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Arnold Grip-together


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Just wanted to say thanks Nick, Doc, Stew, and Chris for making everyone feel welcome at the Arnold Grip Together. The pizza and refreshments were much appreciated. People were pulling off crazy stuff left and right!

Chad and Jedd were attempting double fatman blob lateral raises. Chad was pretty freakin' close and Jedd wasn't far behind. Chad it was a pleasure talking to you and Fonda or was it Honda :D (your wife is a hoot) about the Brzenk trip. I finally heard the full Triple H back story and will now tell it and embellish it as if I was there LOL.

Mob picked up the Gracie Bell started purposefully wobbling it back and forth like it was a powerball or something...it was just sic! Then he did some scale weight feat that I'll just let the video show as it's too complicated to try and describe. Great to finally meet you Steve! I enjoyed hearing your thoughts on training, specifically how you don't need to travel to up your game and the spiel on how to sell a strongman show to different crowds. You and Eaton's back and forth about corrections/LE was hilarious! BTW your handshake/forearm grip move you did on me when you left Nick's,did not go unoticed LMAO :D

Chris Rice pulled off the anvil tail lift over and over and over and I tried and failed over and over and over. Then he showed me up on the sledges and had some mercy and went back to talking to my cousin-in-law.

Doc, thanks for letting us play with your millionaire stones and all the tips on lifting them. I have little tiny bruises on the insides of my forearms and told the wife that the fitness models just got a little overzealous when feeling the rocks of The Ulitmate Male; went over about as well as you'd expect. I think if you would have got your Adam Lambert CD out of the truck and jammed it, I would have got that small granite. BTW, I think you got Brad interesting in bending some spikes!

Zach did some cool scale weight gymnastics and as long as he doesn't put on a leotard I will continue to watch man gymnastics. He's looking big and strong and should be ready to reprise his role as Victor Creed in the Wolverine sequel.

Nick and Stew: always fun bantering back and forth with you guys but you're both quickly moving out of our midpack group and up into the bigboy region so I guess I better get a lot stronger if I want to still compete with you boys.

Bob: nice to see you again man! You're a brave man letting Eaton and Nick train with your wife LOL Those two could tear up a sledge hammer in a sawdust pile

Eaton: well...what can I say? I could write an entire post about you :D Far and away the best thing you did all weekend was when you jerked Bagent's arm and gut punched him. :D Of course Bagent thought it was hilarious because everybody loves Eaton but my mouth was on the ground :laugh

Edited by jad
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Awesome write-up! Dude this write-up is like a trailer, each parragraph had me thinking "tell me more about this"! I demand a write-up of at least this same length on each and everyone of the things you just mentioned!! :laugh

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Eaton punched Bagent ... Travis Bagent? good write up Josh

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Eaton punched Bagent ... Travis Bagent? good write up Josh

Yeah..not hard of course, just like you'd do with your buddies if you were rough housing around but the thing is, they're not buddies, Eaton had never met him in his life. I even asked John if he knew him when we walked away because I was still just a little in shock of what I'd witnessed. Travis thought it was a riot and ended up telling us the Billy Bob Thorton story and his thoughts on why he is how he is on the table. Pretty cool to just sit there and BS with Travis Bagent.

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Victor Creed, lolzillarooskees!

I managed to pick Gracie with both hands a few times. I didn't get it proper, but I managed a few reps with some solid english tilt. That would be the heaviest thickbar I've ever lifted, so yay for me. I tried a few pike-to-handstand presses on the scaleweights to no avail. I got up about halfway, just to the hard part, and failed each time. I'm getting there. I also closed Nick's HG400. That's about all I did there aside from eat what was some damned good pizza.

I'll mention too that Steve decided that he would lift every Inch replica at the expo on sight. At one point Eaton and I were trying to get Steve a picture with some of the girls at the expo and Steve up and disappears. Turns out he saw some guys packing up an Inch and asked if he could have a go, and did. He also lifted the Inch at the MHP booth, juggled the 153 Inch at the MHP booth, did the Mighty Mitts comp and lifted one of the Inches cast by Steve Slater(which, btw, are beautiful) that were destined for Terry Todd's museum. All of the Slater Inches are 180lbs. He also managed a chalkless 3.5 close at the CoC booth(which was actually unaffiliated with IM somehow). I managed the 3 there a few times and almost got it lefty.

It was a great time and thanks a TON Nick for having all of us over!!!

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Almost forgot: I'm at some booth that has a 180# Slater Bell with a 3" handle and this beast of man just bends over and picks it up. He wasn't even directly over it. It was like he'd dropped something and was retrieving it. The guys running the booth are too busy selling t-shirts or whatever to notice and the guy and his friends really don't think too much of it. So I stalk the guy to the next booth and introduce myself and tell him what he just did. His name is Shawn Herman and he's from PA. He's probably 6'5" or better and weighed 300 if he weighed 100. FREEEEEEEEEEAK!!!!!!!!!!!! He came to the AW booth and tried some grippers but was horrible because his hand hung over the top of the gripper it was so wide.

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I'm not sure if I'm just hurt or actually injured from the sledge rotation thing - but it sure is tender.

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Nice reporting guys! Leave it to Eaton to gut punch Travis like that, haha!

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AWESOME write-up Josh!!!

Thanks for sharing my friend!!!

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Glade we could have it. Always good times getting everyone together!

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Yea sounded like a lot of fun!


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Thanks for having us over Nick. Did you guys get all that beer drunk yet?

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