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First 6 Inch Nail


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My son Daniel, bent his first 6" nail the other day, the first time he tried and he's absolutely over the moon.

He's 15 and been training his grip for a while now , he can pinch 2 x 35lb plates quite comfortably and lifting 180lbs on the Rolling Thunder.

He said "Dad i didn't think i could do that, i'm just like the guys on the grip board now".

He showed the 3 nails he bent on his Face book account and got called rotten , like whats the point in doing that and how much can you bench though.

I told him not to worry and welcome to the world of grip!!

He want's to be a great in the armwrestling world and his heros are John Breznk, Denis Cypolkov (sp)and Cleve Dean.Not bad role models to have !!

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He said "Dad i didn't think i could do that, i'm just like the guys on the grip board now".

Watch out! That might not be a good thing! :laugh

That is great. 180 in Rolling Thunder at age 15? Wow!

It's fun to see kids progress. It's even more fun when they start passing you.

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Good job Daniel, time to start filming your grip stuff and posting on the gripboard. Congrats !:rock

Edited by cemery
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Congrats to your son Daniel! It would be awesome to have a dad like you who's both immensely strong and very excited still about training and passing it down to your son. He will no doubt be a phenom. In fact, I'd say he already is with those performances!

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Congrats Daniel you are apparently a strong young warrior that I look foreward to seeing progress in you achievments.

Your Dad is strong and you seem to get some strength from his genetic pool but your hard work is what allowed you to bend that nail. KEEP IT UP my young friend! :mosher

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Well done Daniel!

When I trained with Chris I compared my hands with Daniel, and they're much more bigger than mine. Around 8.5 inches or more.

These lifts are great, but at age 15 is simply awesome!

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