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Caffeine And Grip Strength


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Here is an abstract of an article the I ran across about caffeine's effect on grip strength. LINK

The abstract doesn't go into much detail but the article I read that is based on the full version states that caffeine enhances the release of cellular calcium, which increases grip strength and also decreases chemicals associated with pain and blood flow.

I always get better workouts after a cup of coffee or a preworkout stim

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This is good news.. :D

Coffee is good for you.

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Most studies you will run across show a positive increase in strength when caffeine is ingested before strength training. The majority of studies I have read use 5mg/kg of body weight. I've seen 3mg/kg used with positive results too. Either way it can be a lot of caffeine, for me anywhere between 330-550mgs.

And no I don't remember where the studies are from, I have been CSCS certified through the NSCA for 5 or 6 years and have read a ton of research.

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I believe Acorn swears by this too.

I love coffee and am generally drinking it whenever possible. :D

As it relates to my grip workouts, if I have a lot of caffeine in my system, it seems MUCH easier to warm up and get ready to workout. That's what I have noticed.

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I believe Acorn swears by this too.

I love coffee and am generally drinking it whenever possible. :D

As it relates to my grip workouts, if I have a lot of caffeine in my system, it seems MUCH easier to warm up and get ready to workout. That's what I have noticed.

Yep Caffeine is good. Since I don't drink coffee and I'm not all that sensitive to Caffeine, I can take a fair amount in one sitting. My current pre-workout jumpstart consists of 2 scoops of Jack3d, a no-doze, tylenol, Yohimbe, B-Complex, and some ephedrin. Just enough to shake out a few cobwebs for me, but might be enough to make most others lay on the ground twitching.

- Aaron

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I believe Acorn swears by this too.

I love coffee and am generally drinking it whenever possible. :D

As it relates to my grip workouts, if I have a lot of caffeine in my system, it seems MUCH easier to warm up and get ready to workout. That's what I have noticed.

Yep Caffeine is good. Since I don't drink coffee and I'm not all that sensitive to Caffeine, I can take a fair amount in one sitting. My current pre-workout jumpstart consists of 2 scoops of Jack3d, a no-doze, tylenol, Yohimbe, B-Complex, and some ephedrin. Just enough to shake out a few cobwebs for me, but might be enough to make most others lay on the ground twitching.

- Aaron

My heart would explode on that! A couple cups of weak coffee is enough for me.

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Yep Caffeine is good. My current pre-workout jumpstart consists of 2 scoops of Jack3d, a no-doze, tylenol, Yohimbe, B-Complex, and some ephedrin. Just enough to shake out a few cobwebs for me

- Aaron


I would be in the hospital held down by restraints.

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To paraphrase what I said before, It would be a very bad idea to try this at home. :whistel

I'm not very sensitive to stimulants though so that barely raises my resting heart rate. Well maybe 20% or so. My resting HR is generally between 55 and 60 bpm. It might get to 75 with all that stuff for me. When I was in my 20's I could easily take in over 1000mg of caffeine a day and sleep fine without jitters.

- Aaron

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To paraphrase what I said before, It would be a very bad idea to try this at home. :whistel

I'm not very sensitive to stimulants though so that barely raises my resting heart rate. Well maybe 20% or so. My resting HR is generally between 55 and 60 bpm. It might get to 75 with all that stuff for me. When I was in my 20's I could easily take in over 1000mg of caffeine a day and sleep fine without jitters.

- Aaron

Holy crap Aaron! crying.gif

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Yep Caffeine is good. Since I don't drink coffee and I'm not all that sensitive to Caffeine, I can take a fair amount in one sitting. My current pre-workout jumpstart consists of 2 scoops of Jack3d, a no-doze, tylenol, Yohimbe, B-Complex, and some ephedrin. Just enough to shake out a few cobwebs for me, but might be enough to make most others lay on the ground twitching.

- Aaron

I do ECA stacks sometimes but damn dude, that is hardcore!help.gif

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Yep Caffeine is good. Since I don't drink coffee and I'm not all that sensitive to Caffeine, I can take a fair amount in one sitting. My current pre-workout jumpstart consists of 2 scoops of Jack3d, a no-doze, tylenol, Yohimbe, B-Complex, and some ephedrin. Just enough to shake out a few cobwebs for me, but might be enough to make most others lay on the ground twitching.

- Aaron

I do ECA stacks sometimes but damn dude, that is hardcore!help.gif

Thanks, Yeah I used to do the occasional ECA stacks. Trying the ECY stack currently which is considered a bit more extreme but along the same lines.

- Aaron

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Is there anything about you that isn't just freaky, Aaron? LOL, I remember when you came on the board and some people doubted your claims. Then you pinched awesome amounts, closed a #4, and just did overall freaky stuff. You can't blame people for doubting you.... they didn't know you're "Mutant Troll Beast"!! :tongue

Aaron are you keeping a log somewhere nowdays?

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Most studies you will run across show a positive increase in strength when caffeine is ingested before strength training. The majority of studies I have read use 5mg/kg of body weight. I've seen 3mg/kg used with positive results too. Either way it can be a lot of caffeine, for me anywhere between 330-550mgs.

And no I don't remember where the studies are from, I have been CSCS certified through the NSCA for 5 or 6 years and have read a ton of research.

Dang, that's like 3-4 cups of coffee or 3-5 redbulls! I think I'd experience heart failure a from caffeine overdose before I reached a PR. I'll hit an energy drink on occasion for planned PR days or brutal sessions. It sure helps get warmed up and it helps finish harder towards the end of a grip session.

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Is there anything about you that isn't just freaky, Aaron? LOL, I remember when you came on the board and some people doubted your claims. Then you pinched awesome amounts, closed a #4, and just did overall freaky stuff. You can't blame people for doubting you.... they didn't know you're "Mutant Troll Beast"!! :tongue

Aaron are you keeping a log somewhere nowdays?

Lol! :mosher

Yep, I started a blog finally last month, and I also built a custom secure database driven online training log for my website. I'm using both these days. The secure one on my website is handy since I can log workouts to it from my phone, is keyword searchable and has a dedicated PR's tracking page per user. A few of the guys who were doing gripper program testing for me awhile back are setup for it but I think only a couple of others are still using it besides me.

I took a few months off from training earlier this year and just started back training consistently again maybe 5 weeks ago though.

- Aaron

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Aaron, that's all cool, but you forgot to post the link to the blog :tongue I'd love to be able to check it out. Your beastiness is fun to read about.

jad: he sure is! Some men are just gifted in that reagrd, like they are born beastly. I recently came across an article about Bob Young, the brother of the famous powerlifter Doug Young, and found it a worthwhile read although it's 5 pages. Here's the link in case anyone is interested: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/vault/article/magazine/MAG1123958/index.htm

I find it funny how at one point during the article someone says that "Bob was getting stronger just by existing". Some guys can pull that off, it seems, LOL. Aaron seems to be of that breed. Some big gene-envy here!! :laugh:tongue

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Aaron wasn't born...he's an android who built himself in his workshop. This would explain some of the crazy equipment I saw in the last time I was in Tucson.

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