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Tim Struse

Aaron Corcorran

Ian Gilespy

Steve Callahan

Paul Knight

Brandon Azevedo

Jaime Britton

David Delgado

Andy (whose last name I didn't get and who will therefore be referred to as Andy)

Grippers (MM Rules):

Aaron & Paul - Super Elite @ MM4 specs (approx 185, exact calibration to follow)

Tim - Elite (159)

Ian & Brandon - COC2.5 (125)

Jaime RB180 (117)

Dave & Steve (107.5)

Andy (90)

Euro Pinch @ 54mm:

Aaron 224

Tim 208.8

Paul & Brandon 205.6

Ian, Jaime, Dave 149.6

Andy & Steve 129.4

Axle DL:

Aaron 400

Tim 378.7

Paul 339.3

Brandon 334

Ian 284.3

Dave 264.5

Jaime 254.2

Steve 244.1

Andy 233.8

2" V-Bar:

Aaron 290

Tim 275

Paul 250

Jaime & Ian 210

Brandon 200

Steve 170

Andy 160

Dave -

Unbraced Bending (Steel Slayer Rules)(6" only)(calibration by Aaron):

Paul 735 Huge Brutal Hexabastard

Tim & Aaron 665 Huge Bastard

Jaime & Brandon 525 1/4" G8 (triangle)

Ian 480 1/4" square

Steve 435 1/4" G5 (linear S)

Andy 210 1/4" G2

Overall (strongman scoring):

Aaron 8

Tim 12

Paul 13

Brandon 24

Ian 29

Jaime 30

Dave 37

Steve 40

Andy 44


Edited by Tim Struse
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Decent numbers everyone! I guess the axil was DO?

Can't wait to see some video!


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Those are some nice looking results. Great comp guys. And now i see i just got bumped even further down the Steel Slayer list :yikes Great bend Paul, your still an animal.

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Great videos, Tim. Congrats to Aaron on the win and very nice comp numbers put up all around. smile.gif

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Congrats to everyone who stepped up - nice numbers for all - and way to go Aaron, 400# DO Axle!!!

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Great job all around guys ! Big Congrats to Aaron on the win:mosher Perhaps next year I'll make the trek

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yea looked like a great time. wish i could of been there. good job guys.

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Thanks everyone! Tim put on a great contest this year and the weather was awesome for it. I'm a little disappointed with my bending but finally pulling 400 on the axle in a contest more than makes up for it. :mosher:mosher Now if I could just lock out that 240 on the 2HP instead of stalling out half way up that would be even better.

- Aaron

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Thanks everyone! Tim put on a great contest this year and the weather was awesome for it. I'm a little disappointed with my bending but finally pulling 400 on the axle in a contest more than makes up for it. mosher.gifmosher.gifNow if I could just lock out that 240 on the 2HP instead of stalling out half way up that would be even better.

- Aaron

You sure had 224 moving fast.

Good job everyone! Didn't someone say "watch out for Tim" after the last contest..? 2nd place! It's pretty amazing to only get beat by the likes of Aaron. Well done.

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Thanks everyone! Tim put on a great contest this year and the weather was awesome for it. I'm a little disappointed with my bending but finally pulling 400 on the axle in a contest more than makes up for it. mosher.gifmosher.gifNow if I could just lock out that 240 on the 2HP instead of stalling out half way up that would be even better.

- Aaron

You sure had 224 moving fast.

Good job everyone! Didn't someone say "watch out for Tim" after the last contest..? 2nd place! It's pretty amazing to only get beat by the likes of Aaron. Well done.


What hasn't been mentioned yet in this thread is the hurt that Paul put on that 735# Huge Brutal Hex - in my opinion, that kink was the most impressive single feat of the whole contest. Within two hits Paul had it at 90 degrees. I know people have bent 735# bars in the past, so it's nothing new, but he made it look completely effortless. That was a true display of power.

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Just got back to FTW ... Awesome trip!

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Looks like it was a great contest and a lot of fun! Well done everyone!

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Congrats on the win Aaron ! And congrats to all the competitors for a great looking show ! Damn, Where the hell did Tim come from,blink.gif great strength Tim. And Paul put together a sweet vid to top it all off.

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Congrats on the win Aaron ! And congrats to all the competitors for a great looking show ! Damn, Where the hell did Tim come from,blink.gif great strength Tim. And Paul put together a sweet vid to top it all off.

Thanks guys, Tim has been gradually getting stronger just about every workout and seems to be a sponge for my training advice. Won't be long before he's kicking my butt in all the lifts.

- Aaron

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Please PM me some advice for the DO thick bar deadlift. I'm making all this stuff as I go.


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I'm a little late .. been super busy since I got back because I missed a couple days work ...

Contest was superb, it ran smoothy and tightly nit. Each contest I make it out to, I'm learning a little more about what I need to do in oder to run a faster/smoother comp. Great job guys.

I want to thank Aaron and Tim for all of their kindness and hospitality. I stayed at Aaron's again and I think I put on a few pounds as a result ... I think I did the last couple of times I stayed there too lol. Heidi and Aaron make the best tasting, healthiest food a guy could eat. It was awesome! Fruit smoothies, omletes, breakfast wraps, french toast ... every meal was a 9 course gormet meal fit for a king. They constantly were asking me if I was hungery or wanted to go check out the Tuscon hot spots .. the hospitality never ended. Aaron - you ever come to FTW again for a comp or anything, my home is open to you and Heidi ... and of course the little one when she comes. Thanks a million times over!

Tim was awesome ... that man can grill! After the comp Tim grilled up some fat burgers (guacamole on the side - hell yeah) which was exactly what I needed especially after comp. He can grill as well as he can grip. Tim has become a monster! Tim is a man to watch right now in grip for sure ... he's got a good mommentum going. Cant' wait til Tim comes to TX in a few more weeks!

It was also great to meet some new faces .... I would double recommend to anyone thinking about checking out a comp to go to a AZ comp - you'll have a blast.

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