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Atomic Athletic Blackswamp All Around Comp


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Atomic Athletic is having a all around sanctioned comp with their annual Old Time Strongman Picnic this year. There will be 2 events 1-hand deadlift and clean and push press should be fun to see if anyone makes the world record on the one hand deadlift.USAWA link and form

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I believe it is around 560# someone on here can probaly tell you the exact I don't rember for sure.

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Sounds like a fun comp. Is the one arm deadlift with a hook grip(or non rotating handle)? I don't think anyone would ever come close to 560 without it?

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The absolute record is 562# with a hook grip on a standard bar. There are records for many bodyweights and for right and left hands. Contact Roger Lapointe at Atomic Athletic to find out the record at your bodyweight if you like. They are always good picnic's and get togethers.

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