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Huge Problem...


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Hey everyone! I have finally realized that I overtrained and need time off grippers. Back in June I was able to MMS set close the IM#3 and that was the last time I did it. Ever since then I was not able to do it. I started doing negatives almost every other day with #3 and #4, my grip started getting weaker and weaker (gap on the #3 kept increasing, eventhough I was able to hold the negatives for longer and longer) leading me to believe that I am overdoing it. I took last weekend off completely and decided to give it another shot on the #3 today and its even worse then before...

Obviously I realize that 2 days is not enough time to recover, but I have a huge problem. I tried to take 1 or 2 weeks off a couple of months ago, but I'm so addicted to these stupid grippers that after a couple of days of rest I go at it again because my hands don't feel soar anymore, only to find out that those couple of day were not enough. I just can't help it, every time I see a gripper around my house, I try to bang out a couple of reps or do a couple of negatives... I don't understand how some of you can just take a couple of weeks off just like that??? Whats the secret? I just feel like sitting around for a couple of weeks and not gripping is counter productive, or is it? Maybe you don't sit around but resort to work on some other aspect of grip strength like pinching for instance (during those two weeks off I mean)???

Any input would be greatly appreciated!

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Yea. It just takes a little discipline to realize that your hands need a break. I use to do it every other day for a bit and i finally realized that it was just stupid. I am now starting to do it every 3 days because it seems to work well for me. I do them hard each session though. I would say to take maybe a week off. Look on the forums and everything. Figure out a program that you want to do. Include as many things as you can. Then come back and go for it. But i wouldn't recommend grip any more than 3 times a week in my opinion.

They are addicting. The best way to not do them is to think of other things throughout the day. Do other hobbies. Relax. Think of it as . . . if you keep doing gripper work every single day (even though you love it), you will never end up getting better because you will be in a constant state of beaten up hands.

Good luck.

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You should try focusing on another grip feat or event - like improving your 2-hand pinch if that's a weakness for you. Or just work thickbar. Or blobs. Anything but the grippers. I'm like you - the grippers are hard for me to lay off. Pack your grippers up and ship them to me for a month. I'll keep them safe and sound. And "season" any #3.5s or Elites for you in the process. :grin: You'll thank me when you don't have ready access to your grippers. Plus you'll get stronger on thickbar, pinch, and blobs. :)

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Bright - Thanks for your advice! I was actually thinking of training 2 times a week on grippers after I rest up for a week. Every 3 days seems like a plan too though...

Ben! I don't even own a 3.5 or an Elite, lol! I have a #4 which acts as a paperweight at the moment, haha. You are right though. I will have to lock the grippers up in a safe for a week or two and focus on 2hp, since thats a big problem area for me. Would you recommend both 2hp and 1hp or should I just get better on 2hp first and then try to improve my 1hp???

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Hey everyone! I have finally realized that I overtrained and need time off grippers. Back in June I was able to MMS set close the IM#3 and that was the last time I did it. Ever since then I was not able to do it. I started doing negatives almost every other day with #3 and #4, my grip started getting weaker and weaker (gap on the #3 kept increasing, eventhough I was able to hold the negatives for longer and longer) leading me to believe that I am overdoing it. I took last weekend off completely and decided to give it another shot on the #3 today and its even worse then before...

Obviously I realize that 2 days is not enough time to recover, but I have a huge problem. I tried to take 1 or 2 weeks off a couple of months ago, but I'm so addicted to these stupid grippers that after a couple of days of rest I go at it again because my hands don't feel soar anymore, only to find out that those couple of day were not enough. I just can't help it, every time I see a gripper around my house, I try to bang out a couple of reps or do a couple of negatives... I don't understand how some of you can just take a couple of weeks off just like that??? Whats the secret? I just feel like sitting around for a couple of weeks and not gripping is counter productive, or is it? Maybe you don't sit around but resort to work on some other aspect of grip strength like pinching for instance (during those two weeks off I mean)???

