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Wrist Pain


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i am 16 years old and lately ive been haveing a lot of wrist pain. i can close the Coc 2.5 on a good day, but havent really

had good progress the last 2 months. i have been training grip for about 6 months, and focus mainly on severe negatives.

I tried the KTA program but then my wrists just said no.

Do any of you have any suggestions on how to speed up the recovery of the wrists and

how to train to prevent any further damage?

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i am 16 years old and lately ive been haveing a lot of wrist pain. i can close the Coc 2.5 on a good day, but havent really

had good progress the last 2 months. i have been training grip for about 6 months, and focus mainly on severe negatives.

I tried the KTA program but then my wrists just said no.

Do any of you have any suggestions on how to speed up the recovery of the wrists and

how to train to prevent any further damage?

Did you see a doctor to identify the reasons of the pain ? I think it's the first step.

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6 months of training+severe negatives=wrist pain. I think your hands just can't take that pressure of negatives. How often you train and how much you do in training session? But what i've learned, if you had bad pain, don't train. Have week off or something.

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6 months of training+severe negatives=wrist pain.


Also, it's possible you've chosen too heavy of a gripper for negatives.

Consider some levering, a wrist roller, finger walking, etc, to get your wrists in better shape.

Your form may also be causing problems. Do you have any videos?

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6 months of training+severe negatives=wrist pain.


At least that was problem for me :)

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It sounds to me that you trained too hard. Time to rest now.

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6 months of training+severe negatives=wrist pain.


At least that was problem for me smile.gif

Me too. I gave myself a very sore wrist and a very deep bruise on my palm while blasting away on negatives. Couldn't train for about a month. This was a couple of years ago when I had only been training for a short time.

Another thought I had is that the sore wrist could actually be from setting. The worst injury I've had to my wrist was from setting a heavy gripper. It was just too much torque pushing at a bad angle or something.

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6 months of training+severe negatives=wrist pain.


At least that was problem for me smile.gif

Me too. I gave myself a very sore wrist and a very deep bruise on my palm while blasting away on negatives. Couldn't train for about a month. This was a couple of years ago when I had only been training for a short time.

Sounds very familiar.

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I agree with all that has been said above. I would take some time off and take something for inflimmation like ibuprofen and do some hot and cold soaks. Another thing is to ask yourself is it bad soreness or real pain. If it dosen't let up any after a few days off you may need to go see a doctor before you start back any training just to make sure you have not physically injured yourself. Good Luck.

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Thanks for all answers.

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