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Getting Back Into Bending


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After 2 years away from bending I guess the bug just finally hit me again. Yesterday I decided to see if I still had the ability to bend anything larger than a paperclip, and I was actually surprised.

After a couple 60D nails, I wrapped up a 7"x5/16" FBBC Stainless bar. Not surprisingly my flexibility with DO was terrible, but I finally managed to get it in place long enough to hit it. My bending endurance was also in the crapper. I would hit the bar then let my hands rest for a couple minutes before hitting it again. But I finally finished it off to a 1 3/8" spread after about 6 minutes.

Next I wrapped up a 6"x5/16" FBBC Stainless bar. This one took a bit longer, and the crush was harder than I was expecting. Then again it has been 2 years. I used to be able to finish this bar in under 30 sec, but this one took close to 10 minutes to get it down to 1 9/16"

Time for a couple days off and see what I can bend next.


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I think I remember you. Didn't you also destroy some really short red nails and bastard bars? Like 4.5", or maybe it was 5". I don't remember exactly.

Good to see you here though

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After almost 4 years of a layoff I got bit again to by the steel serpent, great to see you back and those are some impressive bends to be knocking out of the park first thing out! Can't wait to see what the future holds for you my friend. :mosher

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Thanks David. I did hit some pretty short bends with a 4.5" red and 5" bastard and I certed with a Grand Shiny. I got several Mag Shinys down to 2 1/4" to 2 1/2" as well. I just could never start one without it being well off center, so I could never finish them off. I also made a short run at a KOAB soon after I killed off a 7"x 11/32" O-1 Drillrod. I got a couple bars to 45 degrees or so before I stopped bending, just never finished one off. Here is a link to my old photo albums that have those pics and vid.

Bending Photo Albums

I quit bending because it was interfering with powerlifting. I planned on coming back to it after I healed up, but just never did. I have to say I have really missed it. It's feels great to be back at it.

I think I remember you. Didn't you also destroy some really short red nails and bastard bars? Like 4.5", or maybe it was 5". I don't remember exactly.

Good to see you here though

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Thanks gator. It was actually reading about your comeback that got the fire burning in me to start bending again. You definitely inspired me. What surprised me was that my bending strength is still pretty decent, but my speed is what took the biggest hit from the time off.

After almost 4 years of a layoff I got bit again to by the steel serpent, great to see you back and those are some impressive bends to be knocking out of the park first thing out! Can't wait to see what the future holds for you my friend. :mosher

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That makes me feel good that I had a little part in dragging your strong butt back into the battle. Your strength is still there and the time will only get better with every bend. I noticed that the KOAB will die now that will be a great bend. I believe you have the power, drive and dedication to accomplish this massive bend. I will watch your progress with great intensity seeing if I can keep up with you my friend.

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Glad to see you back man! Sounds like your strength is still way up in the bending atmosphere. Hope to see you destroy a KOAB this year.

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Thanks guys. I had forgotten just how addictive bending is. I'm finding it very difficult to resist the urge to bend every day LOL.

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Awesome bends! Looking forward to seeing your assault on the KOAB!

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Good stuff! Bending IS addictive for sure. If you feel like bending daily I say go for it, worked for me.

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Oh I'm sure I will. It worked for me too in the past. At one point I was bending a single Edgin, 6.5" x 5/16" triangle brand grade 5 bolt every day. Did that for about 2 weeks. It got to the point I could barely use my hands LOL...

Good stuff! Bending IS addictive for sure. If you feel like bending daily I say go for it, worked for me.

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Oh I'm sure I will. It worked for me too in the past. At one point I was bending a single Edgin, 6.5" x 5/16" triangle brand grade 5 bolt every day. Did that for about 2 weeks. It got to the point I could barely use my hands LOL...

An Edgin alone is impressive to me one a day is just astounding :ohmy , can't wait to see you kill some more steel! :rock

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You guys are really getting me fired up for some bending. Thanks for the motivation everyone. Time to bend again tonight, just gotta decide what steel will be my victim this time :)

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Tonight's bending went pretty well I think. I finished a 7" Shiny in about a minute, but I came back to it later and crushed it on down to 1 1/8". Then I cut a Shiny down to 5 7/8" and worked on in for about 10 minutes I guess before I had it crushed to 1 3/4". My hands were really on fire tonight after doing gripper work for about an hour last night. It really made it difficult to stay with a bend without resting between hits.

