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Grippers Vs Grip Machines

Six Barrel Shotgun

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I searched after a thread with this specific discussion, and didn't find any thread, so please link me if there is any.

In terms of building the best crushing strenght (strenght for crushing something with your hand/s). Which is better, Grippers, or Grip Machines? Probably a combination right, but if you have to choose one of them?

I am thinking about buying a grip machine to improve my crushing strenght, but not sure if I should buy more grippers for the money, instead?


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I'd say grip machine so you can gradually increase the resistance.. however if you intend to be a captain of crush no 3 closer or a mash monster ,you will have to get used to the feel of the gripper and learn the different techniques to set up etc.

But, just for crushing strength go for the machine.

Hope this helps, there are more qualified members here than me and perhaps they will have a different answer.

What ever you decide train hard and don't set limits on yourself

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If your interest is in actually closing grippers - then grippers it is but I agree with Chris - the machine offers advantages for a more overall strength development.

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I searched after a thread with this specific discussion, and didn't find any thread, so please link me if there is any.

In terms of building the best crushing strenght (strenght for crushing something with your hand/s). Which is better, Grippers, or Grip Machines? Probably a combination right, but if you have to choose one of them?

I am thinking about buying a grip machine to improve my crushing strenght, but not sure if I should buy more grippers for the money, instead?


Buy more Grippers!

The way Grippers are designed is that the pressure to close gets harder at the end, whereas on grip machines the pressure to close is constant throughout.

The way our hands want to work and train is that as they close the resistance increases.

I've had great success with grippers and no improvement with grip machines. I find it that grip machines pinch your hands and don't allow for maximum effort like that of grippers.

It all depends on the individual but you can make very great progress with just training on grippers alone (without ever touching any other exercise).

I actually feel it's possible to close a #3 with training only on grippers - without adding pinch, thick bar, grip machine, or anything else.

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IMO, grip machines are great to build your base hand strength that can carry over to all specific grip movements. When I am strong with my machines I can convert that strength over with some training on the specific implement I am trying to improve on. They aren't a quick fix to improving your gripper strength but put the time in and they will pay off in the end.

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If your interest is in actually closing grippers - then grippers it is

^ This.

Gripper machines can have good carry-over to grippers, but to actually get good a grippers, you're gonna have to train on them. I really like my SW for training the close on my grippers, but you won't be able to replicate the close, set, etc. of grippers well enough to get as good on them as you would if you were training with grippers specifically.

It also depends on what grippers you've got now. If you've got a decent spread already, go with the machine. If your collection is sparse, add more grippers.

Btw, the SW is the best gripper machine, IMO.

Edited by Magnus
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If your interest is in actually closing grippers - then grippers it is

^ This.

Gripper machines can have good carry-over to grippers, but to actually get good a grippers, you're gonna have to train on them. I really like my SW for training the close on my grippers, but you won't be able to replicate the close, set, etc. of grippers well enough to get as good on them as you would if you were training with grippers specifically.

It also depends on what grippers you've got now. If you've got a decent spread already, go with the machine. If your collection is sparse, add more grippers.

Btw, the SW is the best gripper machine, IMO.

The SW is the best grip machine for closing grippers perhaps but for an overall hand strength workout that carries over to all aspects of grip - I would have to disagree and go with a different machine. My favorite is the Atomic Athlete Sniper Grip Machine actually - carry over to my rock climbing is far better than anything else I have ever used. Most of my grip goals have nothing to do with grippers so I find gripper training less productive than a lot of other things. The goal is to keep the goal the goal is all.

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Thanks for replies.

I am talking about development for general crushing strenght, not specific "closing gripper strenght".

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"I'd say grip machine so you can gradually increase the resistance.."

Yes, you can never get so many different grippers as of how many different resistances you can get on grip machine, i have thought too. :)

".. however if you intend to be a captain of crush no 3 closer or a mash monster ,you will have to get used to the feel of the gripper and learn the different techniques to set up etc."

I have actually closed the CoC #3 a couple of times :) But those words are not so heavy without a video! Hope to be able to crush it again on video someday.

"But, just for crushing strength go for the machine"

Thanks! Maybe I do this.

DannyGrip. Thanks for your input. This is worth thinking about..

Wade Gillingham and climber511:

Just the posts I was hoping for. I am interested/impassioned to get strong hands for many different aspects, and not just to close grippers.


I got about 10 grippers now (fast counted)! Maybe its time for a grip machine to evolve my grip strenght! :)

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Guest Bullitt

It sounds like you have plenty of grippers, which work you crushing strength. A grip machine, while offering a more variable resistance, will still mainly work your crushing strength. If you are looking for overall grip strength, IMHO, it sounds like it's time to branch out and start working your pinch and supporting grip strength. Block weights, pinch blocks, and some kind of thick bar implement will do more to give you all around grip strength than another implement to improve your crush. Maybe even add a TTK or heavy pony clamp to the list in order to work your thumb dynamically to really hit all aspects. While there is some carryover, until you master all of these areas, you really won't have all around grip strength. That's my two cents anyway. The other thing I would suggest is to improve your overall strength and your grip strength will improve as well.

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Sorry for the misunderstanding!

I am meaning general crushing strenght.

I am regulary working my pinch and supporting grip, and more. I work with TTK 2-3 times a week.

It sounds like you have plenty of grippers, which work you crushing strength. A grip machine, while offering a more variable resistance, will still mainly work your crushing strength. If you are looking for overall grip strength, IMHO, it sounds like it's time to branch out and start working your pinch and supporting grip strength. Block weights, pinch blocks, and some kind of thick bar implement will do more to give you all around grip strength than another implement to improve your crush. Maybe even add a TTK or heavy pony clamp to the list in order to work your thumb dynamically to really hit all aspects. While there is some carryover, until you master all of these areas, you really won't have all around grip strength. That's my two cents anyway. The other thing I would suggest is to improve your overall strength and your grip strength will improve as well.

