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Grip Strength

Martin Gaisser

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After finding this site a few months ago and reading many posts I have a question for everyone who would like to respond and take part. Frist off the reason I'm doing this is I've had a lot of ideas going around in my head about grip strength in general when it comes to grippers as far as what part genetics, age and occupation play and what ones limits are when it comes to grip strength. So here are the questions:

1. In overall strength before you started any kind of strenth trainging would you consider yourself below average, average or above average?

2. How old were you when you got your first real grippers and tested yourself? (not the little plastic ones)

3. What was the hardest gripper you could close the day you got your grippers? Left hand and right hand if you want to list both.

4. Had you done any specific grip traing other than grippers before?

5. What was your occupation around this time?

Martin Gaisser

1. Average

2. 19

3. LH #2COC RH #2COC

4. None.

5. Commercial Roofer and Sheet Metal Worker

Any other info or comments are welcome.



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1. Below average.

2. 15 i think.

3. I bought #1 first. Took about 3-4 weeks to get it closed.

4. No

5. Electrician, moving man.

Edited by Koura
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1. Average for my age

2. 16

3. I bought all the grippers.I could close the #1 after a couple of day with my RH

4. I had never trained actively with anything...

5. High school student

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1. In overall strength before you started any kind of strenth trainging would you consider yourself below average, average or above average?

-Above average.

2. How old were you when you got your first real grippers and tested yourself? (not the little plastic ones)


3. What was the hardest gripper you could close the day you got your grippers? Left hand and right hand if you want to list both.

-R: #2 for 7 reps L: #2 for 4 reps

4. Had you done any specific grip traing other than grippers before?


5. What was your occupation around this time?

-Student, a little part time labouring

Edited by chop163
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1. Average

2. 20

3. There were no Captains of Crush grippers in 1982. Iron Mind came into existence in

1989. The first Iron Mind catalog came out 2 years later.

I bought an old Iron Man gripper from Ed Jubunville (Heavy Duty if I remember

correctly). Couldn't close it right or left until about a year later.

4. Yes

5. Heavy Equipment Mechanic

After listing my answers I just realized how old I am. :D

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#1 - Above Average

#2 - Started training grippers three years ago. I was 37.

#3 - I closed the #2 out of the package with both hands. About a month later, I closed the #2.5. It then took me well over a year and a cycle of KTA to finally close the #3.

#4 - I had done a lot of fat bar hangs over the years to improve my support grip for deadlifting.

#5 - I've worked in the paper industry for about 20 years.

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1. Average

2. 27, about 4 years ago

3. Could close the #1, both hands. Took a few months to get the #2. Then about 2+ years to get the #3 MMS.

4. Nothing except store-bought grippers.

5. Mortgage processor.

I have not sustained an effort like this for anything else in my life, ever. It's been 4 years of consistent, focused hard work toward goals. And I'm still having fun and training harder than ever!

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1. Average strength, but decent cardio

2. 26

3. couldn't close the coc1 with either hand. quickly purchased a cocT

4. many years of judo, grappling and playing rugby

5. pen pushing chatter box

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