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Mobsters Big Day


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Good luck to Steve at tomorrows records day at Pullum sports. Last time I checked Steve was going to be trying to break the rolling thunder record, lift his millenium dumbbell, and close the #4 (just in case anybody needed reminding ;)).

Best of luck mate :)



Unfortunately I can't be there as I'm doing an arm wrestling comp. :blush

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Yes Good luck Steve!

He's told me that he's having a problem with his emails so anyone who hasn't had a reply off him, this could be the cause.

Also good luck to Jim who will be in an armwrestling contest tomorrow.


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I have to say that it takes b*lls to do what Steve is going to do tomorrow, putting his reputatioin on the line in public and going for some big records. Good luck to him.

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Just back on the board.

1) thanks for EVERYBODIES good wishes.

2) No records broken :(

3) I had that Mark Henry at my local gym the night before the big event and carrying the MDB in and out and to and from the gym 'knackers' ya (ask Oldguy what that means).

I'm still puffed out but even though the weights lifted weren't top poundages and I want to thank all that came and were involved again (even Terry Todd for the Mark Henry opportunity - more on this later) it has been a hell of a tiring eventful week.

More soon after I have rested my weary head. I will try and get some of the 20 plus that came to post up their thoughts.


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Did Mark Have ago at the millenium?

Yes, he did. I don't know why Steve didn't mention it NOW what happened. Also, what he said about records may apply to only him and not say...Mark.


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Hope everyone had a great day at Pullums/mobsters strength bash! :rock

Sorry i couldn,t make it mate,but a few things came up.

It would have been even more worthy of attending just to shake the hand of the man who was the 1st to 1 arm clean and push press the Inch Replica! :rock

Hope that thers a lot more planned,maybe a summer spectacular,

when the weathers a bit kinder :D

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Brief synopsis.

Mark H has been here in the Uk since Wednesday and flew out late Saturday night. I had been in contact with Terry Todd and we hoped Mark and I would hook up.

The UK office of WWE wanted to have Mark lift the MDB as a promotional tool (a la a previous attempt with the Inch) and was trying to get the media involved.

On Thursday it was still iffy as to whether or not an attempt would be made. I had a call from the office saying a planned photo shoot with the Sun newspaper (circ 4-6 million) had been replaced by an interview on BBC digital (BTW Mark appeared in the Star paper - it has a wrestling section and also on a kids TV show Saturday am).

So I rang my mate Terry Todd and said I was of the opinion that Mark would not want to miss a chance - cameras or not - and could Terry twist some arms.

So... Friday evening sees me carrying the db down to a chaffeured car and we go to my local gym where I carry it in (feeling tired just thinking about it :blink )

We set up some rubber matting and I wonder wether he will go for air time or will he fail completely. I think 'do I want him to get it or not?'.

I tell him that I (no pics on that occasion) had finally lifted it from the floor (no books) 2 x in the week prior to Friday. Once on the Sunday with no books and no chalk. And again on the Tuesday - my last w/o before Sat - no books just db and floor.

So (yes pics were taken I'm getting them done 2morrow) Mark emptys his bladder and does his prep, phyches himself up and bang left hand, level as you like ( :blink ) up to the knee. He moves, pounds the floor with his foot and POW right hand - same again. In the next five mins he does the same again at least three times with each hand.

Finally, a la Mobster and the Inch, the MDB starts getting lower and lower and falls from the hand and refuses to budge.

I, with the 2nd biggest ego here (sorry syber ;) ), cannot resist showing that I can do it too and do it 2 x with my right hand but with my now patented tilt.

The clock says we have been at the gym an hour but that seemed like a lie and its time for Mark, the WWE escort, his driver and I (with my big day still to come) to make our way home. Poor Mark is so tired that he cannot lift the bell down to the car and almost rolls the 228 pounder down the back stairs of the gym. They are made of metal and we all thought they had collapsed!

So I do my usual belt, chain and carry (like a dipping chain I use the hips and thighs. Mark, nice guy that he is, puts it into the car and I carry it up 17 bloody stairs to my house again (knowing I will have to repeat the journey again on Saturday :whacked ).

And that was Friday. I neglected to mention carrying my PC to Crayford to get it repaired and carrying it home again and as to whether this too drained me...

Now before this is locked let me post Saturday's event and I will email the pics as soon as they are available (Monday night hopefully).

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