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Steel Bending Got Me A Job!


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I hate my current job. I do the work of 2-3 people, which I don't mind except I get paid less than one of them used too. Literally I do my job, plus I took over for 2 other people that left. Also there's a lot of other BS going on with management and everything. However it is a job that barely covers my bills so I've been tolerating it while I've been looking for something new.

Anyway I sent an e-mail and a resume to a demolition and scrap yard company. I've always wanted to work for a demolition company, and I've sold scrap metal before when I was in between jobs. I have no professional experience doing either one, but I've done some demolition work for family and friends.

So I e-mail last monday, on friday the office manager calls me. She's impressed with my e-mail and resume, wants me to come in to interview. I couldn't go that day because I was working double shifts at work. So we do a mini interview on the phone. So she's talking about how sometimes it's hard work. So I tell her that I can work 12 hours in a warehouse and loading trucks, and then go to the gym for 3 hours, and I also compete in strongman contests. She's impressed, also theres a few guys that work there that work out a lot and often compete against each other.

Then she asks me "Do you have any experience working with steel?".

So I reply "I have experience bending steel"

Her: "What?, you mean with a machine"

Me: "No, with my hands"

Her: "What do you mean?"

Me: "Basically I take short pieces of steel, nails, and bolts and bend them into a u-shape"

Her: "With your hands?"

Me: "Well I wrap them in cloth so I don't puncture my hands when I do it, but yeah just my hands"

So anyway she's amazed by the idea of it. She gives me the owners cell phone number and wants me to call him. I call him and set up and unofficial interview, we went to lunch at a bar on saturday. Apparently word spread pretty quick around the office that "There's a big strongman that bends steel, that's looking for a job". So the owner is impressed with the steel bending because he's familiar with steel of course. So anyway he wants to hire me, thinks I'll be a great addition to his crew. Also he laughs at my current pay rate. I told him how much I get paid now and he goes "Oh yeah, I can beat that lol" (He didn't actually say "lol", he just laughed).

So monday I had an official interview with the office manager, the sales manager, and the operations manager. They all think I'm cool as hell, they're impressed by me, and amazed by the steel bending stuff. When I told them that I could bend a grade 8 bolt, the operations manager goes "Crap, if you can bend a grade 8 bolt, then you got the job". So we go out the mechanics garage and look for some bolts, can't find anything worthy of a good test.

So tuesday I go back to turn in some paperwork and I take some nails and bolts with me. I had 6 people gathered around, the office manager, the operations manager, a couple mechanics, and an IT guy. So I start bending and telling them about it, I did double overhand, reverse, and double underhand bends. I ending up doing 3-60d timber spikes. 2- Hard 60d nails, 2-galvanized steel 60dnails, 2-Grade 5 bolts, and the Finale was a 6" 1/4" Grade 8 bolt. No chalk or anything, wrapped in IMP's. I made sure the operations manager was looking, and I killed it. I bent with my signature chest level double overhand style, and it went down easy, I was surprised myself. Then the operations manager goes "Well I gotta hire you now". So I start my new job on Sept 2nd, it pays more, and it's only 7 miles from my house (my current job is 25 miles).

So yeah Steel bending helped me to get a new job. So thanks to everybody on here who has helped me get this far and who has encouraged me throughout the past year. Steel bending really did pay off for me.

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That's the best story I've heard in a long time. Great story and congrats.

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Great story! Well done and congratulations. Bending steel, the best investment I've heard in a while :mosher

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Congratulations! Great Story!

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PITT, this is awesome.

Please tell us all how the wrestling deal in Phillie went. I just could not make the trip happen and I am chomping at the bit, brother.


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Awesome news man! Enjoyed reading that. I haven't bent a wrench in quite a while. But one I bent for one of my sergeants over 5 years ago still has officers passing on the story to new hires. Kind of like a steel legacy. Instant street cred, lol.

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Thats a great story


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Very cool story! Congrats!

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Thanks Everybody Again

Jedd- I posted the results in the other post I had for it. I thought i had already posted about it on here. I just got done posting it now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just recieved the following e-mail

"As for employment here, we are going to head into a different direction and will not be offering you a position. We appreciate your interest in our company and your thorough interview process, however we have decided to go a different route.

Please let us know if you have any questions and good luck with everything. Take care"

This Thursday is supposed to be my last day at this job, I put in my 2 week notice and everything. I did all the paperwork for the new job and everything seemed good to go. I had four people tell me that I had the job, to put in my 2 week notice. Now I get this e-mail. My bosses here have been freaking out, they've been promising me raises, phones, laptops and everything to get me to stay, but I think they're bullshitting me cause they can't produce any offical paperwork. So I guess now I'm stuck here but hopefully I'll get a raise out of it.

I had such high hopes for this, I thought this was gonna change my life, I was on cloud nine the past couple weeks. Now I'm right back in the same old crap I've been in for the past three years. Empty Promises, too much work, and not enough pay.

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Yep, I called to check. Apparently the Owner and another manager (One I haven't met), had a meeting and decided "To go in another direction" that's all she would tell me. She said she was sorry and everything, but it came down from the owner.

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Bad news, that sucks man.

Those promises are most likely positioning by management, to put your departure on their schedule instead of yours. Keep looking for something else.

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I would definitely call the owner and ask why the sudden change of heart. It may be they found something incorrect in a background check or your current employer may have given you a poor evaluation when they called (which is a no-no). If it really isn't a mistake, I would let them know that you will be contacting an attorney because they promised you the job, told you to put in your notice, and by doing so you have lost your current employment.

Probably not worth actually getting an attorney, but that should scare the crap out of them just for fun. Also, I would leverage this for at least a nice raise at your current employer.

That really sucks bro! Good luck with everything!

Edited by Mike Rinderle
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That is not cool of them. You should see them to clarify. Once they tell you to give 2weeks notice they have comitted. Could be a mistake. Email is easy to mess up may be an email ment for someone else. See them in person is my sugestion, if it is for real dont give them a pile-driver

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