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Sorry for the misunderstanding!

I am meaning general crushing strenght.

I am regulary working my pinch and supporting grip, and more. I work with TTK 2-3 times a week.

It sounds like you have plenty of grippers, which work you crushing strength. A grip machine, while offering a more variable resistance, will still mainly work your crushing strength. If you are looking for overall grip strength, IMHO, it sounds like it's time to branch out and start working your pinch and supporting grip strength. Block weights, pinch blocks, and some kind of thick bar implement will do more to give you all around grip strength than another implement to improve your crush. Maybe even add a TTK or heavy pony clamp to the list in order to work your thumb dynamically to really hit all aspects. While there is some carryover, until you master all of these areas, you really won't have all around grip strength. That's my two cents anyway. The other thing I would suggest is to improve your overall strength and your grip strength will improve as well.

how much weight do you need to use on the grip machine to get to a number three. i know number one is 100 or so pounds of pressure. but, put hundred pound on the grip machine they feel alot different.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I am talking about development for general crushing strenght, not specific "closing gripper strenght".

Dear Mr. Six Barrel,

This is the great and mighty Sybersnott speaking - so if I were you, I'd pay close attention to what I have to say on this subject. :)

As an owner of several grip machines, and having owned quite a few grippers myself, I would say you would get the most benefit out of having and using a basic plate loading grip machine.

Having the right grip machine can work wonders even though you are not using said such machine for closing big grippers as you claim. It doesn't matter, USE THE GRIP MACHINE. Buy one or make it yourself, then load it up and go to work! Different grip machines will do different things (duh!), and you are only limited by weight used and time spent; more time using the machine and greater weight will better your results of course.

Closing a particular gripper is a goal to measure yourself or knowing where you stand with others strength-wise only. I believe working on gaining your strength working only with the grippers is the slowest method; I myself got nowhere on the #3 until I got the SW and started working with it. It took me from coming oh so close on the #3 to absolutely mastering it, YMMV. If you need a recommendation on a basic plate loader, just PM me.

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Thanks for reply Sybersnott.

I will most probably buy a grip machine when the friggin weather is better (i train outside).

I am thinking about this grip machine since it is the only grip machine i know of, that a swedish web company sells (= cheaper shipping). Its apparently called "Power gripper" and on the picture you see "Future Class".

Anyone know if its a good grip machine or a bad one.. ?


Edited by Six Barrel Shotgun
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Thanks for reply Sybersnott.

I will most probably buy a grip machine when the friggin weather is better (i train outside).

I am thinking about this grip machine since it is the only grip machine i know of, that a swedish web company sells (= cheaper shipping). Its apparently called "Power gripper" and on the picture you see "Future Class".

Anyone know if its a good grip machine or a bad one.. ?


does anyone have a clue on how much weight on a grip machine is needed, to crush a number three gripps.

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Does this thing only work crushing strength? If so, then why buy a $150-$200 piece of equipment when you can get a set of bone crushers for like $50 in 6 different levels ranging from 100-350 lbs? Does it really work wonders as stated? I guess if it worked for Kinney, it will work for me :mosher

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Thanks for reply Sybersnott.

I will most probably buy a grip machine when the friggin weather is better (i train outside).

I am thinking about this grip machine since it is the only grip machine i know of, that a swedish web company sells (= cheaper shipping). Its apparently called "Power gripper" and on the picture you see "Future Class".

Anyone know if its a good grip machine or a bad one.. ?


Yes, now that's a basic plate loading grip machine. Get it and load it up HEAVY!

Edited by Sybersnott
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Guest Bullitt
Closing a particular gripper is a goal to measure yourself or knowing where you stand with others strength-wise only. I believe working on gaining your strength working only with the grippers is the slowest method;

Everyone is different. I went from closing an HG250 to a 3.5 in just a few months using only grippers and doing DO deadlifts on an oly bar. If you are making good progress on the grippers, then why spend the money? If you are stalled out like snott was, then it may be a good buy, or you may just need to change your training. I just think a lot of people buy tons of different equipment to work on their grip strength, when it usually boils down to just plain working harder with a few simple implements they have and getting stronger overall. The guys you see tear it up on here and at contests typically follow that path.

Frank Snyder has gotten well above 3.5 level working mostly grippers and the kid's only like 14 or something. :tongue He doesn't have any fancy machines (he makes a lot of his own equipment). He just works his butt off and has really worked on getting his overall strength up.

Crush grippers, lift a thick bar, pinch something and bust your ass in the gym to get strong overall.

But that's just me. I hate to spend money on fancy contraptions when, 99% of the time, the answer to better grip strength lies in the effort I put into what I have laying around in casa Rindo.

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Everyone is different. I went from closing an HG250 to a 3.5 in just a few months using only grippers and doing DO deadlifts on an oly bar. If you are making good progress on the grippers, then why spend the money?

Crush grippers, lift a thick bar, pinch something and bust your ass in the gym to get strong overall.

Doing just grippers and NOTHING BUT GRIPPERS has to be the slowest method towards progression IMO. When I certed, I had no formal weight training and working on grippers and a grip machine only; it was only after I certed that I began lifting weights (I got into the weightlifting gig real late in life). I admire you guys lifting! I just wish I had done it years before - oh well, better late than never!

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  • 4 weeks later...

well if its limited on money id go for an extended handle gripper for negatives something fairly hard, get something for overcrushes probly a heavy gripper because your going to be filing it n e way and something for reps i know wade sells some great stuff including the extended handle grippers so id check into those

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