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1 Arm Deadlifts Question


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Since I'm back into training my grip and being back here on the board, I'm seeing a lot about the Inch dumbell and 1 arm deadlifts. I have no intention of even trying to lift the Inch, but I was curious of how stressful it was to do 1 arm deads on the lower back. I have some Farmers bars with 2 3/8 I think thick handles and thought about doing some 1 arm deads with that, thisway I can keep it light and micro load if I want, but I wanted to just get some feedback on the lower back involvment.


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Lifting the Inch etc a little off the floor (ie knee height) not much. I have more problems (this week anyway having done too much) with my shoulder. A full range deadlift with 172 or 228 shouldn't be all that much to worry about. I would suggest possible work on the obliques.

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For 2 years I have been doing heavy suitcase lifts with an EZ culrbar. This has made my lower back and obliques so strong that my only concern with thick handled onehanded deadlifts is gripstrength.

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Your farmer's bars are probably fairly long, which might make them more awkward to lift than the short Inch bar. It's up to you if you want to straddle the bar, lift it from the front or use the suitcase style. I would try a 100 lbs straddle style, and go from there. I train with singles, and keep adding weight until the bar becomes too heavy. I do this once a week.

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As far as your lower back is concerned, I doubt that unless you have any existing problems that 1-arm deads will cause you any. When I do 1-arm deads it's not my lower back that causes trouble - it's always traps/shoulders, as Mobster suggests. Don't forget, the bar is quite light compared to two-arm lifts, and if you build up slowly you should have little trouble with any rotational torque the lift might cause (depending on what style you use, of course).

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I plan on straddling the bar to do the lifts but I am not really certain on how to execute the lift properly TBH. I've seen pix of people but don't really know exactly how the movement should be done. :blush

THAT's where I need some direction. :erm

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Just straddle the bar, get centered over it, grab the middle make sure it is balanced. Keeping the back flat hold tightly onto the bar and straighten the legs. Keep the free hand pressed against the thigh. Practise with light weights.

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I've begun DL'ing with my 2.5" db. I have gone for max, but I have no form, which hurts my lower back (herniated disk). I am starting with light weight and working on form first, exactly the way Old Guy says. Trust me, I know when I do it wrong!

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