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Magnus Samuelsson Coc 3


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Who knows or has that model of CoC 3,the one that Magnus is closing for reps.?It has a strange stamp and a wide spread compared on his huge hands.Looks like a beast that gripper.

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The video is called magnus samuelsson grip training on you tube..Savage Jack i am not sam scott i didn't saw something funny in your post...maybe you saw, or you are talking because you don't have something else better to do.it was a question because i never saw that stamp on a CoC gripper.

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Actually now that I watch the video, the looks like the old steel-handle #3 that I rated for Carlos F Rivera Pagan. Sorry if I mixed your name up Carlos! :)

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Jack i won't fall in a verbal fight with you,but i think you didn't watch the video, at 15 seconds you will see that the gripper is a little wider than a normal no.3.After the answer of Matt i searched here and Carlos Pagan who owns that model says the same thing ''That ''OLD STYLE'' #3 HAS A VERY WIDE SPREAD COMPARE WITH THE NEW #3'S,and by so it ''feels'' a lot harder than an average #3''.So if you don't know or don't want to answer a question don't make fun or something else.Respect so you can have respect!

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Actually now that I watch the video, the looks like the old steel-handle #3 that I rated for Carlos F Rivera Pagan. Sorry if I mixed your name up Carlos! :)

Now that you mention it Matt, the handles do look like steel.

Magnus looked like he was putting some effort into repping that gripper so it must be very hard.

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Actually now that I watch the video, the looks like the old steel-handle #3 that I rated for Carlos F Rivera Pagan. Sorry if I mixed your name up Carlos! :)
Now that you mention it Matt, the handles do look like steel. Magnus looked like he was putting some effort into repping that gripper so it must be very hard.

I've only seen one of these grippers ever, so I'm no expert. But Carlos' steel-handled #3 had the same look from what I remember.

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