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Sarsaparilla As A Supplement


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Dose any one here use Sarsaparilla as a strength supplement or have any opinions about it.

I called Warren Tetting the other day to ask about ordering a T14. He was really nice and asked a lot about me and my training and offered a bunch of advise. He asked if I take supplements (answer no) and he said I was screwing myself. His advise was take 1000-2000 IU of vitamin C and 1000iu of vitamin E. He also told me to take a teaspoon (or table spoon I cant remember) of Sarsaparilla root powder.

I looked around and have read up on Sarsaparilla and it has a lot of info but the testosterone boosting is unproven. I will give it a go and will post if it helps with anything later. I just am looking for other opinions or experiences :online

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Dose any one here use Sarsaparilla as a strength supplement or have any opinions about it.

I called Warren Tetting the other day to ask about ordering a T14. He was really nice and asked a lot about me and my training and offered a bunch of advise. He asked if I take supplements (answer no) and he said I was screwing myself. His advise was take 1000-2000 IU of vitamin C and 1000iu of vitamin E. He also told me to take a teaspoon (or table spoon I cant remember) of Sarsaparilla root powder.

I looked around and have read up on Sarsaparilla and it has a lot of info but the testosterone boosting is unproven. I will give it a go and will post if it helps with anything later. I just am looking for other opinions or experiences :online

I knew someone who used a take it to boost vision. I have seen it it in natural testosterone boosters, but Tribulus Terrestris is usually the main ingredient in most of those. If you are looking for a test booster, German Tribulus is the way to go IMO. I guess it wouldn't hurt to try the Sarsaparilla, let us know how it works out for you. There are so many things people recommend (cinnamon, ginger root, cayenne pepper, tumeric and on and on) it is probably better to wait until you have a specific problem you want to try and help rather than looking for something ambiguous in hopes of improving quality of life.

I take a Twin Lab multi-vitamin, a joint supplement, and a shot of Udo's Oil once a day.


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Sarsaparilla is a great supplement I've been using it for 7 months now and it helps. Not immediately, but in a few weeks you notice some changes:). Is the t14 the 1800lb gripper?

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Sarsaparilla is a great supplement I've been using it for 7 months now and it helps. Not immediately, but in a few weeks you notice some changes:). Is the t14 the 1800lb gripper?

Yes it is the "Beast" with 9/16" spring. The T13 is not hard enough for me of course,HAHAHAHAHA.

Thank you for your input! One thing for sure is it is safe and is a real antiox and anti inflammatory. It smells like root beer too because it is an ingredient in root beer.

Oh yea how much do you take and how etc.

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Natural test boosters are absolute garbage and have no studies backing up their claims. You'd be just as well off buying snake oil from a psychic. The only real way to get your testosterone outside the normal range is with chemical assistance (aka steroids).

edit: I'm not saying they don't have any benefits, or that some people aren't effected by them. But they have no effect on increasing testosterone outside of the normal range, as is proven by a myriad of studies.

Edited by thewalrus
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Warren has suggested the same to me and said, "It's good for you but your wife might not like it. Makes you frisky."

I never did try and find any.

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Warren has suggested the same to me and said, "It's good for you but your wife might not like it. Makes you frisky."

I never did try and find any.

Ha that’s funny. There is a lot about it being an aphrodisiac. Ill see what happens. I hope I don’t start acting like that New York Congressman Weiner! :wub::flowers::sick:

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I spoke to Warren Tetting two times, both around 2006-07. The first time the call was brief (or as brief as can be with Warren). The second time was at length. I had lost a bet with Mikael, and had to have a gripper made by WT shipped to Australia. We talked about a lot of things, and it was fun.

He brought up supplements and Sarsaparilla. He said some vitamins would boost my strength 10%, and the herb 10%, a 20% total. This, to a man over 50 years old (me). At that point, although I understood that Warren is a very nice man, and THE father of the heavy duty torsion spring gripper, I had the realization that there were some areas that were better not to be discussed with him.

I kept quiet about it all these years, but I have seen this subject come up several times since then. No disrespect to WT, but I agree with The Egg Man, I mean thewalrus (over-40-year-old pop culture reference there :tongue )

Edited by Hubgeezer
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It's always a pleasure to speak with Warren. Warren also has some good stories about Mac Batchelor and "arm bending". I thought he was just using the term interchangeably with arm wrestling when he first started talking but as the conversation progressed it was apparent that it was much different. It was a nice history lesson.

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I spoke to Warren Tetting two times, both around 2006-07. The first time the call was brief (or as brief as can be with Warren). The second time was at length. I had lost a bet with Mikael, and had to have a gripper made by WT shipped to Australia. We talked about a lot of things, and it was fun.

He brought up supplements and Sarsaparilla. He said some vitamins would boost my strength 10%, and the herb 10%, a 20% total. This, to a man over 50 years old (me). At that point, although I understood that Warren is a very nice man, and THE father of the heavy duty torsion spring gripper, I had the realization that there were some areas that were better not to be discussed with him.

I kept quiet about it all these years, but I have seen this subject come up several times since then. No disrespect to WT, but I agree with The Egg Man, I mean thewalrus (over-40-year-old pop culture reference there :tongue )

I agree with the eggman too. No supplement can make your body make what it cant naturally. But being healthy can keep your performance level up. From what I can read on the internet this stuff has a lot of good vitamins and minerals. Who knows for sure but it may help you running at near 100% of your natural level.

I bought some sarsaparilla at a hippy store here in Flagstaff at a rip off price to try it out. I found it on line super cheap.

Ill give it a go. I normally dont like new supplements because weight lifting products are usually a rip off and sometimes can be a bit dangerous. I remember in the early 90 GHB was sold as an after workout sup. Now we know it is a date rape drug.

Any how Sarsaparilla has been around for maybe 1000s of years and I trust it is safe.

For those who are interested Warren told me to find a powdered form from India. I found some from India but the normal form is like little bark chips. Use a Coffee Grinder to make it a powder! It works like a champ. It smells awesome and tastes OK with a slight bitter aftertaste

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  • 2 weeks later...

So far I think Sarsaparilla is good stuff. Didn’t notice much at 1st but MightySaxon told me to take one teaspoon after a workout and I did notice an energy boost. Overall I feel stronger and have been doing well at the gym.

The Testosterone boosting capabilities is for sure BS. It has nothing that can make it and that has been proven.

What seems to be true is it has a lot of antioxidants and vitamins / minerals and seems to be effective at purifying blood and was effective at treating skin problems.

As far as an aphrodisiac I doubt it affects sex drive directly but I would imagine back in the day a lot of people were undernourished and taking something like this would give them some of the vitamin and minerals they were lacking. Being in better health probably gave them a boost so it indirectly helped (that is my theory for the 1 penny it is worth :upsidedwn ).

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