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Strength Difference Between Hands


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I've noticed an odd thing... My right hand seems to be strengthening nicely, and can now click off (with some difficulty) 10 reps of the #2 CoC. This is pretty steady progress. My left hand, on the other hand (see what I did there?), doesn't really seem to be progressing much at all. On a good day, I can get maybe 3 of the #2 and 10 solid clicks of the 1.5, and I'm not seeing progress anything like with the right hand. Today I could only do 1... after that, the last .5" was just too much.

I'm pretty new to this, so I'd like to know what I should expect. Perhaps this is perfectly normal, and I just need to allow more time and work. Or, maybe I'm doing something wrong. So, a couple of questions...

1) How much stronger is your dominant hand than the other?

2) Does this seem like an effective routine?

1x10 CoC "G" (warm-up)

1x10 CoC "S" (warm-up)

1x10 CoC "T" (warm-up)

1x10 CoC 1 (warm-up)

1x10 CoC 1.5

2x10 CoC 2 (with additional reps to fatigue)

That is followed by a full day's rest with light work on a little squeeze ball from the sporting goods store.

Naturally, my left hand can't do the last line, so I do what I can with the 2 and then spend the rest of the reps on the 1.5. I've also added holding the 1.5 closed and negatives. I definitely need to get a 2.5, I think, and should have one on the way soon.

Anyway, like I said, this might be perfectly normal, but since I've never focused on hand strength before, I'm sort of learning new things about myself here.

Edited by treesloth
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I am horrible at making suggestions for others, but here are a few comments:

- Seems like a lot of reps

- Perhaps cut the "10" to "5" on the Trainer, Number 1, and Number 1.5.

- The real work is on the 2, so perhaps you will get more out of that by cutting back on the other stuff

My left hand is about "half a gripper" off of my right hand. If right hand is 3.1, left is 2.6. If right is 2.9, left is 2.4. That may be a little higher than average, most are closer. On other exercises, the right and left hands are much closer for me than on grippers.

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My hands are pretty close. RH is probably .25 size stronger. But I notice this changes when one hand feels better or worse of course.

I agree with Hubgeezer, that's a lot of reps. If it were me I'd do 2 sets "T"x5 reps for warmup, 1 set #1x5 reps, 1 set #1.5x5 reps, 1 set #2x 5 reps, then the same for a #2.5 (get one!). I do even less reps than that, mostly doing singles near max effort. I use only enough reps to get warmed up,some days more or less, then quickly work my way to near max or go for a max effort with negatives. The hands don't like a stale routine. You should try less reps so you can work near limit more, try singles, negatives, MMS and no set closes. Do sets of 5 reps for a month, then maybe cut back some more reps and try and work the 2.5 more. Also switch up MMS or no set closes every month or two. I've recently been trying to eliminate MMS and do more no set closes on grippers I know I can MMS close. I still MMS my goal gripper. My warmup is only 5-10 reps, then only a couple reps until I get to my goal gripper then I work that one until I start to tire, then do a few no set reps a bit easier than goal gripper. I workout twice a week and I limit negatives probably just once a week or less.

How often do you train each week and when was the last time you took a week long break from anything grip related? I found a weeks rest every month or two does wonders. You always come back stronger. Each hand recovers at different rates, maybe it needs more rest.

Hope this helps.

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Forgot to add some people walk away from grippers completely, and just do Rolling Thunder for a month, then come back stronger in grippers. The idea is when you plateau you need to change things up.

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If you are wanting to close big grippers I would cut the reps way back and work on singles with a gripper you either can't close yet or that you can barely close. For warmups I would cut the reps back to maybe 3 per level.

As foe the difference between hands, that should become less and less over time if you are doing the same workout for both hands. Right now I have about .5 difference between hands but that's cuz I had to stop training my left for a while due to an injury. Before that they were almost the same. They started off way different though.

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my right hand was a whole gripper stronger almost before my accident i think its partly coordination.

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Thanks for the replies. It sounds like a consistent point is to reduce the warmup reps and focus more at the higher end. So, off to do that and get a 2.5. In response to daniel, I've only been doing this a little more than a month, but maybe a shakeup is needed. I don't have a RT or any weights to attach, but I do have a gym membership with access to lots of plates, so maybe that'll be my next acquisition after the 2.5.

A question... what's "MMS"? It appears to be a shortened-travel motion of some sort, but that's all I've gathered from searches.

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Don't forget that the way the springs are wound on grippers favors the right hand.

There is a bit of coil bind on the left hand vs the right which makes it a bit harder.

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Here's some free reading on the common terms:


I'd probably copy someone else's workout, if I were you. Your program isn't very good for getting strong on the grippers. Here's one for free:


The gripboard owner has also made an intro program, that while I haven't tried, I am sure is worth the money:


You can get there eventually with trial and error, but why waste the time?

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Don't forget that the way the springs are wound on grippers favors the right hand.

There is a bit of coil bind on the left hand vs the right which makes it a bit harder.

IMO, this is a huge factor. I think this is why people see a huge increase in left hand strength with the Vulcan, hand dynos, and other things that don't favor either hand. Not only will it bind more in the left hand, but the left hand will also have a disadvantage in leverage due to the angle it closes at because it's wound from left to right. When I was still really strong on grippers, my left hand was maybe only 2mm or so away from my right hand's PR close, and at the same time, my left hand was quite a bit stronger on thickbar and pinch exercises.

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Here's some free reading on the common terms:


I'd probably copy someone else's workout, if I were you. Your program isn't very good for getting strong on the grippers. Here's one for free:


The gripboard owner has also made an intro program, that while I haven't tried, I am sure is worth the money:


You can get there eventually with trial and error, but why waste the time?

Thanks for the great references. I'm reading through now. One question... for the RRBT, I don't see any sort of "equipment you'll need" list. Is it just grippers, or some other stuff that's easy to construct, or would it require substantial investment in additional equipment?

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High reps isn't always a problem, though if you are trying to get the heaviest grippers possible you may want to avoid them.

I have done high and low reps, but when doing high reps DO NOT do a lot of sets it is way too high a work load.

But yeah, probably way to many warmups.

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Don't forget that the way the springs are wound on grippers favors the right hand.

There is a bit of coil bind on the left hand vs the right which makes it a bit harder.

IMO, this is a huge factor. I think this is why people see a huge increase in left hand strength with the Vulcan, hand dynos, and other things that don't favor either hand. Not only will it bind more in the left hand, but the left hand will also have a disadvantage in leverage due to the angle it closes at because it's wound from left to right. When I was still really strong on grippers, my left hand was maybe only 2mm or so away from my right hand's PR close, and at the same time, my left hand was quite a bit stronger on thickbar and pinch exercises.

Like you, my pinch with my left sometimes catches my right...my right hand wins on grippers though :laugh

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, just by way of followup... The 2.5 and 3 finally arrived. My attempt to order it (via Amazon) resulted in being sent a G instead of the requested 2.5. Anyway, I took off for the time that I was waiting for them. Here's my new workout:

2x5 - T

1x3 - 1

1x3 - 1.5

1x5 - 2

3x3 - 2.5

Since I can't quite close the 2.5 at all, those are all best efforts. Once I get a two-handed close technique down, perhaps I'll replace 2 of those sets with negatives. I'm surprised at the difference between the 2 and 2.5... with considerable effort, I got 10 of the 2. I can't quite do 1 of the 2.5. There's also a nerve component, of course, so that may change quickly.

Anyway, I'd appreciate any thoughts, and I appreciate those that have been offered so far.

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