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10 Years Of Internet Gripping!


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Well today marks my 10 year anniversary of joining this site. I'm certainly not the most active poster here, but I've followed the site throughout its duration. I was lurking in early 2001 on the old E-Z board, and I still read and occasionally post today. This is a great site for all those who want to get a stronger grip. Most importantly, from the beginning there have been big names in the game that have posted and were actually available for questions. A lot has changed in my life in these 10 years, but my passion for grip has not. I hope this site continues as a haven for the grip community! Keep training hard :D

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Good post!

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I remember meeting you in 2002 at AOBS, time does fly.

I have made some good friends, met some good people, and got a ton of great information because of this board.

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Congrats on 10 years! I was around for the old ezboard days too. 2000 for me.

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Wow that is a long time and you are still here were so many have come and gone, your dedication is admirable!

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It has been a great 10 years, and the forum has not degraded into a steaming pile of dog doo like many other good forums do in much less time. Most of the people here care about grip and respect other members regardless of skill level, age, or training ideas. Bill and the other Mods have done a fantastic job keeping this thing going, I hope it stays around forever. :bow

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Quite a unique website indeed. Very high standards, especially for a weightlifing forum (threads probably don't get frequently out of control on knitting forums).

I don't post much anymore but i still enjoy reading it (almost) everyday.

Congratulations Bill!

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