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Mgc Hammer Setup

Bob Lipinski

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Here is the setup we will be using for the contest-

Regarding the height level, it will be adjusted so that when your arm is relaxed out in front, your arm will be parallel to the ground. For most people, the shoulder will come up when levering, some it won't. As long as the level of the hand in comparison to the body does not change (and it won't with my setup) you can't cheat the ROM. The ROM indicator is screwed into the top platform, and boards will be added underneath this.

I am most curious about what everyone thinks about the ROM. I put it a couple of inches above my head for 1. a safety margin and 2. to allow for different body proportions. I'd like to get a standard ROM for hammer contests, especially between Chris and I, the two main guys still having the hammer event.

The one thing I want was an ROM indicator that would not allow bouncing. The crossbar is a protractor, so there is next to no resistance. In a future version I would like a safety below the level of the crossbar, but I want to see how this turns out first.

For anyone interested in training the event, my crossbar was 6 inches away from the armpit and I believe 13.5 inches high (might have been 12.5, an attempt or two should make it obvious which one is right).

Thanks to Don Larkin for his help in setting this up.

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I got no problem with dropping weights. I don't apologize, though, that's for nice people.

If only Karma had a better day, you might have ended up loosing some teeth Brousewink.gif

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Keeping this on topic, like I said Bob, I liked the set-up, but I've never used the other ones like Chris's etc.

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I like the ROM set up but at :27 your elbow came off the table. I think there should still be some rule to help keep as much of the arm on the table as possible. Yes the shoulder will come up but the elbow coming up really does make it easier. Maybe setting the height of the table at a certain height depending on the height to the arm pit? That should work if the table height can be easiely changed.

I like not having the rails, i think with 2 spotters (1 per side) it will be safe as far as the hammer going to the sides.

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Oh yeah, my elbow definitely comes up. As far as the platform height, I change that to the height of the persons arm held straight out in front of the body parallel to the ground. If you do this, you are gonna allow for 1-3 inches of elbow movement. Check the very first part, where I line up with the hammer, that is how I measure height. I couldn't think of a more consistent way to measure height and still make it a normal lever.

Also, 95% plus of the guys won't lever like I do, the reason I can get so much elbow off the table is from leaning to the side.

Looking at the video again, I should have raised the platform at least by an inch.

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Here is a better representation of where my arm should have been- Maybe 2 inches higher. I wouldn't have gotten much play from my elbow here. I will be measuring all the competitors at the start of the comp, and one of the competitors will measure me.


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I agree Bob, with the higher set up and it changing with each person, this is a good set up. 25 lbs this way will be an awsome lever, lets see who can get there first :trout

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