Here is a pic of tonight's carnage. I think next time I will take a shot at a grand Shiny again. It's been awhile for sure, but I think I can get it in 10 minutes maybe.. I really have to get my bending endurance and speed up. After my first bend tonight I was just too gassed to really hit and run with the second one.


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Another couple great bends, keep up the great work, you will only get faster! :mosher

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Hows that bending coming I know you can't resist the addiction is to strong! :yikes

Edited by GatorGrip
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Nothing new to report yet. I will be bending again either tonight or tomorrow. I'm also getting in a couple days of gripper work as well right now, so I'll probably just be bending 2 or maybe 3 days a week depending on how my hands and everything feel. I'm trying to make sure I get enough recovery so that my powerlifting training doesn't suffer. After bending on Wednesday and Gripper work on Thursday, my hands were suffering when deadlifting Friday. They will toughen up though.

Hows that bending coming I know you can't resist the addiction is to strong! :yikes

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Back to bending tonight. My first bend this evening was a 6 3/4" Triangle Edgin (5/16" Grade 5). I will mention that it was a silver one because I do remember the black ones being more difficult. It took me about 10 minutes to get it down to 1 5/8". Again I am still just hitting the bar then waiting for a couple minutes before I hit again. My speed will improve in time. In fact my second bend I stayed with a bit better and finished it in about 5 minutes.

The second was a pre-kinked 6 3/4" Edgin that I had neglected to finish a couple years ago.

The kink on these was pretty tough, but not that bad after I got it going. The crush felt pretty easy on both, so my strength in that area is as strong as ever felt like. I have a lot of work to do on my DO flexibility still. Just one more thing that will take time I suppose.


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Great Job on those Edgins those are some tough muthas to warp, great job and keep up the great work, I mean great fun! You're power is still there it seems even though you may not have the exact flexibility as you once had but those are Edgins you are bending, after a 2 year layoff WOW!!!

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Thanks Gator. It felt good to work on Edgins again. I have about 20 of the black triangle Edgins that I'm anxious to get started on. They are noticeably harder than the silver triangle ones. At least from what I can remember. It's funny actually, I had expected my bending strength to be severely diminished after 2+ years. March 2009 was actually my last bend before the layoff. But I seemed to have retained most of my strength, just not my speed, endurance, and flexibility. My strength with grippers seems to have done about the same as well.

Great Job on those Edgins those are some tough muthas to warp, great job and keep up the great work, I mean great fun! You're power is still there it seems even though you may not have the exact flexibility as you once had but those are Edgins you are bending, after a 2 year layoff WOW!!!

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Decided to try some FBBC 7" x 5/16" Hex bars I have from a few years back. WOW!!! I remembered these things had a tough kink, but son-of-a...... These were considerably more difficult to kink than the Edgins, however from the sweep on in they were much easier than an edgin. Odd little bars these are.

I bent 2 of these and got them both down to 1 5/16". Clearly my kinking needs work, so fortunately I still have about 20 of these bars left to work with. Now to decide what to work on next time. I'm thinking maybe 1 Hex to work my 7" kink and then a Grand shiny perhaps, or a cut Edgin possibly..........


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Keep up the great work it gets me fired up to bend I just need some of those to try but they are really tough from what you said!!!

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Well for me 7" steel is always a bit tough due to flexibility issues, but I have always found the Hex to be especially difficult on the kink but then easy on the sweep and crush. It seems like they just want to bow for eternity before they finally give. You may find the kink to be easier however. Oh and I included some of the Hex bars in your package.

Keep up the great work it gets me fired up to bend I just need some of those to try but they are really tough from what you said!!!

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Tonight's bend, a 6.5" Black Triangle Edgin, finished down to 1.5". Crap this was a difficult bend, well to get down to the sweep at least. From the sweep on it wasn't that bad, my crush especially has always been my biggest strength. I had to hit it twice just to dent the freaking thing.

I'm thinking bending after a bench night is not the best idea, too much blood in my arms and shoulders already. Normally I bend on squat or deadlift night. I was having a tough time just getting the bar in place. By the time I cut the head and part of the threads off, and filed it down, I was already tired LOL...

Can't complain I don't suppose. On the bright side I am getting a little faster with less time between hits. Unfortunately 1 bend is all I felt I had in me tonight. Next time I'm thinking a cut down FBBC Hex bar.


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That is a mighty big bend, You sent me one of those mighty bolts but it will be a while before I take one down Great Job!!!

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