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Let's Talk About The First Time


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I thought it might me interesting if he talked about our first encounter's and why we are so obsessed with the grippers. Here is my story.

I was forced to start training my grip about a year ago. One evening my wife and I were in the kitchen making dinner. She handed me a jar of un-opened pickles to open. I huffed and puffed and squeezed and twisted with all my might. The pickle jar had won the battle. My wife made some snotty comment about me being a weekling so i handed her the jar. She gave it a little twist and the jar and my ego were both defeated. I went to walmart the next day and got a pair of grippers. I trained with these for 3 months until one day at work my friend Rick brought in a monsterous gripper with a huge chrome plated spring. I picked it up thinking I would be able to mash it together since i was pumping out 75 reps at a time on my walmart grippers. Boy was I wrong. I could not even budge the chrome plated monster. I was obsessed with Rick's monster. I did a search on the web to find some info on the monster. I ended up at Ironmind's site and discovered the COC program. I ordered a trainer that day. I got the trainer 4 days later. Boy was I pumped. I opened it up and gave it a go. Defeated once again. I was close. within 1/16'. The next day I was able to close it. I worked with the trainer for 3 months. I was able to close it for 10 reps at that time so I ordered a # 1, a # 2 and a # 3. I got the # 1 in the mail and gave it a go. I was about 1/4 of an inch away from closing it. I thought for sure that I would have it mastered in a few days. Well six months went by and I was still 2/16 of an inch away from closing the # 1. So 2 weeks ago I did a search on google.com for gripper training and found the KTA Program and the Grip Board. I ordered the KTA Program and stuck with it and finally yesterday the # 1 gripper was defeated. I've closed it about 7 times since yesterday. I am able to do a 10 second overcrush on it already. I would definetly recommend the KTA Program to everyone that uses grippers. Now I must go and crush something. :laugh

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Sounds like you were in a pickle :)

I have above average ability in the wrist curl, but when

I have to twist the bottle cap off a bottle of beer- uh, I mean soda, it is a maximum effort- REALLY, it hurts! I

don't understand it. When the lid diameter is wider the

problem lessens.

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The first time I tried the grippers was several years ago. A friend of mine who subscribes to Milo magazine purchased a #1 and #2. This got me started. Later I found the Gripboard.

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I was sitting on my porch swing on a warm summer day-looking out across the lake in front of our house. The mail man pulled up and I walked out and got the mail.

In it was a catalogue from Ironmind-a company I have never heard of before. I dont even know how they got my address? I was a subscriber to PLUSA-so they must have got it from them.

Anyway-I leafed through the catalogue and instantly fell in love with everything I saw! It was awesome. The COCs especially caight my eye-and the fact that so few had closed them was inspiring. I have always been one to seak out challenges-so it was only a matter of time.

Within a month-COCs #1-#3 arrived on my doorstep. :D I grabbed the #1 out of the package-and easily closed it for 6 reps with both hands.

I got cocky and went straight to the #3-STOPPED COLD! About 1.5 inches away! So-I took the #2 out (they came in little plastics bags then) and it also stopped me-about .5 an inch.

I didnt get hooked just then. It took another year or more before I truly fell in love with hand strength.

Now, I am a COC! :tongue I am loving grip training and looking forward to reaching new milestones.

Since I am an ink head and cant sem to go more than 6 months without a new tattoo, I have decided to devote my right arm to my stepping stones in strength as I reach them. The only thing currently on my right arm is a cross and throrns to show my devotion and faith in God. Next week I am adding "Phil 4:13" and a gripper with a 3 below it and thd date I got certified. When I reach other goals in strength: ELITE in powerlifting, pinching 2-45s, bending the IM red nail, lifting the blob, the inch, etc. I will add them to my arm. May seem cheesy to some-but to me it means everything.

Rick Walker :rock

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Very cool idea on the tatoo thing. Definetly gonna have to show us some pics of you # 3 tattoo.

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For me it was the Christmas of 2001, I was searching the web for a trap bar when I came across the ironmind website. I looked through their products and saw the list of COC's with some familiar names on it. I put the #1 on my Christmas list [along with a trap bar from PDA]. I ended up regreting that because I had to wait til Christmas to open it. Anyway, Chirstmas eve I finally got to test my strength against the #1... the one present I was most looking forward to. And I closed it. I'm not sure if I closed it the very first time, if I didn't I know I was within 1/8", but I do know I had it closed after a couple tries.

It was probably another 8 months before I ordered the #2. I had already closed #1 twelve or so times and even stopped crushing for about 4 months when I got the #2. Took me two weeks (3 workouts) to close that. That was sometime in October and as soon as I could shut it with both hands I ordered the #3 with hopes of having it closed by Christmas, making it 1 full year since I started grip training.

