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What Gives You The Best Pump?


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Hey guys I was just wondering what exersize gives you the best pump. I know most of us r not bodybuilders but its something Arnold always talked about. It could be for the thumb, forearm, wrist whatever. And when it works best for you, pre or post workout. Do you use the same exersize as your going to train? Maybe max attempts does it for you. Let me know, iv been wondering how the "pump" could increase my gains. For me the jury is still out so I don't know what to say.


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Thanks for the input Jedd.

Mike your a shmuck!

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The best pump possible comes from rock climbing - something about thinking about falling and not wanting to do so really lets you work deep :blush . If you want a great pump try the Synergy Forearm routine I have posted on the board somewhere. It's several exercises done non stop and will make things pump up to seriously pain full levels. It's also one of the best routines I've ever done for my lower arms.

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I'm gonna give all replies a try and report back, thanks Chris.


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I've found the OrbiGrip can give a pretty mean pump, second comes wrist roller work for reps. :)

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Of the commonly used grip tools, when I had a Pegasus 2 from PDA, and I'd do some full range wrist curls and reverse wrist curls in the 15-20 range with a weight that makes it hard to reach those reps... just a set or two of each side and I would get an unbelievable forearm pump.

For the thumbs, I used to get the biggest pump and later soreness when doing high rep TTK. I can see how the 2HP or other type of pinch lifts wont pump it much, since they're isometrically training those muscles plus people mostly do lower reps, and they start failing it might be because it gets slippery or something. But with the TTK using a big range of motion and only stopping once you can no longer keep going... it pumped my thumbs.

Too bad I don't train grip directly anymore. Oddly enough by training overall body I seem to have retained the little grip strength I gained when doing lots of grip, heh. One day, when I'm strong enough in whole body movements, I'll try grip again and see how I progress. I suspect I'll do better then. :upsidedwn

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Grip wise, wrist roller work.

As far as the rest of the body, Chins supersetted with curls. Those areas of my body pump up more than any other, regardless of whether i work to failure or not.

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I mainly train heavy singles and negatives for grip and don't get much pump but doing high reps on RT leaves me with a crazy pump in my forearms that lasts a long time. I haven't tried high reps on any other grip exercises to see if they give a pump as well.

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