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Setting Gripper With Other Hand?


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So say im going for the #3 CoC RIGHT HAND. and im setting it with my left.

The spread from the 2.5 to the 3 is a bit wider. I have trouble getting it down without pressing my left hand onto my inner thigh to wrap my fingers around it.

Sometimes i end up having the #3 only on the tip of my fingers trying to close it. Today i set it pretty well and was about...

(..........) <<< that far from closing it. maybe a touch more...

So, i have a feeling that setting it almost makes me feel like "O CRAP, this is hard". It almost makes me feel like i don't think i can get it because setting it is so hard.


1) What exercises can i do to set my grippers more easily? is it thumb strength?

2) Now that im that close to the number 3, should i keep working CCC and TNS and MMC and Negatives. just everything or should i be focusing on more negative training.. thanks

Edited by Bright508620
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Study the setting of the best in the game. Watch the mash monster videos and some of the top guys.

Setting the gripper just right in your hand takes practice. Practice, and more practice.

This distance is not close to the #3 unless you got to this point REALLY fast. Be patient though. :) So, just keep working overall strength. And, yes, this includes thumb strength too.

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Today i set it pretty well and was about...

(..........) <<< that far from closing it. maybe a touch more...

I like the way you did that. Sure, we throw out distances in measurements all the time, but I thought the "show and tell" with words was a nice touch, and not something I had seen before.

Of course, everyone's screen size is different, so maybe... :whistel

Edited by Hubgeezer
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Check out Paul Knights video for setting grippers. I saw it after 6 months of already doing grippers with an OK set and I learned a couple of little details that really helped. Not to put any one who has a video on setting grippers down at all but this video just has extra little details that add up big.

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^+1. Best set video I've seen. Taught me how to set when I first got started.

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