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Levering Vs Wrist Curls


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I'm currently doing wrist curls and reverse wrist curls for my forearms and wrists, I've heard that levering is much better for just the wrists, how well does levering work the forearms? are they as good as wrist curls for increasing forearm size? or should i incorporate both into my routine alternating them one week to the next? Would love to hear from people who have done both or just do one now and which one they prefer.

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Side, front and rear levering and wrist curls/reverse wrist curls all work different muscles. I do them all together in one workout. I used to do it once a week and now I'm shooting for three times a week with one day off in between each workout. Also I use a powerball that gives me a nice pump after the workouts.

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I'm currently doing full body workouts 3x a week and do wrist and reverse wrist curls each time for forearms. I also do sledge levering twice a week as part of my grip workouts which are done at a different time of the day than my full body workouts. I lift in the morning before work and do grip when I get home from work. As far as levering adding size to the forearms...I have no idea, I haven't done them long enough and I use wrist curls primarily for forearm size anyway.

Grippers, however added over an inch to my forearms in 2 months (I know cuz I wasn't doing wrist curls at that point). I've noticed a lot less wrist pain during heavy negatives with grippers since I started levering twice a week so I'd say do them every week and I'd definitely do wrist curls at least once a week as well. My levering days are opposite days from wrist curls but that just happens to be how the workouts fall. For me I think it would be a bit much for the same workout since I pretty much can't hold anything when I finish wrist curls but if done the same day but at a different time of the day it might not be much of an issue.

Try it both ways and see how it works out for you. I personally think adding both every week is a big benefit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I do a lot of levering, I dont really think it builds the forearm that much its more pureley wrist so like the guys say above I would do both as wrist curls most definetly do build the forearm.

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