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On The Chase Of The Coc#3


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Hi Guys,

I have been in and out of messing around with my grippers for a while - never really focussed on doing things properly.

I have decided it is about time I worked on closing the coc#3 ccs. I would really appreciate any training tips.

I started out squeezing my ironmind egg for a couple of weeks to get my hands into work. I then started on the grippers twice

a week. One heavy day (singles, doubles, triples) and one repping day (sets of 8-20). I have made some gains, and more importantly

no pain at all!

My current level is: TNS 2.5 for 1 rep. 4 parallel reps with 2.5. I have not tried any chokers ever in my training - might this be the way

to go in developing the power to shut that last 1/2" on the 3? My hand does not like negatives - makes my tendons sore, so want

to avoid these.

This might sound odd, and I am sure it will vary - how many reps do you think I will need to do on the 2.5 (from parallel) to get the 3 or

is this a pointless game? At the moment, I am just building reps on the 2.5 - looking to get to 10 reps before I start on choking the 3.

Any help would be appreciated.


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There is no direct link between high reps and gripper strength but I have heard most people who can ccs a #2.5. 20 - 30 times can close the 3.

If I remember correctly teemu said increasing his reps on the 3.5 did not help hik much with the 4 .

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If you want to close big grippers then I would concentrate all workouts on doing singles with a gripper you can't close yet. Doing reps on a lighter one won't have as much carry over for big gripper closes.

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Hi Malice,

Thanks for reply. When you say I should focus on singles with a gripper I can't close, what would these singles be? Partials or negatives or forced?


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Hi Malice,

Thanks for reply. When you say I should focus on singles with a gripper I can't close, what would these singles be? Partials or negatives or forced?


You may find some useful stuff in this thread:


I asked a similar question and a couple of people, including Malice, weighed in.

BTW, thanks for the recommendation Malice, I followed your advice for a couple of weeks and I now get regular no-set closes of my #2.5!

Edited by Fafner
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I have made some good progress focusing on doing singles as well! It's also important to have a gripper that you can close, but only with great effort. It seems like #2.5 is too easy for you. I would just choke the #3 or buy a gripper between #2.5 and #3, and do 5-10 singles a few times a week. That's how I got the best results anyway. I know that by focusing on singles, I am no good at repping grippers. However, I don't care about that! I would rather close #3 for 1 strong overcrush than to rep #2 for 20, 50, or even 100 reps.

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Ottomezzo - thanks for the input. I think I will by a hose clamp and train with the 3. The 2.5 is a fraction too easy I think. What gripper would bridge the 2.5 and 3? I heard a hg300 should do. Ironically, I can do 5 reps with hg400.

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Hi Malice,

Thanks for reply. When you say I should focus on singles with a gripper I can't close, what would these singles be? Partials or negatives or forced?


Squeeze it as far as you can and when it stops assist it the rest of the way with the other hand. Then fight the opening.

I'm also a big believer in chokers as they've given me excellent results.

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I am also working towards certification, and i concentrate on singles as well...about a month ago i got a number 4 coc for more of a challenge. I dont have any of the other tools that are used with the grippers, just the grippers themselves.

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I am also working towards certification, and i concentrate on singles as well...about a month ago i got a number 4 coc for more of a challenge. I dont have any of the other tools that are used with the grippers, just the grippers themselves.

That's all you really need to close grippers. What gripper are you able to close now unassisted?

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Been banging away on my 2.5 every day (5 days in a row) whilst away on work - managed to build up to 7 reps now.

Will be getting a clamp for my 3 as per your suggestions.

Why the hell are my hands not aching or sore? - I have done grip every day for a total of 5 days in a row now - very strange.

Bring that 3 on...

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I am also working towards certification, and i concentrate on singles as well...about a month ago i got a number 4 coc for more of a challenge. I dont have any of the other tools that are used with the grippers, just the grippers themselves.

That's all you really need to close grippers. What gripper are you able to close now unassisted?

Malice i guess it would be the 2.5...i think my best attempt with the number 3 is in that quarter of an inch range. Yesterday on the number 4 i believe i got close to the parallel mark if not a tad farther.

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Hey man, strong stuff!

I would have to say that regardless of what you are working with now, you need to focus on singles with rest in between each close. This allows for maximal recovery.

Another huge issue with 90% of the people who aren't able to close big grippers is contributed to the handle sliding back in the hand. You must focus on the set! Working on and mastering the set will allow you to get the most leverage over the gripper; without a great set, most of us would barely be closing anything worth talking about.

Working with a #4 is a great idea! Actually anything heavier than your goal gripper is a great idea... I implemented this into my training for one week on top of my regular training and now smash my old goal gripper for easy singles! Keep working with that 4 and you will see great improvement!

One last thing before I go...

Try setting up your training around your gripper work; I have used this type of set up for the last few weeks and have seen drastic improvements in not only my ability to close grippers but my pinch and overall wrist/forearm/finger strength.


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I am also working towards certification, and i concentrate on singles as well...about a month ago i got a number 4 coc for more of a challenge. I dont have any of the other tools that are used with the grippers, just the grippers themselves.

That's all you really need to close grippers. What gripper are you able to close now unassisted?

Malice i guess it would be the 2.5...i think my best attempt with the number 3 is in that quarter of an inch range. Yesterday on the number 4 i believe i got close to the parallel mark if not a tad farther.

Man, if you can get the # 4 past paralell then you should be pretty darn close form getting the # 3 if not closing it. Get some grippers and slam them bad boys shut!.

Well maybe I am wrong then..my attempts like i said have not been that great with the number 4 but a couple days ago i was really pleased. I havent videod my gripper work yet, so i havent been able to tell definately....any way thanks for the post.

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You only need grippers, but you need a plan for progression, etc. Otherwise, you can get caught spinning your wheels as it's not like you can add a barbell plate.

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