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It's Imperative...


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...to get the perfect set with your gripper. To reiterate and demonstrate what has already been advised on the board concerning this subject, I will share with you the results of the scientific experiment I conducted this morning. After casually picking up and placing a trainer deep in the palm of my hand (towards the wrists), I made a foolish spectacle of myself as I strained to bring the handles to parallel. I am now capable of closing the #3, with the proper set, which for me means placing the handle just below where my fingers meet my palm. I really believe that if the gripper starts to "twist" in your hand as you near closure, it's simply a matter of the force applied by your fingers being directed back into the palm or your hand, as opposed to being directed in line with the other handle. And this is caused by a set that's too close to your wrist. Your fingers can only stretch so far, and more importantly, they can maintain optimal leverage for only so much of their range of motion. So, if you haven't bothered to experiment with various positions in your hand, both up and down, side to side, and "angle-wise", you could be shorting yourself much needed leverage. Personally, with my small hands, after positioning and holding the bottom handle with my other thumb, I must then use the first two fingers of the other hand to bring the top handle down to not quite parallel, in order to get my pinkie around the handle a bit. This is not cheating, it's simply customizing the gripper to your hand size.

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Which is why the chapter on gripper technique is right up in front in the KTA program ebook. Hey Eric, didn't you buy the ebook? ;)

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Yes, I did buy the KTA program and a I give it high recommendations.

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Guest sjeff70

"...with the proper set, which for me means placing the handle just below where my fingers meet my palm."

For experimental purposes I just tried to set a gripper that high in my hand. I would have to have the gripper nearly closed to set a gripper that high. :blink My hand length is 8 1/4" from wrist to finger tip.

I see your point. When I'm setting a gripper, I make like I'm going to pinch grip something, and then set the gripper against my thumb pad. So actually...after the gripper is set, if I were to open my hand, the gripper is actually set slightly higher than the middle of my palm. The reason I set it like this is because I can set it in exactly the same spot everytime. I thank you for your observation, I will be experimenting with slightly higher settings in the future.

Eric, you really do have small hands! :)


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Yeh, they're 7 3/4 inches, with a disproportionate amount of that figure being palm length. My middle finger is only 3 1/4 inches. My pinkie measures 2 3/8 inches.

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You know how I set my gripper, I just place it on all the callouces formed on my palm from where the gripper is, perfect set everytime

I do it too but this monday, my callouse ripped open after several closes on my #3. No pain until the end of the workout. It began to hurt when I washed my hands. I didn't train wednesday but will do tonight. I now have pink skin in my palm, thing I hadn't have in the last 2 years. :blink

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