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Nearly Passed Out

Jedd Johnson

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I was the euro pinch HARD. I was feeling great.

Then on one attempt I got extremely psyched up. I thought for sure it was coming up. I could see it before it happened like an out-of-body experience. It felt so good.

Then, the plates came up for an instant and dropped right back to the floor.

I started yelling (won't tell you what I said) and then all of a sudden it was as if switches all through my body and head were getting randomly turned off and on.

I couldn't stand up straight, I nearly fell right on my rear end and just caught myself on the Euro Pinch before biting it big time. I had a weird sensation in my tongue, like it was numb.

Cray stuff, but it was an awesome workout. I PR'd on Dips, Rolling Thunder, Blobs - and all of this was after nearly blacking out and taking out my Amish heater.


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Ahh, I hope you are allright! :) You are a great role model!

I will soon (within a year maybe?) close the CoC3 with your advise! :)

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So many things to fall on and hit your head in there. :erm

Glad you caught yourself with the old pinch grip... Grip strength saved your life! :rock

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Very glad you caught yourself Jedd! I have had an actual blackout occur due to grip. Just once during grip, but I ended up slumped on the floor among my plates and a rack...but it was scary and I was very lucky. Never on anything else has that happened.

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That's crazy! I have a climbers crash pad I can lend you! Glad you still had some pinch in you and stopped your fall! That's the bigger 'brownout' I've seen from grip. The only time I came close was on a DU bend. For some reason a max DU effort feels like it wants to do that.

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Like I said, crazy feeling, but I had a good workout before it AND after it.


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Dang! That was intense. Glad you escaped without injury. Congrats on the PR's!

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Looks like big weight there.. I passed outonce time when i stood up to quickly i guess- i fell headfirst into a pond lol- not that funny at the time though

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Man, you built up so much force and power that you literally ripped your soul away from your body for an instant...i thought only Chuck Norris could do that...


that was awesome ... cracked me up ... reminded me of Andrew at the 2008 GGC

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Man, you built up so much force and power that you literally ripped your soul away from your body for an instant...i thought only Chuck Norris could do that...

Chuck Norris learned that from me brother.

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Jedd, i like that anvil in the backround, what lbs. were you trying to pinch anyway? oh another thing that little pipe on the piece of wood could have really hurt if you fell on in the wrong way. get that stuff out of the way when your lifting alone bro.


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Jedd, i like that anvil in the backround, what lbs. were you trying to pinch anyway? oh another thing that little pipe on the piece of wood could have really hurt if you fell on in the wrong way. get that stuff out of the way when your lifting alone bro.


You are right, Parris, I need to make more room.

Thanks for looking out.


Y'all are some intense folks.


All I think about from the time I get up until the time I go to bed is Grip. How to get stronger, how to teach other people, how to promote the sport.

I love it and love to train it.


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Jedd I could put a lot of vids together and make a whole blooper movie...not to mention my 765lbs to the face that caused me being blind in my right eye...lol

Great strong work!

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Jedd I could put a lot of vids together and make a whole blooper movie...not to mention my 765lbs to the face that caused me being blind in my right eye...lol

Great strong work!

Good lord, man. That's terrible!

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Thats intensity for you !! Well done Jedd but be careful bro.

I cleaned and push pressed 160kg on a 2" barbell. After watching John Davis cleaning and jerking the Apollons axle for insppiration, i tried a double with it and the next i remember is lying on the floor the bar across my legs and my body twitching.

I dusted myself down and tried again, same thing happened!

I then had a row off my Dad , waited till he went to the toilet and managed to do it.

Thats OCD for you!

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