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How Hard Are These Horseshoes?


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I finally got a hold of some horseshoes, and I can't bend them, yet.

Found out a friend of a friend is a horseshoe guy, he puts on and takes off horseshoes. I guess there's a benefit to being in the south.

Anyway the guy is willing to sell his old (used) ones for 25 cents each. I know for any cert or comp I can't use used ones, but I figured for training they wouldn't hurt, just to give me something cheap to practice with.

So anyway my friend got me 4 of these. I tried to bend them, I could feel it flexing, but not bending, but when I tried I was in the middle of wrestling training with no hand wraps or padding.

The guy has 8 different shoes he normally uses, so I told him to get me 2 of each, which I should have by next saturday.

So I was wondering if anybody knew how tough these shoes are. Should I be trying them now or wait until I'm better at horseshoe bending? (I've never bent a horseshoe, these are the first i tried.)

They appear to be Diamond O HIND on the other leg it has "Since 1908" on it.




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I have no direct experience with it myself. But from what I've gathered from others they are a noticeably tougher than the Diamond classic front shoes. Far from what I would call beginner shoes. But they are possible to bend with some work, and I think you can begin to damage them a few sessions down the road

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They are a bit tougher than the classics of the same size for sure. If I read your post correctly Pitt, you tried these barehanded, without any wraps. If that's the case and you were able to bend them, it would be a world class feat. You are a strong guy and if you use some wraps you should be able to at least open these up to 90 degrees. These were some of the first shoes I bent.

Post up a video of your next attempt and we can offer some technique pointers to try and help. Good luck!

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The 90-180 on the diamond Hinds is harder than the classics due to the toe being slightly squared off. Beyond that, they're basically DC0's.

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The 90-180 on the diamond Hinds is harder than the classics due to the toe being slightly squared off. Beyond that, they're basically DC0's.


Are you still bending shoes? It would be great to see you bending them again, since it was your influence that started many of us on our horseshoe bending journey, including myself.


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I'm still bending. Haven't for some time, but just started back up. I'm using my old workout log again too.

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I'm still bending. Haven't for some time, but just started back up. I'm using my old workout log again too.

Excellent! I will be following your workout log. Best of luck with your training Zach


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If you didn’t bend them then they are hard for sure. Try some padding and see if you bend them then. .25c each is a great deal for sure. Even though they are tough ones you’ll get them soon.

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Thanks guys for the info.

Yeah the first time I tried was at a wrestling show, after I had been training for a little bit, our head of security brought them in and gave them to me, so I had to try them immediately. I could feel them flexing and moving a little but not bending, well not doing any damage. This was with no wraps, no padding, no nothing.

I tried them again yesterday bare handed and wrapped, I got it to bend slightly with it wrapped, very slightly, maybe 1/4". One problem i have is my hand isn't completely healed from when I tore some skin off my palm, it's still sensitive and it hurt like hell when I started really going after it. Also my chest and arms were still sore from working out wednesday, so it wasn't the best day to try. Normally I bend on saturdays but today I'm fixing to drive down to Columbia SC for a wedding rehearsal, bachelor party, and a wedding tomorrow, so I won't be able to bend any this weekend.

I plan on order the Hammering Horseshoes DVD soon, cause I know my technique is pretty much non existent at this point. Also I think I need some better wraps, the wraps I have are just leather strips I cut out from an old arm gauntlet, they're 12" long, and 4" wide, They slip around too much, that's why I've been doing the mid-bar and long-bar stuff barehanded, I get a better grip barehanded.

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I finally got a hold of some horseshoes, and I can't bend them, yet.

Found out a friend of a friend is a horseshoe guy, he puts on and takes off horseshoes. I guess there's a benefit to being in the south.

Anyway the guy is willing to sell his old (used) ones for 25 cents each. I know for any cert or comp I can't use used ones, but I figured for training they wouldn't hurt, just to give me something cheap to practice with.

So anyway my friend got me 4 of these. I tried to bend them, I could feel it flexing, but not bending, but when I tried I was in the middle of wrestling training with no hand wraps or padding.

The guy has 8 different shoes he normally uses, so I told him to get me 2 of each, which I should have by next saturday.

So I was wondering if anybody knew how tough these shoes are. Should I be trying them now or wait until I'm better at horseshoe bending? (I've never bent a horseshoe, these are the first i tried.)

They appear to be Diamond O HIND on the other leg it has "Since 1908" on it.




Nice shoes we have here, a grip christmas for sure :sorcerer:

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  • 4 weeks later...

with wraps and healed up I think you would bend them. I like the D hinds to bend. They always bend good for me and have hearted a few of the DH #1's . I would say the 0's will be a bit tougher than the 1's

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