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Poll For V-bar


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I was wondering how many people out there have found that their dominant hand for say grippers is not as strong on the V-BAR.

My right is way stronger on grippers but is a wuss on V-BAR. My left is the dominant V-bar puller.

I'm curious of what other people have noticed and any theory’s out there.

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With grippers, my right hand is dominant but with anything else like pinching and stuff, my left kicks ass lol

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One Inch or Two Inch? Or, does it even matter?

my right is gripp and 2" dom. my left is 1" dom. I think. it has been a while since I pulled 1" at all.

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I'm right hand dominant, right is stronger on grippers and 2" v-bar.

The only excercise where my left consistently beats my right is 1HP.

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I'm left handed but my right is stronger in everything lol

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One Inch or Two Inch? Or, does it even matter?

I have only tried 2" But it dosn't matter for this poll.

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On 2" V-bar the first and second day I worked it, my left was stronger by about 15 lbs, the 3rd day working it, they were about equal. Never tried a 1". My right hand is considerably stronger on everything else (something I am currently trying to train out of). If you get down Phoenix way Rich you can always come over and work on a 2" with Russ and I.

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My left - up until early this year - was always stronger on vbar and my right has always been stronger on grippers. I'm right-handed.

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