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Finger Lifts And Other Stuff


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Hi guys,

Has anyone ever seen this guy?

His name is Stanless Steel, a professional strongman. He does crazy and I mean crazy o.O feats like holding back planes, deadlifting cars and press lockouts with huge weight and other stuff. But the best in my opinion is that this guy can one finger lift over 600 pounds unprotected o.O, he can also dent coins with his bare hands.

The finger lift is one of the highest I've ever heard of and its right documented and all on youtube. Here is a Japanese video of him doing all kinds of stuff

and here is the 625 pound one finger lift. Looks pretty painfull to me. Just freaking amazing grip feat. http://www.youtube.com/user/stanlesssteelp#p/u/1/8DoNVhpNL4I Edited by tukkergrip
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I believe there is a documentary about him...not 100% sure though...I've seen him do a couple of these things on I think the Maury show too...he also said he had the strongest hands in the world, but I remember thinking John Brookfield has a much better claim to that title...thanks for posting this vid...I would also like to know a bit more about this strongman.

I just noticed the secondlink was to that Maury show...lol...sorry I didn't that at first

Edited by Frank Pizzo
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Yes there is a movie about him just look at this

He claims to be the strongest steelbender, and he claims to have bent the strongest steel. I don't know what steel he bent, I would REALLY like to know though o.O.
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very intersting...hopefully some other people on this board know some more about him, or maybe have even witnessed some of these feats...I'm a little skeptical about his steel bending claims, but I don't really know the guy...bending a penny is pretty darn hard...unless you're the Egyptian Hercules, and can do it with your eyes...lol

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Cool feats. The front lever looked impressive. But to claim to be strongest steel bender, especially if we talk unbraced bending, you gotta show something that Gazza hasn't bent...

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He certified on the number 3 gripper in 1998...so he may be a member of this board.

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Check out the "Documentary about Stanless Steel" thread in the Goerner Reborn forum from last year. Mike (Hubgeezer) has talked with him, and the director of the documentary, Zach Levy, has posted here about it and gave some details on the lifts/bends.

Stan Pleskun is an interesting and amazing old-school strongman. I don't think he's on the computer much from what Mike's said so I don't expect him to post here (never know though). If you get the chance to go see the documentary, I highly recommend it.

@ Mike - any futher updates you've heard re: future screenings? Oops, nevermind, I'll ask on the original thread...I like continuity. lol

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thanks for the "thread reference"...i'm very intrigued by this strongman, and now want to see this movie.

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thanks for the "thread reference"...i'm very intrigued by this strongman, and now want to see this movie.

You're very welcome. It should have been a nice little link but somebody* (*me) had never done that before. Then I saw the icon above the post field... :rolleyes

Documentary about Stanless Steel

Edited by xengym
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I've already read alot about stanless steel. And I'm quite fascinated by him, and I want to see the movie ''strongman'' too. But I live in Holland. Is this movie coming out on DVD, or in theaters here or something??

Edited by tukkergrip
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I've already read alot about stanless steel. And I'm quite fascinated by him, and I want to see the movie ''strongman'' too. But I live in Holland. Is this movie coming out on DVD, or in theaters here or something??

I agree - he is quite a personality. The director is still working to get more screenings here in the US. In that thread I mentioned, Mike linked some recent newspaper articles as well as a review by one of the more famous US film critics, Roger Ebert.

Who knows if it will make it over to Holland but, hopefully, it will eventually come out on DVD. Since the director has posted here already, I'd suspect that, if and when it does go to DVD, he'll remember us. :)

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