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And The Winner Of The Free Hammering Horseshoes Dvd Is...

Mike Rinderle

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That includes Ben Edwards, who's essay got lost somewhere in cyberspace.

Carl Ansara has generously decided that he will purchase another 4 DVDs so everyone that submitted an essay will get one in an effort to grow the sport of shoe bending. Carl is not only a great steel bender, but one of the most giving people I have met. Thanks Carl!!!!!!

Now get your shoe bending on!!!!

Everyone that sent in an essay, please shoot me your address. I think I have yours Ben.

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Wow, that's extremely generous Carl! Thanks guys. I feel bad that mine didn't make it in though because I didn't save it in a Word document. I didn't even try to re-create it because I thought someone else deserved the chance more than I did if their essay actually went through. I think that mail2world has some difficulties - like receiving e-mail providers putting it in spam folders or just outright deleting it.

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That's awesome Carl! Congrats to everyone that's recieving dvd's. I'm sure you'll get huge use out of them.

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Thanks guys! I love the sport of grip, and bending in particular. This is just my little way to help advance/support the sport. Congratulations to all the winners and good luck with your horseshoe progression.

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