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20-lbs Lever - Loadable Handle


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I know it's not really strict and I can see my wrist drops below the elbow, but what about the rest? Is it OK that I basically lose it on the way down and it crashes into my head? I'm definitely weak at that point of the negative.



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Guest Bullitt

I know it's not really strict and I can see my wrist drops below the elbow, but what about the rest? Is it OK that I basically lose it on the way down and it crashes into my head? I'm definitely weak at that point of the negative.



Ouch! That looked painful. :trout:laugh

Other than wacking yourself in the head it looked pretty good. Your hand dipped a bit, but wasn't horrible. You also gave it a little Eli push with the forehead, but I catch myself doing that too. Nice job with your first attempt at a 20! :mosher

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A strong employ of the Kiener method as Mike pointed out, strong dip and so on. It was anything but strict, but managing that much weight on a sledge is difficult. Keep working at it Darin, it'll get easier in a matter of weeks if you hammer it ;)

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Besides the lump it left on your head, it's a great start at that weight. It will get easier & easier with practice.

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While not a highly recommended technique - the "head butt" is highly effective :whacked . Good work with a heavy hammer! It will come soon.

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You look very strong in the lever, but for saftey's sake, use a lighter weight until you can control the negative portion.

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Thanks for the input guys! It actual didn't hurt at all bumping my head, lol. I have a hard head and those plates are rubber/plastic coated.

I didn't even realize that I was pushing with my forehead. So that's something to work on for sure. I can hit 17.5-lbs pretty solidly. This 20-lbs is a different story. I normally don't work up that heavy. Just seeing if I could, and I'm aware it's not pretty. I don't do a lot of leverage so it's good to get some feedback.

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i like the forehead push and danceing! good start for a heavy lever!


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i like the forehead push and danceing! good start for a heavy lever!


Heh, well, hopefully next time that won't be a factor :P Thanks man!

Ouch!!!wacko.gifwacko.gifwacko.gifwacko.gif Still a great attempt Darinmosher.gif I didn't know you were that strong on the sledge leversbuttrock.gif

Thanks Carl! I don't know if I'd say I'm "that strong on the sledge levers", haha. I obviously have some room for improvement :D But I appreciate the positive feedback!

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I know it's not really strict and I can see my wrist drops below the elbow, but what about the rest? Is it OK that I basically lose it on the way down and it crashes into my head? I'm definitely weak at that point of the negative.



Thats exactly what happens when I try to lever my 22lbs sledge. I can't control the negative part so I must catch it with my other hand before it reaches my forehead.

Nice try and with little work you'll manage the negative easily.

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