Any input would be greatly appreciated!

Sounds like you need a good 2-3 weeks off (no grip work at all). It's definitely not counter productive, iv'e gone several months without touching a gripper and came back to hit personal bests. If your struggling to put them down, just keep telling yourself how much of a bad idea it is, surely you can see that now. This stuff is all mental, strengthen the mind and the body will follow.

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Bright - Thanks for your advice! I was actually thinking of training 2 times a week on grippers after I rest up for a week. Every 3 days seems like a plan too though...

Ben! I don't even own a 3.5 or an Elite, lol! I have a #4 which acts as a paperweight at the moment, haha. You are right though. I will have to lock the grippers up in a safe for a week or two and focus on 2hp, since thats a big problem area for me. Would you recommend both 2hp and 1hp or should I just get better on 2hp first and then try to improve my 1hp???

In my opinion. I think doing both 1HP and 2HP are good. They both require pinching strength.

I would do pinching with 10's to 25's to 35's to 45's. Do what you can.

Make plates that are thick. So say for example 3 or 4 or 5 tens. You can also work on hub pinching. that is very fun. I use the IRONMIND HUB pinch that you can purchase on there site but thats only because i don't have old plates with the deep hub in them. Blobs are very good also.

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Bright - Thanks for your advice! I was actually thinking of training 2 times a week on grippers after I rest up for a week. Every 3 days seems like a plan too though...

Ben! I don't even own a 3.5 or an Elite, lol! I have a #4 which acts as a paperweight at the moment, haha. You are right though. I will have to lock the grippers up in a safe for a week or two and focus on 2hp, since thats a big problem area for me. Would you recommend both 2hp and 1hp or should I just get better on 2hp first and then try to improve my 1hp???

In my opinion. I think doing both 1HP and 2HP are good. They both require pinching strength.

I would do pinching with 10's to 25's to 35's to 45's. Do what you can.

Make plates that are thick. So say for example 3 or 4 or 5 tens. You can also work on hub pinching. that is very fun. I use the IRONMIND HUB pinch that you can purchase on there site but thats only because i don't have old plates with the deep hub in them. Blobs are very good also.

Thanks a lot for the advice! I too have purchased that IM hub pinch. Do you attach it to a pin or just tie a rope/strap with a weight to it?

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You can use the hub either way. I personally use a loading pin. You can make one very easily or buy a new one.

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You can use the hub either way. I personally use a loading pin. You can make one very easily or buy a new one.

Thanks! I will try to make one over the weekend. Loadings pins are a bit too overpriced here in Canada...

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You can use the hub either way. I personally use a loading pin. You can make one very easily or buy a new one.
Thanks! I will try to make one over the weekend. Loadings pins are a bit too overpriced here in Canada...

Try a hardware store and buy a 12" piece of pipe that screws into a fitting which will hold your plates. Then a carabiner from the hub to the pipe. You might need to drill a hole in the pipe but some may already have one. Sometimes there are pins for sale in the selling section here.

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take your time off and do squats

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I've been in the same place before. My best advice is to take a full month off. With as much overtraining as you described, 1 week is not enough. Trust me on this. In the meanwhile, you could do some powerlifting: squats, deadlifts, bench, etc. Focusing on the big exercises has helped me in the past. Just forget about gripper for now and you will come back stronger than ever!

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I've been in the same place before. My best advice is to take a full month off. With as much overtraining as you described, 1 week is not enough. Trust me on this. In the meanwhile, you could do some powerlifting: squats, deadlifts, bench, etc. Focusing on the big exercises has helped me in the past. Just forget about gripper for now and you will come back stronger than ever!

Thanks a lot! I did try to do stuff yesterday (after 1 week) only to find out that I'm nowhere near 100%. I definitely have to put the grippers down untill the end of September.

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I hear ya, the same here. Sometimes it takes more than a week. Try to do it. It's better. It's very disappointing to be one week further and then still notice no progress.

Been there hahaha it'll come.

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