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Mark Henry Lifting The Mdb

Bill Piche

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Superman! I saw Mark squat 900 plus pounds as an 18 year old at one Jan Todd's meets. This was after his first attempt with the weight ended when the bar broke and plates flew everywhere! Can you say: focus and courage!

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My calves are just like that

Okay, lock this post until we see a picture of Tou's calves.......wait this is The Gripboard, sorry. :D

Tou, you certified yet?

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Wow! Tremendous strength displays all around! Am I correct in assuming, from these pictures, that the MBD has still not been one-hand deadlifted to a full locked-out position?


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Wow! Tremendous strength displays all around! Am I correct in assuming, from these pictures, that the MBD has still not been one-hand deadlifted to a full locked-out position?


I would say YES.


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The rules for a One Hand Deadlift. BAWLA rules, IAWA rules, and in Pullum's and Hoffman's books is to lift the bell to the height of the knees or above and lock them. It would be very hard indeed to stand erect with a bar and definitely a cumbersome dumbell straddled between your legs.


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Yeah I read up on the post before and it states something to the effect that the bottom of the discs need to be at least knee height. That said I'd still need to straighten up a little and bring the legs together. Problem for now and with only 5 total from the floor reps is the time it would need to be held. That will come, my training partner suggested taping discs to it.

I suspect most here would be happy if I, or whoever, lift it to Bruce White style height??...

However of the 5 Billion plus bods here on Planet Earth theres still only me and Mark Henry that pull it free of the body - tilt or no tilt - and only Brian S (just off a 9" box), Alan R (snatch so hard as to make it jump) and John W (braced) that have held it or budged it just a little. I can, for now, stay happy with that.

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Yes, I wouldn't pass your lift as a One hand deadlift because one end is lower than your knee. Not only does the handle have to be the height of your knee but also both ends. But it is still a great lift-really!

To lift it like Bruce White or indeed Goerner style would need you to not straddle it but lift it parallel to your body.

Anyway, have fun,


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Never mind that David (never having as yet claimed it as a one hand deadlift and not too bothered right now to do so) when are u gonna have a go. It'll be at the OH...

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I will have a go in 2003. I'm not going to the OHF dinner so it will have to be another time. In the meantime you get and dominate the beast!


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Very impressive lifting considering Mark Henry is probably the strongest human being walking the planet right now - and no, I don't throw that around lightly, and yes, I have seen him in action.


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However of the 5 Billion plus bods here on Planet Earth theres still only me and Mark Henry that pull it free of the body - tilt or no tilt - and only Brian S (just off a 9" box), Alan R (snatch so hard as to make it jump) and John W (braced) that have held it or budged it just a little. I can, for now, stay happy with that.

Absolutely Steve! You've made one helluva lift. I wanted clarification, as I didn't know if all of the pics or video had been submitted. I've no doubt that you'll pull it in the manner you desire with a bit more hard work. Cheers.


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Very impressive lifting considering Mark Henry is probably the strongest human being walking the planet right now - and no, I don't throw that around lightly, and yes, I have seen him in action.


Praise indeed.


Do you have any details on how much Mark weighed? Just for info.


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I'm not certified yet. I have problems with a witness that doesn't call back. I'll ask Strossen for someone else.

Cool, don't let it drop....you'll break Wanna's heart.

So roughly 5 billion people have tried the MDB and failed? Wow, that's really something.

I do agree that among those 5 billion plus that Mark Henry is arguably one of the strongest people walking around this planet.

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Ho Ho terminator you wag. No over a hundred have. Included is some UK strongemn, 2 WSM, a Mr U, a Mr Britain and several grip men inc CoC's.

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