Well, that didn't happen. In fact, I'm no "closer" to shutting the #3 than I was when I first got it. My first workout with the #3 I got it down to about 1/8" and that's where I stand today, only I am more consistant with improved endurance and my hands don't bleed as easy. ;)

I have vowed to carry the #3 with me until I can close it though. In fact I have it here at work with me now... hold on, let me give it another go... nope, maybe next time. :sleep

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As a child I used to fall asleep at night to the noise of my father cranking out hunderds of reps with a store bought gripper. I guess I got into hand strength to emulate and compete with him. I heard of the COC's when I read Dinosaur Training by Brooks Kubik. I ordered my grippers the next day and have been getting stronger since.

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My family came over to my place for a cookout. My dad is a gadget freak, and had something to show me and my older, "stronger" brother. He handed my brother a #2 and said "It's rare that someone closes this on their first try". My brother closed it. My dad's mouth popped open. My brother handed it to me. Keep in mind, I have walked in my brother's shadow all my life. Both their mouths dropped when I repped it 3 times. My brother grabbed it, but couldn't close it again. He has closed it since then, but commented it really hurt his hands. He has suffered injuries from weight lifting, and isn't interested in adding to his injury collection.

Anyways, anything I can beat him in is a worthy obsession.


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I heard about them from a guy at work...didn't try them until last fall when a local store had them for sale. I've been in the grip of the addiciton since.


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I got my first coc gripper in August 1999 it was the #3.I got it down to a 1/2in. as soon as I took it out of the zip-lock bag.I didnt get serious about train'n untill the spring of 2000.

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I got my first coc gripper in August 1999 it was the #3.I got it down to a 1/2in. as soon as I took it out of the zip-lock bag

And you haven't already closed the #4 ??

Man it's the worst progression i've ever seen... :tongue:tongue

Just kiddin of course !

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I was first introduced to the grippers through IM's ad in Power USA back in 1991, and was so intrigued by the fact that only one man had closed the #3, that I ordered the same. I closed it to 3/4 inch and gave up, discarding the gripper physically, emotionally, as well as spiritually, until my reunion with the #1 in April of 2002. And now I find myself in the grasp of the gripper's insidious addiction...

Why are these devices so much fun? Well, they're handsome, easy to use and transport, progressive in resistance, yield to the force of your hands and make a neat clicking noise when conquered, are a means to adding your name to an internationally recognized list, and finally, they motivate my wife to compete for my attention ;):blink:)

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Rick, funny you should mention tattooing. I have only one, but was serious about having another placed on my arm to commemorate my certification. My wife talked me out of it, atleast for now. She said it would be ridiculous to have such a thing still on my arm at age 70, when I would't be able to open a peanut butter jar. Doesn't she know that by then I'll be reppin the #4? I say get the tat Rick.

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I got my grippers about 2 months ago ( 11.january.2003 ).

I even didn't have time to get out of my car, before I had to try them out :D First I tried the #T and closed it fairly easy... Then it was time for the #1, which I also managed to close ( but with much more effort ). By that time I got really excited, and I gave the #2 all I got, but didn't manage to close it ( I was about 5 mm away ). About two weeks later I closed the #2, and then I ordered the #3 ( and #4 :rolleyes ). I can now close the #2 4 reps lefty and 6 reps righty... The #3 have not been closed yet, but I have managed to get it down to 5 mm.

What surprised me the most after starting with grip training, is the fast progress ( much faster than with ordinary weight training ) and how much punishment the lower arms can take :blink

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About two years ago i heard about a guy in Mediapolis passing around a gripper that was "very hard to close" at a bar.

I tried it(a #2)and I closed it 4 0r 5?times.

It was fun to shut the guy up but I didn't think much about it.

Started training grip 'lifts'about 8-9 months ago?But still wasn't interested in the grippers.

Saw a good deal on the #1,#2,#3 and the IVanko..was the first guy to make contact and had em delivered about a 10 days ago.

Unseasoned repped the 1,repped the 2 and got pretty close with the unseasoned #3.And i think i did 'pretty good 'with the Ivanko(I like the fit better?)at the 10/12 spring position.Nope didn't close it..but I was close with my RIGHT hand to what a 'natural grip monster' did ....with his LEFT hand ;) I've got tape on it now and am repping it at a lower posisition with my bottom 2 fingers(the pinky and the one next to it?)Those two fingers are 'along for the ride' :cry so I'm training them!

Learned to 'set'the grippers- just a few days ago- after seeing Harlans pic(excellent photography on that one Harlan..Thanks)Didn't understand what it(setting) meant until seeing that .Makes a huge difference.

