit more expensive than their full size cousins. Will it be more useful than getting another weaker gripper, say the 2.5, in improving my grip strength? Finally, I think I'm at a #2 in terms of grip strength, and I want an IMTUG that I'd be able to use with all my fingers instead of getting 3 separate IMTUGs. Which strength level would let me maximize my pinch, top two&bottom two fingers?
An enviable position, no doubt. Actually, IMTUGs and Captains of Crush grippers cost the same and while most people would not have any trouble stuffing one in the pocket of their jeans, with your bevy of beauties, you might not have the required parking space up front, but there's always your back pocket ready for the job. IronMind has a handy chart so you can choose the correct strength for each of these finger targets you mentioned, given where you are on CoC grippers: I could go on about how you could choose your three favorite gfs, let each of them choose her favorite . . . but you get the picture. IMTUGs rock—when IronMind introduced them, Richard Sorin was agog and Joe Kinney trained on them exclusively. Allen Fisher (the body attached to the Fisher Forearm) swears by them and you know what usually happens when he steps up to an arm wrestling table. Merry Christmas!

Right now, my goal is just to close the #3. I have 10 grippers (6 of them GNC) that have strength levels both around the 2 and 2.5, so I think a C.o.C. that would bridge me from the 2 to the 3 will be redundant. What do you think?

Also, I looked at the chart and I'd be most interested in training my thumb. Should I get something matching that (an IMTUG 3?) or one level stronger to work out my other fingers too (IMTUG 4)?

I agree—if you already have gripper that are in a range that allow you to train to failure with low reps, no need to add more, and you probably don't need to add IMTUGs to your training then either at this point, unless you want to target your thumb or maybe, for example, your pinky + ring finger.

Unless your pinch grip is well ahead of your crushing grip, an IMTUG 4 might be a little stout for your thumb (unless you would be ok doing isometrics/micro moves, but it might be perfect for your pinky + ring finger. I think an IMTUG 4 might be little easy for your first + second finger, but you could hit them one at a time, to get more mileage out of one IMTUG.

Picking IMTUGs is kind of like looking at a rack of dumbbells: depending on what you're going to do them, you'll either go to the light end the middle or the heavy end. For you, a perfect setup might be an IMTUG 3 for your thumb, an IMTUG 4 for your pinky + ring finger, and an IMTUG 5 for your first + second fingers, but depending on your priorities, you could cut this down and get a lot from just one or two IMTUGs also.

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Christmas is rolling by and I was browsing online for things to put on my wishlist, so my army of millionaire milf girlfriends know what they should be getting me for the holiday season. While looking up gripper-related items, I noticed the half-size grippers from IM called IMTUGs and wanted to get some of your opinions on them. First of all, if I get one, I want to be able to keep it with me at all times for on-the-go grip training. Are these small enough to be able to be kept in a jeans pocket? Although my model sugarmamas are millionaires, the price to me seems a little steep, considering they're a bit more expensive than their full size cousins. Will it be more useful than getting another weaker gripper, say the 2.5, in improving my grip strength? Finally, I think I'm at a #2 in terms of grip strength, and I want an IMTUG that I'd be able to use with all my fingers instead of getting 3 separate IMTUGs. Which strength level would let me maximize my pinch, top two&bottom two fingers?
An enviable position, no doubt. Actually, IMTUGs and Captains of Crush grippers cost the same and while most people would not have any trouble stuffing one in the pocket of their jeans, with your bevy of beauties, you might not have the required parking space up front, but there's always your back pocket ready for the job. IronMind has a handy chart so you can choose the correct strength for each of these finger targets you mentioned, given where you are on CoC grippers: I could go on about how you could choose your three favorite gfs, let each of them choose her favorite . . . but you get the picture. IMTUGs rock—when IronMind introduced them, Richard Sorin was agog and Joe Kinney trained on them exclusively. Allen Fisher (the body attached to the Fisher Forearm) swears by them and you know what usually happens when he steps up to an arm wrestling table. Merry Christmas!

Right now, my goal is just to close the #3. I have 10 grippers (6 of them GNC) that have strength levels both around the 2 and 2.5, so I think a C.o.C. that would bridge me from the 2 to the 3 will be redundant. What do you think?

Also, I looked at the chart and I'd be most interested in training my thumb. Should I get something matching that (an IMTUG 3?) or one level stronger to work out my other fingers too (IMTUG 4)?

