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Today after working a 9 hour shift I came home and my grippers were slipping in my hand. I always use chalk but never clean the handles. What do others use to get the chalk off and do they feel it makes a difference to them. I will try again in a few hours, normally I mash my #3 for singles but today :angry: Any advice welcome.

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I am a heavy chalk user. Must be from my powerlifting days. I use a very soft wire brush on the handles of my grippers every so often. Since most handles are Aluminum I would stay away from the really stiff wire brushes though.

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Thank you all for all the tips. This is what makes this sport and board the best :bow I will be training this week and taking 1 week or so off to clean and use WD-40 on my grippers. Getting them ready for when I'm ready to Crush again :rock

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Toothbrush and lukewarm water. Avoid getting water in the spring, them oil it with 3-in-1 afterwords. Works better than WD-40.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Used toothbrush and water...got those grippers clean :blush Next time I do it, I will try wire brush to keep these grippers ready :) Thanks for all the tips

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Used toothbrush and water...got those grippers clean :blush Next time I do it, I will try wire brush to keep these grippers ready :) Thanks for all the tips

Careful with that. A chrome wire brush will eat the knurling off.

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Toothbrush and lukewarm water. Avoid getting water in the spring, them oil it with 3-in-1 afterwords. Works better than WD-40.

I've tried various lubricants and have found the one that works best is a silicone based lubricant like "Gun Oil".

My brass RB260 was squeaky and creaky, WD40 actually made it worse, 3-in-1 worked ok but didn't stop the squeak completely, whereas a few spots of "Gun Oil" and now the squeak's nothing but a memory.

...and there's no need for anything harsher than an old toothbrush, also I don't bother about keeping the spring out of the water, wash it like you would knives and forks and if you're overly concerned about trapped water, like say for instance, in the handles of a BB gripper, then a few hours on a radiator or a bit of direct air and heat from a hair drier, prior to oiling, would be perfectly adequate. :D

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Used toothbrush and water...got those grippers clean :blush Next time I do it, I will try wire brush to keep these grippers ready :) Thanks for all the tips

Careful with that. A chrome wire brush will eat the knurling off.

Thanks for bringing that too my attention. These tips are real helpful :phone

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