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Mgc 2011


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Well as usual pretty fun contest. Bob( and help) had things rolling pretty smooth this year went fairly quick. I took 3 guys from LSBB Gym with me. First grip contest for all of them couple of them learned what a gripper was during that event and they all preformed very good considering that. I did well not as well as I could but with some actual thought and training I'm closer to on track. Just need to train more so I know how to gage my weights to try better I believe with this I could of gotten 1st. So I will see if I can pull that off or not in the future tired of bombing things I know I should be able to do. Allan, Cody, & Arron had a great time and I'm sure will be training grip more in the near future. They definitely have some natural ability to start with. All in all alot better contest preformance than I've given lately. Hoping with a little luck I can make it to nationals and improve my numbers. Jeff Parker got first place and has definetely put in some training since I had seen him last big grippers and nice work on the blobs and hammers. Bob got second and also did some great numbers big grippers and all around improved on about everything. The top 3 spots were all within 10ths of a point most of the day it was a good run. Jeff Flynn has grown since last time I saw him also got the Larkin trophy and had a good competition 500# strong on DO partial deads. I rember when he weighed about the same as me not anymore beefing up. Brian also did a huge 515# on Do Deads and had more to go if he would of had more attempts. Nice to talk to some of the guys again had a good time. Thanks to Bob, Don, Jerri,and all who helped to make it go and thanks to the sponors. I got a Chris Rice wrist rotator. Also alot of stuff as usual after the contest Jeff F. and Brian A. were busting out the inch for overhead press reps. Jeff P. did a 2 45's hula for 4 rotations around. Also got to mess around with the griptops that David is using in the contest this year haven't had a chance on them yet.

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Sounds like a blast as always! I really need to make it back MGC

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Sounds like a blast as always! I really need to make it back MGC

Ya you do I pulled the One finger lift out. But everyone dropped off at 150# I went up to 300 + what ever the heck the bar wieghs didn't have you there to make me go higher so I wimped out.

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It was great to see everyone there, the new faces - the guys from ohio - really helped make the contest special I hope they come back. Thanks to Don and Jerri, and Bob, Paula, and Dave for the hard work they put into another contest!

I was pretty happy overall, the 500 do lockout, to win the larkin award was a great honor. Got the inch overhead for 4 reps next target will be 5. Managed to do a thing that was pretty cool, maybe get video when I get a little better at it.

Pretty tired but I am going to deadlift as planned tomorrow - I can't wuss out now that I'm started to get ok at them!

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I really enjoyed the contest as usual. Big thanks to Don and Jerri for hosting, Bob and Paula running things, Dave judging and time keeping and all the competitiors giving their best. Always great to see the old faces and some new ones as well.

I think the most impressive lift I saw was Bob front levering the 10lb sledge to the highest platform with what looked like no effort! He went right to the Slim lever after that but I am sure he could have gotten the 12. His strategy worked for him anyway as he won that event.

I had a really good day in grippers, sledge and DO deadlifts, not so great with the blobs and V-Bar. I love my gold 12lb sledge that Bob made as a trophey. My new goal is to front lever it off the floor from the end of the handle. Right now I am only at 18" out from the head so it will be awhile, but it will make a sweet youtube video when its done!

Edited by Strongmantobe
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Reposted from elsewhere-

Glad everyone liked it. My wife told me someone was watching the scores live. Next year I will pre-advertise this. I didn't think about it till just before the meet, that is why I just made the quick P+B post.

I wanted to win, but either Jeff or Stew are great guys to lose to. Jeff has gotten strong as hell lately, he has trained his ass off and deserves it. I was happy to see all my old buddies, and to meet new ones like Darrin and Stew's friends.

I want to keep the contest along these lines, different events and quick running. There is definitely a place for contests like this. With BBB gone, I am more than happy to fill the "quirky event" void. Also, getting done quick allows everyone to hang around, drink some beer, and bullshit a little, without skipping too much sleep.

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