I have not had another go at the #3 as it is being passed around.

I enjoy the grippers.Fun and they go anywhere.I'm squeezing them daily but no routine yet.

I still like the 'grip lifts' better but my hands may actually be better suited for grippers.

Thats pretty much my full experience with them.

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I got my first gripper in october 2000. It was a #1. OUt of the bag, I closed it for 15 reps. I said to myself "It's not tough at all". I ordered the #2. Still closed it for 5 reps out of the bag but I liked this one. I stared doing strap holds with it and ordered the #3. Got it in april 2001. When I first tried it, I was at 3/4. I said to my dad that it was my new strength goal and he told me I would never do it, he could barely budge it. I trained on many different disorganized routines and got it to 1#8 within 3 months. There came the longest plateau ever. I got stuck at 1/8 for a full year. Then came KTA and within 2 months, I was closing the #3, in july 2002. I stopped all grippers training and got back at it in september. Still at 1/8. Did KTA on and off for 2 months and sticked at 1/16. When I got serious, in december 2002, it took me 2 weeks and I was slamming the #3 for many singles. I got certified february 2nd.

I don't train with my grippers since certification but will get back to them one of these days. I sometimes give a squeeze at the #3. It's still mine, all mine.

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Guest Chris Mellen

I heard about the COCs from Rick. Didnt know what he was talking about, but it sounded intriguing. (I think this was about five months ago.)

I got T through 2. Took out T and closed it fairly easily. I then tried #1 and closed it about halfway. Within a month, I could close the T for 27 reps with my right hand, and could close the #1 for 2-3.

I got frustrated until I found the KTA program. Now I am less than an inch away from the #2.

I want to close the #3 eventually, but I doubt I'll do the #4. It's addictive, but it's mainly about credibility. (Helps for heavy deads, too. :)


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Learned about Ironmind from an ad in "Ironman" back in '99 when I cared more about how I looked, than about how strong I was. I've always had good wrist/grip strength(or so I thought, at least it was better than most people I knew, even serious iron devotees). I closed the #1 easily when I first got it, and could close the #2 for 3 reps, right out of the bag. I COULDN'T PUT THEM DOWN!!!!! as I became obsessed with closing the #3, which I could move, but was still far away. Well, serious elbow tendonitis in both arms helped put the grippers away for a while(almost a year!), but I'm back now slamming the #2 shut with either hand and closing in (maybe 1/4 inch away) on the #3 thanks to the KTA program. Just wish I found it sooner!!

Thanks to all COC's on the board for their input, and good luck to all who are in pusuit!!

Mike :rock

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Guest Harlan Jacobs

For those who don't know, I train at Powerhouse gym in Kokomo,Indiana owned by Strongman Chad Coy and his wife. I was spoting Chad while he was squating when I seen the gripper in his gym bag. It was a #2 . I picked it up and could not close it. Chad took it and just did 3 real quick reps with it and handed it back to me. I am WAY TO COMPITITIVE to let that stand like that. That was in July 2001.

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It was Christmas, and I was sitting at home repping a stupid store bought gripper about a million times. I then remembered an IronMind ad in some bodybuilding mag that I had. I called them and got the catalog. When I got the catalog, I ordered all the grippers. Right from the get go, I closed the Trainer and the #1 right out of the bag. I couldn't close the #2, and the #3 was impossible. I decided to do some research on the internet, and found the GripBoard by accident. At the 2000 AOBS, I met Steve Weiner (3Crusher). He was the first person I had ever met that could close the #3, and I was in awe of him. He told me that if I trained hard enough, that I too could close the #3. That's all I needed to hear. I became certified in November 2001; he was the first person I called to tell him that I got certified.

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Guest mikebyoung

I was visiting my good friend Tom. He had just recently bought the IM#1. He went on and on about the history of the things and grip strength. I thought he was being as silly as hell. Then he challenged me to try the #1. I could close it,but it was tough. He showed me how to better set my grip,and I got 6 reps out of it. That was it...I was hooked. I loved the way it felt in my hand.

I rushed to our local fitness store that carries them. The owner introduced me to all the other grip tools. Ahh, a brand new obsession was born for me.

My grip work quickly led me to other strength training. Finally,at 38,I am on a regular fitness program.

Thanks to Tom and his new gripper I am in the best shape of my life. This was a little over a year ago. Tom and I are both grip enthusiasts,constantly challenging each other to move forward.

The gripping keeps me enthusiastic about further conditioning my body. In fact, today I am heading out to buy a new pair of running shoes. Spring is on the way,and I am going to add some cardio into my training. Running on my beach...lots of big stones down there to mess with too!

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