I agree—if you already have gripper that are in a range that allow you to train to failure with low reps, no need to add more, and you probably don't need to add IMTUGs to your training then either at this point, unless you want to target your thumb or maybe, for example, your pinky + ring finger.

Unless your pinch grip is well ahead of your crushing grip, an IMTUG 4 might be a little stout for your thumb (unless you would be ok doing isometrics/micro moves, but it might be perfect for your pinky + ring finger. I think an IMTUG 4 might be little easy for your first + second finger, but you could hit them one at a time, to get more mileage out of one IMTUG.

Picking IMTUGs is kind of like looking at a rack of dumbbells: depending on what you're going to do them, you'll either go to the light end the middle or the heavy end. For you, a perfect setup might be an IMTUG 3 for your thumb, an IMTUG 4 for your pinky + ring finger, and an IMTUG 5 for your first + second fingers, but depending on your priorities, you could cut this down and get a lot from just one or two IMTUGs also.

Thanks Randy, that was helpful. I've decided that I want a IMTUG3 so I can do my thumb, pinky&ring, and also my first and second fingers individually.

Now I definitely can't wait for christmas! :D

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Christmas is rolling by and I was browsing online for things to put on my wishlist, so my army of millionaire milf girlfriends know what they should be getting me for the holiday season. While looking up gripper-related items, I noticed the half-size grippers from IM called IMTUGs and wanted to get some of your opinions on them. First of all, if I get one, I want to be able to keep it with me at all times for on-the-go grip training. Are these small enough to be able to be kept in a jeans pocket? Although my model sugarmamas are millionaires, the price to me seems a little steep, considering they're a bit more expensive than their full size cousins. Will it be more useful than getting another weaker gripper, say the 2.5, in improving my grip strength? Finally, I think I'm at a #2 in terms of grip strength, and I want an IMTUG that I'd be able to use with all my fingers instead of getting 3 separate IMTUGs. Which strength level would let me maximize my pinch, top two&bottom two fingers?
An enviable position, no doubt. Actually, IMTUGs and Captains of Crush grippers cost the same and while most people would not have any trouble stuffing one in the pocket of their jeans, with your bevy of beauties, you might not have the required parking space up front, but there's always your back pocket ready for the job. IronMind has a handy chart so you can choose the correct strength for each of these finger targets you mentioned, given where you are on CoC grippers: I could go on about how you could choose your three favorite gfs, let each of them choose her favorite . . . but you get the picture. IMTUGs rock—when IronMind introduced them, Richard Sorin was agog and Joe Kinney trained on them exclusively. Allen Fisher (the body attached to the Fisher Forearm) swears by them and you know what usually happens when he steps up to an arm wrestling table. Merry Christmas!

Right now, my goal is just to close the #3. I have 10 grippers (6 of them GNC) that have strength levels both around the 2 and 2.5, so I think a C.o.C. that would bridge me from the 2 to the 3 will be redundant. What do you think?

Also, I looked at the chart and I'd be most interested in training my thumb. Should I get something matching that (an IMTUG 3?) or one level stronger to work out my other fingers too (IMTUG 4)?

I agree—if you already have gripper that are in a range that allow you to train to failure with low reps, no need to add more, and you probably don't need to add IMTUGs to your training then either at this point, unless you want to target your thumb or maybe, for example, your pinky + ring finger.

Unless your pinch grip is well ahead of your crushing grip, an IMTUG 4 might be a little stout for your thumb (unless you would be ok doing isometrics/micro moves, but it might be perfect for your pinky + ring finger. I think an IMTUG 4 might be little easy for your first + second finger, but you could hit them one at a time, to get more mileage out of one IMTUG.

Picking IMTUGs is kind of like looking at a rack of dumbbells: depending on what you're going to do them, you'll either go to the light end the middle or the heavy end. For you, a perfect setup might be an IMTUG 3 for your thumb, an IMTUG 4 for your pinky + ring finger, and an IMTUG 5 for your first + second fingers, but depending on your priorities, you could cut this down and get a lot from just one or two IMTUGs also.

Thanks Randy, that was helpful. I've decided that I want a IMTUG3 so I can do my thumb, pinky&ring, and also my first and second fingers individually.

