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After 10 Years


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Its not much of a milestone to a lot on this board, but I finally closed my #2 today! I bought it about 10 years ago I'm guessing but never really followed a structured gripper workout. It was more of a toy I played with occasionally. Six months ago I started the "newbie grip" routine by David Horne and then I've been concentrating on my grippers for the past month. the #2 has been much closer than before the newbie grip routine but it kind of caught me off guard when the handles actually touched today. Awesome!!!

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Congratulations! 10 Years is a long time to work on something, even if it was not consistent. It's still 10 Years! Tenacity pays!

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good job some will never close it

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Good job! 10 years is a long time, but closing the #2 is still a great accomplishment.

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Good job! I look forward to having a similar post about lifting a blob, nothing special but a huge journey for me.

These long term PR's are the sweetest. Congrats!!

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Yeah man. Achieving a long term PR (and here I include "life" PR's and not just strength PR's) is as good as it gets. Congrats.

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Its not much of a milestone to a lot on this board, but I finally closed my #2 today! I bought it about 10 years ago I'm guessing but never really followed a structured gripper workout. It was more of a toy I played with occasionally. Six months ago I started the "newbie grip" routine by David Horne and then I've been concentrating on my grippers for the past month. the #2 has been much closer than before the newbie grip routine but it kind of caught me off guard when the handles actually touched today. Awesome!!!

What do you mean its not much of a milestone - that's a huge achievement! This whole game we play is about personal achievement and progress - not about what someone else did. It's not the destination but the journey that is important - keep up the good work!

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congratulations my friend! I remember the day (2 months ago)when i closed my CoC2, great feelling!I dont know how i will feel when i will smash my #3 :rolleyes:mosher

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Good job and way to stick with it! I'm in hot pursuit of the #2 myself.

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Yes, a #2 close is a great grip feat. Congratulations!

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Thank you all. The #2 was on my list of strength goals for 2010. New updated goal...close the #2 left handed.


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