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2010 Goals


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Anyone besides me having a hard time coming up with goals for the new year? I usually have this big list but nothing is really calling to me right now. Is anyone even working on them?

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Yessir. But for this year, instead of just naming a bunch of miscellaneous feats that I probably won't even train for, I made a list of things that I really plan on accomplishing.

230lb 2hp






600lb deadlift

365lb bench

I'll take everything else as it comes. I'd really like to lift the fatman clone, but I'm not really sure how attainable that is for this year. It's ridiculous.

Edited by Magnus
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Anyone besides me having a hard time coming up with goals for the new year? I usually have this big list but nothing is really calling to me right now. Is anyone even working on them?

Maintenance and getting back to where I was...after that maybe start looking! ;)

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In order of probability and intended focus.

Deadlift 500+

Pinch 100kg

Squat 400+

Bench 300

DO Axle 300+



Nothing on there is too far from where I am now, aside from the grippers. I should be able to reach them sometime in 2010.

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Get my MM1

2hp 200 +

2 45's pinch

300 + axle

Get my bodyweight over 200.

Have a crap load of fun training with my homies and hitting PR's . phone.gif

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Try a Euro pinch, never touched one before

Dead 765, squat 705

bench 505

train grip once a week

stay injury free

Make the BBB good enough to make up for cancelling last year

Edited by John Beatty
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In order of probability and intended focus.

Deadlift 500+

Pinch 100kg

Squat 400+

Bench 300

DO Axle 300+



Nothing on there is too far from where I am now, aside from the grippers. I should be able to reach them sometime in 2010.

What about The Planche!?

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In order of probability and intended focus.

Deadlift 500+

Pinch 100kg

Squat 400+

Bench 300

DO Axle 300+



Nothing on there is too far from where I am now, aside from the grippers. I should be able to reach them sometime in 2010.

What about The Planche!?

I continue to strive for what seems like a futile endeavor. I have done a straddle planche for a second or two, can do a good tuck planche for 3-5 seconds and the rest is slow coming.

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Guest Bullitt

Close #4

lift fatman blob

2HP 225

DO axle DL 400#

1" vbar 402#

DO oly deadlift 500#

Bench 315

Squat (deep): 315

finish top 3 in a grip contest

finish top 5 at Nationals or Gripmas

Have more fun in 2010 than I did in 2009, which is going to be hard. :mosher

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pinch 2x45. I should have done this a while ago.

2hp 230. I think the sub goal here is to get my head straight with this lift.

close a #4 at gripmas next year. I think this is a gimme.

get my mm0 done.

300 on the 2" v-bar in a comp.

get 4 plates on an axle dead.

keep improving my conditioning and flexibility/mobility.

compete in at least 1 highlander game, at least 5 highland games, 2-3 AW tourneys, 1 strongman comp, and 5 grip comps.

lever a 20# hammer out of the rice cage.

get together with people to train more often. this was probably the thing I did that was the best this last year.


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MM1 & MM2

Reverse Bend a Red

350# 1" V-bar

200+ 2HP

200# one hand axle lift

20+# sledge lever

600# deadlift

500# squat

350# bench

250# strict military press

Not to sure about how the grippers are going to go because now I'm having to much fun with the pinching and V-bar.

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In order of priority..

close # 3.5

650lbs deadlift

600 squat

350 bench

oh yeah...work on my pinch strenth big time!! i need to pinch 2 45's asap, i have totally ignored my pinch so far...

for now...

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300kg squat (wraps)

300kg dead

180kg bench

180kg push press

140kg strict press

115kg+ euro pinch

Press the inch DB for 5 reps.

Great goals here everyone good luck hope you all hit them and more!

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Bench 300 in rack starting a few " from chest

DO Axle 305 lbs

lift the BLOB50

5 tens pinch

2 45 plates HUB lift


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@ 190 pounds bodyweight...

squat 500

bench 315

deadlift 550

press 225

clean and jerk 300

snatch 245

coc #2

enter one of each, weightlifting, powerlifting, strongman contest locally and have a blast.

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250 RT, new handle, both hands

Do an APA strength sports comp, stict OHP 315, pull something big, strict curl 185


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250 RT, new handle, both hands

Do an APA strength sports comp, stict OHP 315, pull something big, strict curl 185


im with Rex, id like to work on the my waistline a little, ill take my goals as a can get them, school is tough for me right now. id also like to improve on:

2hp over 200lbs


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Good luck on your goals everyone!!!

I just want to add as much as I can to all of my exercises, I don't have defined goals, but I want to do 3 sets of 5 reps with 90kg on the strict standing press cause it's my favourite exercise at this time :D

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250 RT, new handle, both hands

Do an APA strength sports comp, stict OHP 315, pull something big, strict curl 185


im with Rex, id like to work on the my waistline a little, ill take my goals as a can get them, school is tough for me right now. id also like to improve on:

2hp over 200lbs


Rico, I was not sincere about the abs as a goal, but at the same time I wouldn't mind having them if they didn't hurt strength. The big waistline really boosts overhead strength.

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Agreed - i've always found people with smaller waistlines tend to crumble with awkward objects like axles and logs overhead. I'll keep my gut and shoot for that 400lb overhead :upsidedwn LOL

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