Now I definitely can't wait for christmas! :D

You are very welcome—I will be interested to hear what you think after you've had a chance to road test it a little, but I have to warn you: IMTUGs can be addictive, so I hope your girlfriends won't get too jealous.

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  • 1 month later...

IM Tugs. I have used them off and on for the last few years. I have Numbers 1-5, and only use them for purposes of my Ring and Pinky fingers. Randy told me a while back that he thought that the baby finger should not be isolated by itself (injury risk), so I only use the Number 1 for it, and use the other Tugs working the Ring and Pinky fingers together, or the Ring finger only.

For me, it is a psychological advantage that I have never been able to articulate, until I remembered something. There was a World Famous movie, a scene where the intelligent main character somehow managed to put in words EXACTLY how the Tugs work for me on that very last portion of the squeeze as you are finishing "the close". And son-of-a-gun, I found it on Youtube, and it had a fair number of hits! Here it is:

On the Close, the Tugs take me to Eleven...

I've now had the tug (IMTUG4) for over a month, and your explanation of how it helps with the close is certainly how it feels to me. I'm on 11 now.

They're definitely a good supplement to my regular grip workouts and I love them.

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IM Tugs. I have used them off and on for the last few years. I have Numbers 1-5, and only use them for purposes of my Ring and Pinky fingers. Randy told me a while back that he thought that the baby finger should not be isolated by itself (injury risk), so I only use the Number 1 for it, and use the other Tugs working the Ring and Pinky fingers together, or the Ring finger only.

For me, it is a psychological advantage that I have never been able to articulate, until I remembered something. There was a World Famous movie, a scene where the intelligent main character somehow managed to put in words EXACTLY how the Tugs work for me on that very last portion of the squeeze as you are finishing "the close". And son-of-a-gun, I found it on Youtube, and it had a fair number of hits! Here it is:

On the Close, the Tugs take me to Eleven...

I've now had the tug (IMTUG4) for over a month, and your explanation of how it helps with the close is certainly how it feels to me. I'm on 11 now.

They're definitely a good supplement to my regular grip workouts and I love them.

*it, not them... for some reason I was thinking in plural.

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army of millionaire milf girlfriends


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army of millionaire milf girlfriends


I got into grip training because I thought big forearms would get me Tha Ladies. If you've already got the army of millionaire MILFs.... what's the point? :D

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army of millionaire milf girlfriends


I got into grip training because I thought big forearms would get me Tha Ladies. If you've already got the army of millionaire MILFs.... what's the point? :D

So if a certain big time rock and roll guitarist doesn't buy an IMTUG (he only uses CoCs), we should assume he's got this covered and not take it personally, right?

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  • 4 weeks later...
army of millionaire milf girlfriends


I got into grip training because I thought big forearms would get me Tha Ladies. If you've already got the army of millionaire MILFs.... what's the point? :D

So if a certain big time rock and roll guitarist doesn't buy an IMTUG (he only uses CoCs), we should assume he's got this covered and not take it personally, right?

That's correct.

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I hadn't been over here for a while so I was checking New Content and saw this thread again.

Each time I read the name of this thread it cracks me up—thinking about the problems you wrestle with balancing the demands of those girlfriends, their eagerness to please you and the resources they bring to bear on that task. Having IMTUGs mentioned in such illustrious company only increases the luster, of course.

Anyway, hope your training is going well!

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I hadn't been over here for a while so I was checking New Content and saw this thread again.

Each time I read the name of this thread it cracks me up—thinking about the problems you wrestle with balancing the demands of those girlfriends, their eagerness to please you and the resources they bring to bear on that task. Having IMTUGs mentioned in such illustrious company only increases the luster, of course.

Anyway, hope your training is going well!

I hadn't been over here for a while so I was checking New Content and saw this thread again.

Each time I read the name of this thread it cracks me up—thinking about the problems you wrestle with balancing the demands of those girlfriends, their eagerness to please you and the resources they bring to bear on that task. Having IMTUGs mentioned in such illustrious company only increases the luster, of course.

Anyway, hope your training is going well!

Thanks Randy! My training is going well. I started a thread here for people around my strength level to race to the 2.5 with me, and the IMTUG is helping my closes. On my off days, I work my grip on my girlfriends, but I'm thinking of sending them to Matt Cannon to get them calibrated soon.

Btw, ordered the IM#2 and 2.5 earlier today. I can't wait for them to come in. :santa:

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