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please post the weights routine you follow??

(if you follow one)

I'm interested in the "gripsters" workout for the rest of the body.

Thanx guys.

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As of right now I'm following a powerlifting routine. On Monday It's all legs, Wednesday I'll perform bench presses and some assistance exercises, and on Friday I'll finish up the week with some deadlifts and assistance exercises for the entire back. It's very plain and simple but It does wonders for the "Big 3".

Edited by HandsofStone
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I have two workout days, each performed every six days.

First Day: deadlifts, pullups, shrugs, squats, grip

Second Day: bench press, barbell curls, situps, neck work

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Guest sjeff70


1. Standing Overhead Press

2. Hanging Leg Raise

3. Side Bends

4. Hise Shrugs

5. Neck

6. Incline Press





1. Full Squat

2. Standing Overhead Press

3. Deadlift

4. 2-Hands Pinch Lift (to be moved on CoC day by itself)

5. Sit-Up

6. Rack Pulls





Repeat DAY A and so on...


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Cool-the dark side is growing everyday. :D I can't wait to stand up with 700 in the deadlift in November-without actually training the deadlift. How in the heck does that work? :D:whistel

Rick Walker :rock

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Currently Power Cleans (and other forms of Cleans), Deadlifts, Presses and the like. Going heavy but also incorporating speed work on some exercises. I like a lot of WSB ideas.

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I'm a chronic routine changer. I'm now on a twice a week Hammer Strength upper body routine. I also deadlift once a week. I'll do the Hammer Strength thing for a month and will be back to powerlifting routines. My training is very basic, like Brooks Kubik.

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I also train only heavy basic lifts for triples, the O-lifts, and sand bag lifting. I am also a strong believer in plenty of cardio.

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I do a full body workout 2x a week. ohp, rows, bp, shrugs, curls, neck and abs. I alternate squats and deadlift, hitting each 1x a week. I drop most cardio during the winter months as that is when I try to pack on as much weight as I can. During the warmer months I do cardio 2-3x a week.

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I'm experimenting with a Steve Justa single program working the powerclean and press everyday...still too early to give an opinion on how I responded to it.


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Here is my training routine :)

Day 1: Bench press and support exercises


Bench press : 6 - 8 sets / 1 - 6 reps

"Narrow" Bench press : 3 - 4 sets / 1 - 6 reps

Incline Bench press : 3 sets / 6 - 8 reps

Dips : 3 sets / 6 - 8 reps

Day 2: Dead lift and support exercises


Dead lift : 6 - 8 sets / 1 - 6 reps

Chins : 3 sets / 6 - 8 reps ( with extra weight )

Dumbbell rows : 3 sets / 6 - 8 reps

Barbell curls : 3 sets / 6 - 8 reps

Day 3: Squat and support exercises


Squat : 6 - 8 sets / 1 -6 reps

Leg-Press : 3 sets / 6 - 8 reps

Leg extension : 3 sets / 6 -8 reps

Leg curl : 3 sets / 6 -8 reps

Crunches ( with extra weight )

Day 4: Bench press and support exercises


Bench press : 6 - 8 sets / 3 - 8 reps

"Military"-press : 3 sets / 6 - 8 reps

Lateral-raises : 3 sets / 6 - 8 reps

Shrugs : 3 sets / 6 - 8 reps

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Mine is very similar to"Hands of Stone"

Monday:Squats Five progressively heavier singles, 4-5 lockouts the same way, and an all out death set of 20

Wednesday:Bench - same as squats but the death set is pec deck and dips supersetted til failure then some rows with my granite sphere.

Friday: Deads - same singles routine, but with an all out death set of 20 with the trap bar, then some lat work(my weakest area!) finish up with some farmers walks, maybe 4 passes at 30 yards each, not sure how much the implements weigh, just suffice it to say it almost kills me!

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Guest r.judoka

My training is pretty basic dino type stuff, with kettlebells and odd stuff mixed in. Squats , deads, OH presses, chins are the mainstays. Ill do different variations of those core moves for variety. Once in a while some Olifting. Alot of stuff with sandbags. I also use the Jumpstretch bands quite a bit. Usually I do single reps, once in a while triples.

For cardio and strength endurance Ill use the kettlebells. Also skip rope alot.


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