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Expand Your Hand Bands ..imtug


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what's up guys i been training with my coc grippers Few months i just closet the no.1 now I read the book I received with my gripers It says you should do Two sets with your expand your hand bands for maximum strengh..

1.So worth it for me to buy them?

2.I want to strengthen the muscle that I do not know What's his name that muscle that i Holding tight with fingers and opened a box of cucumbers the imtug can help me with that ?

3.Worth me buying imtug train with him too?

Sorry if you do not understand something I do not know very English

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the expand your hand bands will help your hand recovery and balance the strength so yes you should buy them.

The imtugs will help also as they'll target your weak fingers and isolate each finger so buy them they're worth it.

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Cucumbers? :huh:

The bands train your extensors really well. But keep in my any rubber bands will work and will almost certainly be cheaper if not free.

IMTUGs have never been my personal favorites. I would train finger pairs with a T or #1 for a while and see if you like that kind of training for dropping the $$$ on IMTUGs.

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Pretty much what Matt said. Rubberbands work just as good, and I've never really been nuts about tugs. May work for opening cucumber boxes, but my experience is somewhat limited there :D

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I bought the bands. I was using the blue band right away. Within a week I had snapped the blue band, and a month later, snapped the red band. I get 14 reps x 3 sets using the red band. And im not particularly strong. IMO not worth the price, if you're strong you'll probably only find the red band useful, and only for a very short time.

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Ok here is my strange 2c. I like using the rubber bands that come with broccoli bunches. They are tougher that the red bands. It helps that I like broccoli.

You can pick up a bunch next to cucumbers

. :inno

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Ok here is my strange 2c. I like using the rubber bands that come with broccoli bunches. They are tougher that the red bands. It helps that I like broccoli.

You can pick up a bunch next to cucumbers

. :inno


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For me I can say they are quite usefull. But I have to admit, that as i´m living in germany, it´s hard to find an alternative here. The idea with the brocoli bands sounds good and I would probably do it that way if you could find them here, but you can´t. Also I must say that i´m not so far yet to use the red bands, although I´m quite strong otherwise (close the #2 with parallel set left handed, squat 418 pounds or 190 kg for a maximum attempt) my hand extensors seem to be really weak. I hope this will change soon.

Edited by fischmäc
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I bought the bands. I was using the blue band right away. Within a week I had snapped the blue band, and a month later, snapped the red band. I get 14 reps x 3 sets using the red band. And im not particularly strong. IMO not worth the price, if you're strong you'll probably only find the red band useful, and only for a very short time.

I really like the Expand Your Hand Bands, but they do seem to be fragile. I snapped one of really easy ones within just a few minutes of opening the package. I've also snapped both of the red bands.

You can use more than one band at once for more of a challenge.

I'll have to give the broccoli bands a try...

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I must have extremely weak extensors. I never felt I could get a proper workout with anything over the Yellow Band. :erm

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I utilize my bands frequently, and have noticed fast improvement in extensor strength...but they do break VERY easily...I make sure not to open them too wide, and as far as a routine goes, I do 75 reps with each color starting with white up through red with rest time between bands being the time it takes for my other hand to finish the set...I do this twice, usually with about 30 minutes in between.

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I must have extremely weak extensors. I never felt I could get a proper workout with anything over the Yellow Band. :erm

Do you open your hand up all the way? I try to keep them very strict to hit my extensors hard

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