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Megan's First Bend


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Here's a pic of my 4 1/2 year old daughters first bend. It's 1/8"x6" HRS and was done DO. I think I'm behind the curve cuz she's about 1/9 my age but DO bending steel only 1/2 the size I am :blush


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I love when little ones get involved in something positive that their daddy's do!

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Nice! Got her started early!

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Thanks guys! She loves to lift the GripTopz with me too and I even made a mini blob out of wood for her back when I was working with my Blob50 a lot but unfortunately the wife thought it was junk and tossed it out a while ago. She can easily pinch 2 slick fives and hold them for a while.

She's been doing stuff like this with me her whole life. When she was born I was teaching American Kenpo Karate and she was constantly imitating what she saw me doing when I train at home (still does actually) and would copy my little dragon students when the wife brought her to the dojo. Plus whenever I'm doing pushups, bodyweight squats or anything else she gets right next to me and does it too.

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