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A Little Advice For A Newbie


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ive been reading and re-reading articles on arm wrestling techniques and moves.

i have a challenge match oct 2. i've done one amature contest, i took first in the right hand super heavy and 3rd in the lefty. where i am i have noone to really practice with, so i just fart around with friends on a regular table and practice little stuff like tops rolls and hooks and what have you, just getting a feel for things you cant train in the gym.

i know theres nothing like getting on a table with better pullers and practicing but thats not an option for me right now. the closest practices are 2 hours away and moneys a lil tight. i do plan to make a few trips though, because i have to.

i watch video clips and hear guys talking about some techniques work a bit better for guys with bigger/smaller hands, longer/shorter forearms, stronger wrist/biceps etc etc

think you could MAYBE point me in the right direction for which techniques may be best for a guy wwith my build? i know its not that black and white but just a rough idea, so i can go threw the motions before i even get to practises.

some lifts are,

225 bb wrist curl, probably could have done a bit more.

ive closed a #3 about twice. and repped an HG300 for sets of 5-7

bend horse shoes as some out side the box wrist work

ive been doing levers alot more for wrist work using my rolling thunder loading bar and i get 10-15 lbs for sets of 10

db wrist curl 80 for 8

not sure about hammer curls, i do log curls instead and did 165 for sets of 5 the other day and got 125 for 15 today.

my hand measures about 9 inhes from wrist to middle finger tip, 10 inches from pinkie tip to thumb tip when splayed out and my palm is over 4 inches acrossed.

when my elbow is on the table it is 12 inches from table top to my wrist, and about 16.5 to the top of a closed fist.

i dont know if anyof this info will help, but i figured i'd give as much as i could.

thanks guys

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With your big and strong hand, I would try to toproll and also would focus my training to toproll (wrist curls, pronation, hammer curls/also statics). I think that performing the hook properly is much more difficult and the risk of injury would be higher. With a toproll, your are safer I think. This is my general advice for armwrestling beginners. Especially strong guys have to be careful IMO.

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thanks for the advice man. i just addes pronations and supinations to my forearm/wrist training the other day. if nothing else i love armwrestling for getting me back into grip and forearm work. i almost never do anything for either. all the lifts i posted earlier are basically untrained except doing some farmers walking.

i know as it stands at the level im at i have plenty of strength from the elbow down. but how to effectively use it is what im pretty clueless about. the contest i did was awesome, the none amature guys kept comming over to me after every pull and giving me little tips and said they could see me progress as the day went on. but like i said i know nothing beats table time

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Plus one on the hook being more difficult then a toproll.

TopRoll master, here, lol.

You're doing fine. It will take time. I didn't even have an armwrestling table when I started, and I had good progress. Just focus on getting stronger, and you'll get there. You can't really practice technique, until you have a table, and some knowledge laying around to help you. Videos are good. Watch as many matches as you can. Over and over and over. Video tape yourself when you DO pull someone, and you will see all your mistakes, because of all the matches you've already seen. We tape all our practices, and watch them over.

Armwrestling takes time. It's like body building. It will take many years before you will look like Arnold. Just enjoy the process.

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thanks alot guys. i'll put some focus on the top roll. and i video tape most lifts and things for the same reasons mentioned above. and if im video taping matches and practices and things i can post em on here for critiqing :)

as for training this is usually how it goes

arm work outs, wont bother showing tricep work which comes first every workout

week one

log curls:2x5-8

cable preacher curls:2x8-12


db wrist curl:2x8-12

revers wrist curl(BB) 2x10-15

behind the back wrist curls:2x10-15

pronation/supination/lever:2x5-10 in each direction. i do these kneeling on the floor, arm laying flat over a bench and use my rolling thunder loading pin as a handle.

torques:3x10 these are just my namefor basically setting up a pully station and a bench to replicate as best i can the pressure put on the elbows during a pull and i just go threw the motions from differant starting points like pinning, start, and losing

week 2

barbell curls:2x5-8

incline db curl:2x5-8

spider bench hammer curl curls:2x5-8

power db wrist curl:2x6-12 just my name for wrist curls wth about half the range ofmotion.

reverse wrist curls:2x15-20

behind the back wrist curl:2x15-20

front levers:2x8-12

week 3

standing db curl:2x5-8

seated barbell curl:2x5-8

hammer curls:2x5-8

bb wrist curls:2x5-8

reverse wrist cruls2x5-8

behind the back wrist curl:2x5-8

revsre levers:2x8-12

and when i feel i still have gas in the tank ill throw in extra sets of grippers or reverse curls

this workout would be on fridays, i train grip specifically on tuesdays after chest and upper back. i utilize grippers, axle holds, rolling thunder and hercules holds

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try these exercises:








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