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Mighty Mitts Training

The Natural

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I got to see Chad move through a thickbar workout the volume of which is about what the average gripster does in a month's time. I hit the breaks halfway through, to avoid overtraining, and also to let him continue at his own pace unimpeded. The training was as much a testament to his lower back strength as it was to his grip, given the poundages and reps he was using on axle deadlifts and thickbar farmer's walks. I would say more, but Chad said he would prefer things to remain in secrecy. "Let your plans be dark and as impenatrable as night, and when you move, fall like a lightning-bolt."--Sun Tzu. Perhaps the biggest surprise came when I looked on his wall to find a piece of printer paper taped there, listing a workout that included similar volume on three other days of the week, all thick bar. Somehow Chad manages to train thickbar with the same frquency as any other type of grip.

The atmosphere helped me to hit some PR's.

TNS, #3


A few minutes later I TNS'd the #3 with my left hand as well.

RT, New Handle, 207


I also pulled 405 on Chad's axle, with ease. I always tend to do better on his axle, whether it's the texture or just the intensity of the atmosphere.

Overall a great training day. Chad is ready to come home with some prize money.

Edited by The Natural
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Nobody ever outworks Chad - he will be as prepared as is humanly possible.

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Thanks for coming over Rex. Congrats on your grip PR's that you hit...you have really improved on your grip strength :mosher


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Those were both very good performances.

The TNS close, very easy. You should get Certified as a COC.

M Ali's photo on the wall in the background of your RT lift, you being a Tyson fan and all, must have been the reason for the easy pull :whistel:tongue

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I wouldn't recognize Rex at 207lbs! blink.giflaugh.gif

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nice job Rex, you inspire me.


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Thanks everyone. Again, I would say more about where Chad is at right now, but that's not what he wants. What I did is more of a footnote compared to the write-up he deserves. I'm sure he'll take what is his on March 5th and 6th.

Chris J., I think you could have pushed him a bit more than me on the thickbar! It would be something else seeing you two battle it out on the axle.

Rico, I think you're one video away from reviving interest in the double blob farmer's walk. You'll do some inspiring yourself when that rolls around.

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Rex (or Chad if your reading along)

ive really never talked to Chad, but do you know if he uses a squats as the basis of his strength workouts. i ask this since i feel much of my raw power in whatever i do is backed up by squats, and i believe they help me in all areas including grip or anything for that matter. do you know what im trying to ask?


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Rex (or Chad if your reading along)

ive really never talked to Chad, but do you know if he uses a squats as the basis of his strength workouts. i ask this since i feel much of my raw power in whatever i do is backed up by squats, and i believe they help me in all areas including grip or anything for that matter. do you know what im trying to ask?


We both squatted before training grip that day. Chad squats regularly, as do I. In my opinion, a "grip specific" squat program that could yield benefit to anyone, even those who cannot use maximum weights for health reasons, is to squat up to 70 percent of one's max (a theoretical max is fine) every day, doing triples all the way up to the top single for the day. Doing it right before one's grip training would be ideal, but even if it is done much earlier in the day, there will still be benefit.

Thanks Carl!

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