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3 Double Overhand 500+ Axle Deadlifts


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Big Rich walked in today a "bit" dazed after having his wisdom teeth pulled earlier. He is training on the front squat today but decided to "superset" with some double overhand deadlifts on a 2" axle. The ever shiny little used Iron mind Apollon's axle we purchased for last years contest(500.38) was piled up with weight. I was lifting but wondered what was up. Rich easily pulled a lift and I asked "how" much"? The usual Rich smile and shoulder shrug got me to adding.hmm a bit over 500.... I was amazed as to even with his dazed condition after oral surgery how easily he lifted the weight. About then I realized he was going for MORE heavy reps. I added some 2.5s for him and got the video camera. The next weight about 508lb...easy, then he threw on another 5lb after his paused at the bottom 405 front squats. He walked back, dropped his belt off, and then hauled up aprox. 513lb for an easy lift and a several second awaited down signal.Not bad for a training day for a "walking wounded" giant. An onlooker, the head strength trainer for the Canadian Olympic Center was visiting us today and got a real eye full!Always fun!RS

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Massive lifting Rich! Love hearing about record-setting lifting done casually - and medicated makes it even more impressive.

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I am sure, Rich lift 550 pounds in good shape.

What are the sizes of Rich: height, weight, chest, biceps, forearm, wrist, hand size?

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The man is one of the strongest i've ever seen. Nothing surprises me anymore with him. Tremendous.

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Based on some of the "rumors" ive heard... since I cant vouch for seeing them first hand. I would really love to see him make a run at Strongman and see where he can take that. I have no doubt in a very short time his over head presses and stone loading would be disgusting. Would be interesting to see where he could take that.

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I did get vids of the 508 and 513 lifts we will be posting soon (getting up the 2000+ photos on our site has been a daunting task from Summer Strong event). Having some "pro" footage that was done as well is on the way. Rich has 8 3/4" hands weighs about 405, a bit over 6'2 in height, I haven't measured him except shoulder width 27.5". His arms and neck appear easily over 22 chest in the low-mid 60's I would guess. Shoulder girth now that might need a larger tape! He does an hour of cardio several times per week and his work sets in most exercises are high reps AND heavy(like repeated sets of 405x20 in the bench and 405X10 in the incline). The poundages and intensity just defy belief! He is ready for a drug test ANY time and lifts raw sometimes using a belt. He does not eat a lot just frequent small meals with protein and vitamin supplements. I think he wants in the near future a raw 600 front squat, 500 AA axle push press and 525 DO Apollon Axle lift. As an aside he IS human still lacking in a #4 cc close and a York old deep dish fat 45's paired plate pinch deadlift. RS

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I did get vids of the 508 and 513 lifts we will be posting soon (getting up the 2000+ photos on our site has been a daunting task from Summer Strong event). Having some "pro" footage that was done as well is on the way. Rich has 8 3/4" hands weighs about 405, a bit over 6'2 in height, I haven't measured him except shoulder width 27.5". His arms and neck appear easily over 22 chest in the low-mid 60's I would guess. Shoulder girth now that might need a larger tape! He does an hour of cardio several times per week and his work sets in most exercises are high reps AND heavy(like repeated sets of 405x20 in the bench and 405X10 in the incline). The poundages and intensity just defy belief! He is ready for a drug test ANY time and lifts raw sometimes using a belt. He does not eat a lot just frequent small meals with protein and vitamin supplements. I think he wants in the near future a raw 600 front squat, 500 AA axle push press and 525 DO Apollon Axle lift. As an aside he IS human still lacking in a #4 cc close and a York old deep dish fat 45's paired plate pinch deadlift. RS

Very grateful to Richard for valuable information.

Rich Williams - along with Mark Felix and Brian Shaw, the strongest in the world by a supporting grip, and he, unlike them, not professional strongmen with all the ensuing conclusions.

The unique power of man.

He never lift the new RT, and one hand lift axle IM - the maximum weight? I'm sure - the results would be amazing!

I'm sure - at RT - 260 pounds, and on IM - 270. No less.

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The first week the newest IM Rolling Thunder came out when many "numbers dropped" Rich did an easy 220 for ten consecutive reps to try it out. I asked him the other night if he could deadlift 300 on a 2" handle barbell...I think he might try that someday soon. I DID measure his shoulder girth today. Relaxed, no inhaled breath or lat flex spread around his "shoulder caps" and massive upper back/ chest was with a steel tape 73 1/4". now I remember why I never put a cloth tape measure to him......RS

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