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Gripper At The Office


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I brought in 12 IM grippers and 6 RB Grippers, from the IM Sport all the way to the RB365 to my office at work. I started a list of right and left handed closes for all of my co-workers. This was about 5 months ago. Now there are about 30 people on the list, with about 6 or so that stop by regularly to try and move up the ladder. I'm an engineer at Lockheed Martin and I sit in cubicle heaven. Very office space like.

It seems that most women can close the guide, few the sport and a trainer closer is a rare find.

Most of the guys can get to the Trainer, but the #1 or RB130 stops them dead in their tracks.

One guy got to the #2.5 MMS within about 3 months. Very impressive.

Edited by airdevil
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When I got my IM Trainer, 1, 1.5, and 2, I let my girlfriend try and I think she was able to close the Trainer. She is pretty tough and her hands are almost as long as mine, so I think that she'd be able to close the No. 1 after not too long.

Being a student currently it would be a bit odd if I whipped out a bunch of grippers before class, but I plan on getting my male relatives to try out the grippers when they come over to visit. One of my uncles is a farmer/farm equipment mechanic with huge forearms and I've been really interested in how he'd do with grippers.

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My wife can close the IM #1 right hand.

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When I got my IM Trainer, 1, 1.5, and 2, I let my girlfriend try and I think she was able to close the Trainer. She is pretty tough and her hands are almost as long as mine, so I think that she'd be able to close the No. 1 after not too long.

Being a student currently it would be a bit odd if I whipped out a bunch of grippers before class, but I plan on getting my male relatives to try out the grippers when they come over to visit. One of my uncles is a farmer/farm equipment mechanic with huge forearms and I've been really interested in how he'd do with grippers.

I'm not sure how odd it would come across... everytime I show them to someone and explain what I am using them for, there is usually some interest. Not very often does someone dismiss it completely... Maybe they are thinking Weirdo in their head!

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lol i pulled mine out before class and showed some people, fun stuff

I hope we're still talking about grippers :yikes

I took mine in to where I used to work, a few got the #1 and one guy who worked as a fitter in the labs mashed my #2 virtually no set.

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i brought the # 1, 2, 2.5, 3 and 3.5 at work:

-2 out of 14 people closed the # 1

-Most people thought anything above the 2 was some kind of joke...until i showed them.

-but i work in a office with people that are not very physical...

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Its probably one of the best ways to find someone who is gifted in the grip department and show them our world...

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My wife can close the IM #1 right hand.

My missus can close my #1 as well. I think it's from packing stretchers around all day. That and being a Finn. :tongue

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Its probably one of the best ways to find someone who is gifted in the grip department and show them our world...

Hey!! i just read that your an engineer at Lockheed!! I'm an structural engineer at L3-MAS and we work on the F18s. We also work in a cubicle heaven...like most of the aeronautical world. Wow cool...

Some guys actually seemed interested in getting a stronger grip...some felt it was time to get back in shape...I gave one of them my #1 over the holidays so he could practice.

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My wife can close the IM #1 right hand.

My missus can close my #1 as well. I think it's from packing stretchers around all day. That and being a Finn. :tongue

Oh, she gets no credit then. She can't help but be good at grippers.

Edited by Magnus
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Its probably one of the best ways to find someone who is gifted in the grip department and show them our world...

Hey!! i just read that your an engineer at Lockheed!! I'm an structural engineer at L3-MAS and we work on the F18s. We also work in a cubicle heaven...like most of the aeronautical world. Wow cool...

Some guys actually seemed interested in getting a stronger grip...some felt it was time to get back in shape...I gave one of them my #1 over the holidays so he could practice.

Nice. I work on the Hellfire II missiles...

There are definitely a few that keep coming around to improve themselves. When they ask why I do it, I tell them that I'm a rock climber. Although that is true, the crushing grip doesn't carry over to well.

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When I got my grippers I did the same thing. Also, took a variety of steel to see what the "average Joe" could bend.

As for the women, my wife couldn't close the sport but 2 girls at work could. Neither could close the trainer but my trainer is probably above average.

For the men, a suprising ammount of able bodied guys couldn't close it. Maybe 50 percent. Only 2 or three guys could close my #1 and it wasn't who I would've guessed. I didn't show them a deep set or anything, just showed how to set it like Kinney did, just enought to get your fingers around it. My #1 is almost like my 1.5 though and smooth knurling from 06.

For the bending, most guys who were fairly stout could bend 3/16 square overhand and only one guy could do 1/4 round hot rolled and his best was an easier G2 bolt. Nobody could brace bend a 3/8 by 12 inch piece completely and one big guy tackled a 9/16 by 3 foot bar and got a good bend in it but couldn't finish it for him.

In order to appreciate what happens on this board, you have to know what "average" is.


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