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1st G8 Bend


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I was looking at the AZ GRIP bending progression chart and trying to figure out how hard this 6" G8 is. Is it the G8 triangle?.If so I am surprised at the 525 rating. That would be harder than a red nail according to the chart. I have not tried to do a red in a long time. Maybe I should give it a crack. The G8 I bent took a while to bend more than 10 minutes with my rest breaks.

Usually my right shoulder feels sore after bending hard stuff. This bend didn’t make it sore. Could it be because I was looser later in the day and had a couple of beers in me? :upsidedwn



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Nice bend. 525 at 6" is slightly easier than 420 at 7". You can really only compare same lengths of steel. You're really close to a red. great stuff!

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Good job man! A Grade 8 is a very solid bend. Daniel said it already - A Red is harder but it's longer so the poundage is going to appear a bit skewed compared to what it feels like when you're bending it.

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I remember my first Grade 8, I was on cloud nine and couldn't wait to slay that red dragon! You are closer than you think my friend, get one of them a little faster (may have to do a few) and then try a red!

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525? I have a bunch of those g8's and they feel like less than that. It's a stout bend all the same however a little under a red...but not too far away indeed.

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Awesome job! Bending a G8 for the first time is a real milestone bend! :mosher

G8s vary like all steel does. The triangles less than most and they usually come in on the higher side. The linear S G8s are the ones that feel consistently hardest with the triangles right below them.

As people above said, you can't really compare 6" stock to 7" stock. However, if you are bending any G8, you are pretty close strength wise to getting a red. Technique will play a bigger part on the 7" stock. Flexibility too. The 6" bolts are much easier on the elbows and shoulders.

If I had to do a direct comparison between the average G8 and an average red (taking length out of the equation), I would say a Red is harder to kink, but easier to crush. But again, G8s and Reds both vary and there's really no good way to tell where you are on a red unless you try a few. But a good rule of thumb is that once you are bending G8s you are very close to a red if 7" stock doesn't give you a problem.

I look forward to seeing you smoke a Red very soon!!!

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I've always used the guideline, as it was first told to me by Dave Morton...

Once you bend the Grade 8, you are roughly 2 weeks (or less) away from bending the Red, provided you use the same technique, wraps, etc.

Obviously, you can't fold a Grade 8 with thick ass suede wraps and then expect to reverse a Red in IMP's two weeks later...

Good job.


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Thanks Guys. I assumed that 7" is easier than 6" because the yellow nail supposed to be easier than the blue nail. But In practice I have noticed I have a tougher time starting the yellow. The wider length does throw me off a bit. It does make sence that longer will be easier on the crush down. I ll try a few more G8s and build up to the red. Maybe Ill try it in a week or two.

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You have to keep in mind though that the red nail is thicker than the grade 8 though. This is a factor that needs to be considered.

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You have to keep in mind though that the red nail is thicker than the grade 8 though. This is a factor that needs to be considered.

Yes I can imagine it will be a real bear to start! and finish! I’m not expecting it to happen too soon.

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One week after I bent my first grade 8 using DO, I went on to bend 5 red nails in a single workout. I recommend you wrap one up and kill the SOB.

You have to keep in mind though that the red nail is thicker than the grade 8 though. This is a factor that needs to be considered.

Yes I can imagine it will be a real bear to start! and finish! I’m not expecting it to happen too soon.

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Nice bend, the springiness of a grade 8 always amazes me compared to other bolts. The grade 8 looks so innocent, but really packs a punch!

Just my opinion, but looking at your final bend of the 8, I would work on crushing it further in preparation for an assault on the red.

Good luck.

Edited by mmainlands
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You have to keep in mind though that the red nail is thicker than the grade 8 though. This is a factor that needs to be considered.

Yes I can imagine it will be a real bear to start! and finish! I’m not expecting it to happen too soon.

Don't think that way. I just said a lot of guys eat up a red within two weeks bro. Why talk yourself out of it before you even go for it?

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I can vouch for Jedd's bending e-book. Buy it and learn from one of the best!

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I can vouch for Jedd's bending e-book. Buy it and learn from one of the best!

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You have to keep in mind though that the red nail is thicker than the grade 8 though. This is a factor that needs to be considered.

Yes I can imagine it will be a real bear to start! and finish! I’m not expecting it to happen too soon.

Don't think that way. I just said a lot of guys eat up a red within two weeks bro. Why talk yourself out of it before you even go for it?

Don’t worry I'm not mentally defeating my self. I just plan on a week of more G8 and then maybe next week try a Red. I was just trying to relay that I am not assuming that I can bend a red just because I got a G8. I am getting stronger and more limber so I know it will happen.

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Great job, Rich!!! Congrats.

The 525 G8 on the AZ grip website was indeed a triangle.

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Thanks Guys. I assumed that 7" is easier than 6" because the yellow nail supposed to be easier than the blue nail. But In practice I have noticed I have a tougher time starting the yellow. The wider length does throw me off a bit. It does make sence that longer will be easier on the crush down. I ll try a few more G8s and build up to the red. Maybe Ill try it in a week or two.

Yes 7" is easier than 6"(if your shoulders are flexible and healthy). What people are saying is that don't compare the numbers between the different lengths because they're not the same. a 6" 400lbs bar will be MUCH easier than a 7" 400lbs bar. The numbers get artificially bigger the shorter you go.

For instance if you cut a red nail to 6" it will usually calibrate at 550-600 lbs. But it will not be that much harder to bend than it would be at 7".

You can only compare the numbers between bars at the same length.

Edited by David_wigren
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I was looking at the AZ GRIP bending progression chart and trying to figure out how hard this 6" G8 is. Is it the G8 triangle?.If so I am surprised at the 525 rating. That would be harder than a red nail according to the chart. I have not tried to do a red in a long time. Maybe I should give it a crack. The G8 I bent took a while to bend more than 10 minutes with my rest breaks.

Usually my right shoulder feels sore after bending hard stuff. This bend didn’t make it sore. Could it be because I was looser later in the day and had a couple of beers in me? :upsidedwn

Congratulations on your first grade 8 bend! Those little things are tough! As has been said, the crush on these are harder than the crush on a Red. (I remember fighting these for over a month on the last 1/2 - 1".) You are very close.

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Congrats! I'd go attack a red ASAP!

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What they said, go after the Red! You're so close it's almost negligable. And if you find 7" awkward start bending 7.5-8" stock, even if it's easy. I bend 7.75" G2s for warmups and it has really helped me stay loose and it makes the 7" stuff feel really easy to hit with max force. I find if I never go longer than 7" I start to get tight and I feel off.

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Thanks Guys. I assumed that 7" is easier than 6" because the yellow nail supposed to be easier than the blue nail. But In practice I have noticed I have a tougher time starting the yellow. The wider length does throw me off a bit. It does make sence that longer will be easier on the crush down. I ll try a few more G8s and build up to the red. Maybe Ill try it in a week or two.

Yes 7" is easier than 6"(if your shoulders are flexible and healthy). What people are saying is that don't compare the numbers between the different lengths because they're not the same. a 6" 400lbs bar will be MUCH easier than a 7" 400lbs bar. The numbers get artificially bigger the shorter you go.

For instance if you cut a red nail to 6" it will usually calibrate at 550-600 lbs. But it will not be that much harder to bend than it would be at 7".

You can only compare the numbers between bars at the same length.

This makes sense what you’re saying but still a little hard to grasp mentally. Thanks for your explanation its helping me make sense of this strange paradox.

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